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Everything posted by NextG

  1. That qualifies as a nasty *****…
  2. Make sure that you can actually obtain an unlimited SIM plan before you change anything. AIS don’t officially do them anymore, but you might find some codes still working.
  3. It means that she just does it for some cash on the side. She might be a student or have another career.
  4. He asked about AIS, as he regards it to be the best for his location. AIS don’t do unlimited annual packs. They might be lucky in getting an unlimited monthly pack with AIS via USSD.
  5. Unlimited options from AIS are somewhat trial and error. Officially, they don’t sell unlimited packages anymore. Though you might find an Unlimited 20Mbps (or similar) code that works via a Lazada/Shopee vendor.
  6. Why are you quoting a two year old post? That seems a bit ridiculous.
  7. Are you sure?
  8. I’m not using machines. It was a solution for those who don’t have access to bank top ups. It’s 2 baht…. ???? 20%…☺️
  9. You mentioned your wife transferring validity…. Is she not in Thailand? If you can top up via K bank then you can extend it properly, rather than messing around with taking your wife’s validity every time. You can transfer the excess top ups to your wife for your continued pilfering of her validity days ☺️
  10. Why wait for a warning SMS?? Top up a small amount x 12 to push the validity date to a year away. Boontherm machines top up for 10 + 2 baht. So the whole exercise will cost no more than 24 baht + 120 baht of added credit. No need to find the coins. You can use notes. Tap your number in to the machine, choose a 10 baht credit and then put in 100 baht when asked for 12 baht. Once completed, don’t expect change, just repeat the exercise. This time it won’t ask for the 12 baht, it will deduct from the 88 baht stored in the machine against your number. Keep repeating the exercise until you have done it twelve times. Should take just a few minutes at the machine. Orange boxes outside 7/11 and Family Mart.
  11. You make some interesting points…. Now get ready to teach us your version of history. Explain the “Minsk Agreement” to us. I have seen and heard people repeat this, but not a single one can explain anything about it to me. The perils of repeating something parrot fashion methinks. Once you’ve completed explaining your version of the “Minsk Agreement”, perhaps you can post a map of the American weaponry surrounding Russia and the “broken promises”. Easy to repeat nonsense, but not quite so when you need to actually discuss the trash that you are spreading.
  12. Why take the time to post about people and a subject about which you profess to not care?
  13. https://www.ais.th/package/en/package_entertain_content_disney.html
  14. Don’t just make things up. I meet them in the normal course of things and we exchange contact details. You are generalising.
  15. It must be mortifying for you, after all that, to get it wrong yourself. Roaming is for calls?????? No, Roaming is so you can connect to a network. No network…. no SMS.
  16. There are quite a few single women, contrary to your assertion.
  17. Data SIM(normal SIM) in a Cat. 19 smartphone.
  18. You didn’t even name the network…nor your host server… Random Zurich AIS Ping 192 Jitter 4
  19. SIM are 50 baht. I am sure that you have a phone that you can utilise. No one is going to have their network scanned for you.
  20. He is actually agreeing with you, but you grabbed the wrong end of the stick…
  21. It can work…. location and router permitting. Usually locations not above the 5th floor height and a router capable of working on Band 40. Best to test using your smartphone at the house, before deciding on which router. Mickymaus reports figures of over 50 Mbps at his location. YMMV. 199 baht for one month, 399 for three months. 599 for six months and 999 baht for 12 months. You can search for his thread containing the relevant details. https://wcsoss.totwbs.com/promotion https://shopee.co.th/nt.official_shop
  22. Change your Browser or simply make better use of the settings of the one that you use now.
  23. You are wrong. 50 Mbps can easily carry a 4K media signal. Netflix recommends 25 Mbps for their 4K product. 10 Mbps adequate for 1080p. Sent out via WiFi doesn’t mean it’s totally degraded.
  24. You can stop anytime; that’s what ‘no contract’ means. Alternatively, try out an NT Wireless Thunder SIM. One poster has posted some impressive results. At 999 baht per annum, it cannot be beaten. But test with a one month SIM initially.
  25. What is this nonsense? ???? He doesn’t want to pay for it when not there. 7200 baht(12 x 600) if, for instance, he is only there for three months is not a great idea. 1500 +(3 x 490) is 2970 baht. 50 Mbps may be adequate for his needs. It’s not about you.
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