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Everything posted by NextG

  1. They have already put their spin on it for the domestic market and edited a video for their purpose. Also trying to get his unedited version removed from YouTube. Attempting to portray him as a ‘known violent person’. It’s totally orchestrated. Hard to believe that not everyone saw through it.
  2. If seemed like a set-up to me. Perhaps rehearsed on the part of the Chinese. Chinese vloggers are going out to present certain places in a negative light for domestic purpose. I think you understand. There was one in Nana recently. They engineer certain situations. One of the women already has legal proceeding against her in her native country.
  3. For Windows, you can use something like https://wpd.app/
  4. That isn’t what you said. ‘They’ would have been the correct descriptor. Even then, he cannot give them permission to do anything. Even if the father was there, he could do nothing unless the girl was underage. Would you have handed your woman over to strangers? Either way, none of us are privy to any details pertaining to their relationship.
  5. Not really sure what that’s all about and to be honest I didn’t really bother to read it all. Take it easy. Enjoy your life.
  6. Since we rarely agree, I took the extra step of quoting you in order to concur, instead of just clicking on an emoji.
  7. I cycle all over London at night. Less cars on the road, so can take the time to study the architecture etc No gangs. No bother. Just your nonsense. Most problems with gangs are between themselves. Personally haven’t had any encounters. Heading home in the daylight, people will happily greet you with a ‘good morning’ if you greet them first. Life is what you make it.
  8. What is shocking, is that none of the small repair shops to which you took it, thought to do that. The assumption was they actually diagnosed the fault, but didn’t have the part. Unfortunately @Serenity_Now spoiled what would have been a useful post, by littering it with abuse and spurious ‘advice’. Shame, but nevertheless a good result.
  9. Perhaps you might have mentioned that the man claiming to be the girl’s father was found to have no connection to her at all. Would you hand your girlfriend over?
  10. I don’t need to take sides. That is the domain of a fool, destined to repeat his mistakes. I simply take the position of understanding why it is happening and will continue in one form or another. The fact that you feel the need to defend a terrorist state is something you might want to ask yourself.
  11. There are always deaths. Snipers have even shot journalists, apart from boys throwing stones. Israel often acts in a disproportionate manner in order to ‘deter’ any resistance. Also a form of terrorism.
  12. ‘Sovereign state’ was entirely irrelevant in the first place. That was just silly baiting on your part. Not everyone here is biased towards Israel. Some of us still have some integrity left within us and prefer to look at the whole picture.
  13. How about you stop your baiting? Followed by actually understanding the meaning of ‘sovereign state’ before you use it…. because you are falling into your own mouth. We ALL know that ‘Israel’ is a state born of terrorism. We ALL know that the Palestinian dwellers were displaced. We ALL know why organisations such as HAMAS exist. Playing the innocent just makes you look evil and stupid. Israel does not have clean hands in this conflict. If Russia succeeds in annexation of the four oblasts, will you be making the same statement in support of them? That (Russia has the sovereign right to allow what it wants to in and out of its Country, so Russia can control its own borders) Then I guess ‘might is right’ in your eyes.
  14. Sovereign right? Much like Russia had the ‘sovereign right’ to control the oblasts it has seized….
  15. When in Israel, I saw people not in uniform walking around with rifles.
  16. I ‘got it’ from the beginning. She’s a prostitute. @Tropicalevo was confused.
  17. Being anti-Israel is not antisemitism. Nice try. But you are right that it is off-topic.
  18. 159 baht(4.11€)
  19. What’s the matter? For everyone else it’s clear that ‘entertainer’ is just a polite term for a sex worker. You are acting as if it’s your sister you are defending and you can hardly believe it. Much like some of your other ‘strange’ interpretations of the law. Makes me wonder how you manage to run a business.
  20. 5,500 baht for four hours. Deed done over four hours. But for one reason or another she stayed longer. During this time he had sex with her again. This she claims as rape, as perhaps not within the four hour agreement. Then she claims he paid 3000 in total, as opposed to the 5,500 she claims. Get it now?
  21. No that we have clarified that…. Interesting in what way? In your imagination? Allow me to help you in your time of need… No one is going to be offended by someone putting a drop of oil sublingually. So it goes without saying that they are referring to smokers who might disturb others with the smoke and smell.
  22. Godfather seems to have good reviews in general. Interested to read what you think of BL. Personally haven’t tried any, but friends and people here have.
  23. “ But also a little bit about it, in case I wanted to try and make it myself”
  24. Which rules? Interesting in what way? In your imagination?
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