Adding to that, many moons ago when I entered an Amsterdam coffee shop, there was a girl in there with ME inhaling a bag of vapour from those special machines they had even back then.
People were using it for medical reasons even back then, but they had to travel to Amsterdam to do it.
So many ignorant people on these threads, spouting off when knowing nothing.
Likely many of the people who you might think are smoking recreationally, are probably not. They perhaps choose to self medicate instead of going to a doctor and being prescribed pills for their condition.
Even the people who you might have developed psychosis via smoking weed, had issues BEFORE they smoked the stuff.
Think about how some people are scared of dogs. One person might be absolutely calm and the other might be having a panic attack. Both people in the same situation, standing next to each other, but completely different reactions. It’s not the weed; it’s you!