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Everything posted by BonMot

  1. Soap, alcohol effectively kill the virus. Yet, for over a year I've relaxed my paranoia and only clean my hands after using the toilet and have not used alcohol sanitizer for a year. Several long haul busses, long haul international flights, both wife and self work with large numbers of people. No covid or I should say... never tested positive. In the end, imo it's unhealthy people, unhealthy, co-morbidities and/or people just put directly in the path of the virus. I contend it spreads via contact no more than a typical flu or cold (edit)
  2. I just wear a stupid mask where Thai social norms dictate. I know it's entirely stupid ... but I'm not here to make political point. The Thai have to wake up on their own. Despite being married... I'm a guest. Even citizens don't make their own rules here. Sad.
  3. But they won't be consuming in the airport (unless Russian) and the bottle will be opened in another country. Too lol
  4. In Bangkok it's perfectly fine. I would expect issues in the provs but there are always issues in the provs. Everything is a step down and back /ward. I've read on TV that nonthaburi is legend for headaches. This is too bad for the province. I won't live there nor buy a home there. They lose.
  5. Not to hijack the thread but what happens if he falls short between the money imported and the price of the property?? Ex: Condo cost 3.3M Funds import/convert 3.15M Is it close enuff or need it be to the satang??
  6. My mother just took a commercial five hour flight. She's 91. Thousands of elderly fly daily in US. Biden is weak, infirm, mentally incapable. It's as plain as day.
  7. Didn't want repeat of himself wandering alone, lost, no one interested in taking to him, shaking hands with ghosts. He's so absolutely lost you'd have to be mentally challenged to vote for him in 2024. They impeached Trump on rubbish changes but the sitting POTUS clearly has diminished capacity.
  8. I fear it won't end. Dead serious. If people don't return to normal their actions will damage society permeantly. The way humans interact socially is challenged. People live in fear of one another. It's understandable if a person wears a mask for pm2. Covid is ridiculous. No one is wearing masks anywhere now in US. There, the farce is over.
  9. Asking a bunch of largely unmarried, unrooted expatriates that have left their cultures far behind if they support tradition. 555.
  10. I don't disagree which is why they are stuck where they are. In fact, this is true everywhere including US and why many think Fed will break, pivot. Best minds are 50/50. Yet, other issues will develop as the spread between the two currencies widens. It's quite a mess. Some Thai in press was quoted giving the following formula of USD THB weaking . 38 satang to . 25 rate increase. Some predict 4.6% before the Fed breaks. That could put the THB at 41 but I'm thinking 42-43 until Fed folds and bot substantially raises.
  11. There are a few tedious more details for marriage visa but it's not daunting. Better imo not tying up additional 400k forever at zero interest.
  12. Stating the obvious. Common wisdom you can defend a currency that is massive and widely traded - yen is perfect example. They'll get away with it for awhile but selling dollars, buying baht... it's futile. Also, central bank loses part if what propped up the currency (dollars). So, a fools errand. Need to raise rates.
  13. 200k thb? Month? Year? Along with the rule money needs to come from outside Thailand farang loans are rare as hen's teeth. Imagine interest rates would be high The international sources on the internet soliciting loans look expensive and scammy to me
  14. Thai cabinet approves 45-day stay for tourists entitled to visa exemption and 30 days with Visa on Arrival. Tourists may use this if they can get past the Immigration officer and the multitude of ignorant questions. FTFY
  15. It's fine. I can't read Thai. I live in Thailand. I'm appreciative for any effort. I bet this was painted on by someone who barely made it thru some <deleted> public school but still can write that. Thanks. Typical tourists shouldn't be on red busses anyway. Most will avoid all buses not running to from aairport. Foreigner should know which bus they're getting on beforehand. Simples. Every year they get softer. Tempest in a teacup
  16. Except it doesn't work like that lol
  17. But the difference is and you've wholly missed it... I'm not complaining. I'll wait until there's a cab going my way. I don't even understand why this is the least bit controversial except I understand how the entire world seemingly revolves around certain people getting what they want, when they want without paying what the market actually demands for it.
  18. Raining and no taxi? Drivers need to be extra careful because traffic slows to a crawl and accident clog already crowded streets. Going somewhere they won't get a return fare in the rain... Rains usually last at most 75 minutes so wait it out. Doubly so for tourists and retirees. Take BTS MRT People that complain about this just show their absolute lack of ability to navigate the culture and Thailand.
  19. Funny, I've lived in Bangkok 12 years and been in and out of Thailand for 30. Never have I encountered a broken meter. If he doesn't want to use the meter tell him to pull over and youll get out. The meter will start working again champ...
  20. Of course and why not? It's his business. Why would he want to sit in a pile of traffic or go where he's absolutely certain there won't be any fares? That's just stupid
  21. It's absolutely common knowledge never to take a standing taxi. Why did you even waste your time? Then come here and complain like it's something. They are not drivers they are scammers.
  22. Not even the hotel lol. Now that's pathetic. Maybe they didn't want the liability?
  23. Why would you carry so much luggage? Maybe the guy doesn't want to deal with it and the traffic on a street corner? What's preventing you from calling and booking a cab? B20+. Call Grab. How lost and selfish
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