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Everything posted by Keeps

  1. Thank you to everyone who has replied. Each and every one a really helpful and useful response. Very much appreciated.
  2. When the lights have been fully dimmed there is always at least one person who decides to lift the window shade to have a look outside (what exactly do they expect to see at 30,000ft?) and then, even more annoyingly, doesn't close it fully so there is a blinding gleam of light shining when you are trying to get some kip. That's my experience anyway and seems to happen on every long haul flight I take. Yes, I do ask them (if they are still awake which often they are not) or a stewardess to close it but I don't like to make a fuss. 555
  3. I do read the forum fairly regularly - your posts? Not so much. I tend to pass them by as I know they will be of little or no value to me. Occasionally I will click on one just to see if you are maintaining your deeply anti-British stance and you rarely disappoint..... I don't mind that - I like a bit of uniformity to my day.
  4. Could have fooled me with the anti-British vitriol you spout here on an almost daily basis. You can't have your cake and eat it (look it up if you do not know the meaning).
  5. Yesterday, first thing, I went to see the dentist you recommended. A little trouble finding it initially as Google Maps shows it as being opposite Amora hotel whereas it is actually opposite the end of Loy Kroh Road. Not sure if they have recently moved premises. Anyway, they booked me an appointment for 2pm yesterday. Had an x-ray and the tooth in question was 'condemned'. Had an extraction (with some difficulty as the tooth had a complete vertical split). Lots of pulling and tugging but eventually came out. Mr/Dr. Pongsakorn was excellent - explained everything clearly and in detail (even pointed out a crack in another tooth that might give me problems in the future). Gave me the tooth to show to my dentist in the UK. Total bill 1,000 baht for x-ray, extraction and pain relief. Pain free for the first time in days. An excellent recommendation from yourself so thanks again for responding to my request.
  6. When you see these roadside cocktail stalls knocking out a cocktail with maybe 3 or 4 shots of spirits for 60-80 baht do you really think the spirits are going to be the 'real deal'?
  7. Thank you very much for the prompt response - much appreciated. Not too far at all from where I am. I will go there first thing in the morning. Thanks again.
  8. Anyone have any advice of a dentist EARLY tomorrow. I don't want Sripat Dental centre as have already been in touch with them and no immediate appointments available. Today, an upper back molar has split in half and I am genuinely in a world of pain (previously advised by a UK dentist that it was cracked but told to wait for it to go 'tits up' before seeking treatment). I can walk around tomorrow morning to find a dentist but likely opening 9am or later? I've actually got a UK dentist appointment in 2 weeks time when I am back in the UK for a visit but certainly can't wait until then. I'm not sure whether a temporary patch up would be the best option although I'm more than happy to have the bugger whipped out straight away if it will alleviate the pain. I'm in the Thapae area if anyone has any suggestions or advise? I've taken a couple of co-codamol for tonight which has taken the edge of slightly but I really need to seek a bit of respite from the pain first thing tomorrow. Thanks in advance for any suggestions and advice.
  9. It would seem that the Thai standard stock cubes do contain MSG. However, there is a non MSG version (link below) but not sure whether they are available in Thailand in 7/11 etc. Would be able to source them online though. What are the ingredients in Knorr stock cubes? One cube can make 500ml of stock. Salt, Flavor Enhancers: Monosodium Glutamate, Disodium Inosinate, Disodium Guanylate, Fats and Oils, Yeast Extract, Hydrogenated Vegetable Fat, Herbs, Dehydrated Onion, Sugar, Turmeric, Coloring: E150c: Dehydrated Parsley, Dehydrated Celery. https://www.knorr.com/sg/p/chicken-stock-cubes-no-added-msg.html/08888086776567
  10. They do seem to be laden with salt and chemicals, not sure whether they now contain MSG. I think you do need to add a limited amount of salt to soups and stews for the taste but I usually use fresh or dried herbs for flavour. Even with a stock cube I don't think it's too bad if using in a soup or stew. One cube in a 4 portion pot would be my limit.
  11. Went the distance? It was 8 rounds of 2 minutes. About the third of a fight back in the day when it was 15 rounds and still less than half of a 12 rounder. Still, fair play to a man of his age, certainly more fit than most people nudging 60. I Certainly wouldn't want to be beaten around the ring by Tyson 😉 The fight itself though was embarrassing. It surely eliminated all possibilities of a rematch.
  12. Wasn't it under Blair's stewardship that Gordon Brown, in his infinite wisdom, sold off in the region of 400 tonnes of gold for pennies in 1999. He stated that the money could be 'used better elsewhere'. And that was the Chancellor of the fecking exchequer! That in today's terms is a pot of around of around £20bn. That could have paid for a lot of nurses, NHS costs, new schools (dare I say it - pensioners) etc ( or kept illegals in their lap of luxury for a fortnight or so).
  13. It's not often I agree with you but I do in this instance. Thailand (amongst other countries) is not the place to 'wing it' and hope for the best, fingers crossed. If you want to have a long, happy retirement in place then you need the financials in place as well. Changes in political/financial stance can bite you on the ar$e very quickly. That aside, each to their own. If they feel they will have a better life over here then I totally applaud that. However, they have to be accepting of technological advancements and accept that the past may not be the future.
  14. Thank you both - much appreciated. I find that even sadder that I need to use an external search engine to find what I want rather than a search engine within the site itself. Says a lot really. Thanks again.
  15. I tried to locate and add this to an existing thread regarding Chiang Mai restaurants. Could I find it? No? Anybody else find the search function on here utterly useless? Seems that if it's not a thread posted/or commented on recently then you are buggered. Yes, I have tried searching for it, searching forums, trying to find old posts, notifications etc but to no avail. Probably down to my ineptitude. Before I waste any of my time and any anyone else's (that will come with the post I intended), can anyone provide a link to it or any advice on how to search before this negative post gets swarmed over and deleted. Thank you very much in advance.
  16. I really can't see Rachel Reeves loosening the purse strings to justifiably and rightly correct this anomaly (in my opinion) taking into account all the cost slashing she is undertaking in other areas. I think expats abroad who are currently treated unfairly (again - my opinion) will be at the very bottom of her agenda, particularly when it would entail an outflow of money, not an inflow. I appreciate that it involves reciprocal arrangements with other countries but if you have paid your dues I really can't see why you shouldn't be remunerated fairly, regardless of where you reside. You would still be taxed based on various thresholds and dependent on your alternative income. Surely, expats are a lesser financial burden to the UK state or am I missing something? Labour will be a one term party but I can't see any changes on the horizon regardless of which party is in charge next. I really hope I am wrong even though this doesn't affect me currently at my age.
  17. Do you maintain a UK address linked to your UK bank account if you don't mind me asking?
  18. I can only compare this fight to my Mrs reaction to my performance last night - a complete anti-climax (in more ways than one)....
  19. The £10 Xmas bonus is an absolute insult. It has been at that level since it was introduced in 1972 (when it was actually worth something). It should be around £100 in today's money. Increase it or scrap it.
  20. It's got a 'friendly' draw written all over it. Then they can go again for vast amounts of money. Might try and get a few quid on the draw. Think it was trading around 10/1.
  21. Anyone know the expected start time (Thai) for the fight? The Taylor v Serrano fight is underway. Just noticed that the Paul v Tyson fight is 8 x 2 minute rounds with the 14oz gloves on.
  22. I had it as well. Can't remember whether it was before or after 7pm Thai time when I popped out for an hour.
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