Salt, sugar, msg, rats and roaches running about cooking often poor quality food in old palm oil served on not very clean plates and bowls. Not my idea of paradise.
They round the buggers up near us- then dump them somewhere else. They break fences, pull down media lines, attack kids, scratch your car up if you are daft enough to stop and feed them and can be very aggressive.
well hes at it again, all over tik tok daily and a pest, had to turn notifications off as always getting messages to watch him live cooking and selling burgers, must be the same guy. Goes under captain's corner burgers
Should be shot along with soi dogs, we have monkeys near us, nothing but trouble, at least they have more sense than the dogs and keep out of the traffic.
So the millions that have streamed across the border in the past 3 years is all made up then and it got so bad none were moved onto democrat sanctuary cities who soon started to complain, all made up as well, even though they are on film 😄
How about the guy selling burgers on the street in Bangkok and putting himself all over the internet, does he get away with it cos hes a double amputee?
How was it massively effective? other than proving he could do what most 12 years olds could- reading somebody else's words off an auto cue, without making a total mess of it. Came across as what he is, an angry somewhat confused old man out of his depth.