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Everything posted by NextG

  1. Take the voucher and buy something else. Don’t put yourself through an enormous amount of stress over a tiny thing. Wait until you have something to buy and then accept their offer of a voucher.
  2. I can sympathise with the OP… with so many thinking they know it best, he is justified in feeling unsure. But I can assure him that the code given is the official AIS method for blocking ANY data usage. No chance of data leakage if data is turned off at the source. If you turn it off on the phone, the SIM itself can still supply data and any accidental switch can eat up your credit in seconds. Applying the code stops this possibility altogether, until you apply the code to turn it back on.
  3. ☺️ Another expert ???? Look at it this way. There are different models of phone with different operating systems of varying ages. So the OP can go through them and perhaps get data roaming switched off for that eSIM….. or…. the OP can tap in *129*1# and then hit the Dial key…. on any phone. Then regardless of any settings in the phone, the SIM will not supply a data connection.
  4. I was simply confirming who gave you the best advice. If the staff at AIS do anything other than apply the same code, be careful. Best you call 1175 if you need confirmation.
  5. You aren’t allowed to selectively quote…
  6. Then why ask here at all?? You have been given the correct information. If you go against it, you are more likely to mess things up. bamnutsak gave you the correct method; *129*1# to stop Internet just on that SIM. *129*2# to switch back on your return. It’s very simple and it’s exactly the thing that you need. Unfortunately most others didn’t realise that and gave you a lot of confusing advice.
  7. He gave you TWO instructions. The first already completed. The second you apply on leaving. There was no need to touch any settings on your phone. That was just pointless.
  8. You are giving me a headache… what on earth has a SIM from abroad to do with anything? You are simply disabling the ability of the AIS to supply a data connection. So it will only have the ability for calls and SMS. That is what you asked.
  9. Nope. Read again. I just reiterated that there were only two things that you needed to do. So if you have already enabled Roaming, then apply the code to disable data when you are about to take off. This because you want to use your data up until you leave. Take a breath or two and calm down. You don’t need to touch any setting within your phone. Got it now?
  10. You just said that you already disabled data!
  11. Nope. You have an iPhone. iMessages are different. No Roaming means no signal at all.
  12. No need to use upper case; that’s shouting. I’m just telling you that is ALL that you needed to do in the first place. Enable Roaming *125/Disable data *129 The rest is just unnecessary noise.
  13. No. Just follow bamnutsak’s suggestion. That is all you need to do. If you disable Roaming, you won’t receive even a signal, let alone SMS.
  14. No, you have misunderstood ???? No Roaming; no SMS or calls.
  15. Just follow the suggestion of bamnutsak in utilising the *129*1# suggestion on leaving. You don’t need to do anything else.
  16. American proverb ???? It’s from 16th century England, at the least.
  17. It’s there, between the LINEs…
  18. What’s your point? Do you have one?
  19. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/It's_okay_to_be_white
  20. I think that too is what the black peoples in the USA would like. Rather than to be Trolled by polls utilising tricky wording which is then used by fools and white supremacy groups to spread discord.
  21. Perhaps my recollection is flawed, but I had the idea that the one there was Ukrainian. Perhaps it was just that they served some Ukrainian dishes. I would walk past on the way to Expat Foods to pick up their reasonably potato salad amongst other bits and pieces.
  22. Exactly. So why would you create a poll solely based on the colour of someone’s skin? Why was he picking up on the ‘results’ of a poll based solely on the colour of someone’s skin? It’s about race and trying to pigeonhole.
  23. Are you referring to Odessa? There’s another in Jomtien Beach Condo if I remember correctly.
  24. Loads of people have done so already. Seems that you are waiting for a reply that suits you ☺️
  25. They weren’t asked that. Why is it that you are trying so hard to push that narrative, when you have more evidence than not, that the poll is asking about a statement, rather than people?
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