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Everything posted by NextG

  1. NextG

    Expat stores

    What is 700+? Is it a new way of describing 785? https://www.makroclick.com/en/products/142507-anchor-cheddar-cheese-2-kg “Around 800” would have been more truthful.
  2. If they are buying a US$500,000 apartment, one might extrapolate that they have the funds available for an Elite Visa or whatever else might be on offer. Are you regretting your decision to bail out? These people are making their decisions based on life or death. Perhaps you made yours based on financials. Financials are at least secondary to death.
  3. NextG

    Expat stores

    Do a sweep of Friendship. Pick both up at the same time. Mainland cheese 275 baht for 500 grams of Mature and Vintage and Brooke baked beans ???? Noticed some damaged tins going for 52 baht.
  4. NextG

    Expat stores

    Can’t argue with that
  5. NextG

    Expat stores

    You have it wrong about the price of Anchor 227g packs. They go from 119 baht to 139 baht.
  6. Big C has these: https://www.bigc.co.th/product/besico-1-seater-recliner-model-mlm-111016-brown-color.74942 for 5k. Possibly cheaper via Shopee etc
  7. A bit unreasonable if he simply captured a few pics of girls under eighteen unknowingly amongst ten of thousands. Not that I am defending his actions, since I know nothing about what he was doing. Though personally, a while back I met someone who said she was in her twenties, who turned out to be seventeen and had altered her ID card to that effect. So if inadvertent in the scheme of things, it may be an issue of pornography in general, as opposed to child pornography. Of course if it’s obvious that the person is underage/underdeveloped, you could argue that he should have not including it in whatever he was offering. Though on actually reading the article….and mention of schools, I think it’s best to step back from any defence of his character.
  8. Where does it state that he is a drug addict? Seems you are whipping yourself up into a froth over nothing. He served his punishment. Your behaviour is akin to stating that anyone who drinks alcohol does only that all day. What if he has skills useful to society? Save your hopes for something good.
  9. Why? Have you not ever made a mistake in your life that didn’t hurt anyone else? If so, would you be happy to be punished for that (relatively minor) mistake for the rest of your life? What makes you so hateful?
  10. Index and Big C amongst others…
  11. Any food which has fat in it; pizza is just an obvious candidate. Personally I would look for a cleaner product if I was to eat it in that way. Reading the comments from people who have made extracts from brick weed, it’s not something you might want to eat in it’s raw form.
  12. Why would you have to smoke it? You could mix it with your food. Though wouldn’t recommend doing that without cleaning it somehow. I think that I read that it was a traditional way to use it. You would read about the locals putting it into noodle soup etc. The only way to check the oil you mentioned, is to try it. A 1500 baht experiment.
  13. NextG

    Expat stores

    Not expensive in Pattaya. Something like 279 baht for a 500 gram pack.
  14. Hmmm… maybe it had been raining. Either way, since I only went down part of it(from Pattaya Klang) my impression would be limited to that.
  15. ???? Can’t say I’m an expert because I walked a girl to her home there twenty years ago. She stopped me on Soi 8 because she said wanted to talk and insisted that I didn’t need to buy a drink. Suspicious at first, but she was insistent. We ended up talking until the morning and I walked her home afterwards. I guessed girls stayed there as there were affordable accommodation options.
  16. Wow…. You are really trying to rewrite history. Has you any evidence of him being’ open to a trade deal’? Even you would understand that there is no way we would have received a favourable deal under Trump. He would have pushed us to lower standards AND made other demands that would have been unpalatable.
  17. Video doesn’t tally with the headline or story at all….
  18. One? There seemed to be only one person being attacked. Someone who wasn’t previously involved at all just elbowed him, which then allowed the ‘bouncers’ to get their kicks in. Didn’t see a fight at all.
  19. The years do fly by ???? It was actually around twenty years ago. Didn’t seem that long ago in my mind. Bua Khao was completely different then but built up fairly quickly after that.
  20. Would be around twenty years ago. We have a different idea of fully developed.
  21. I also remember girls telling me that they were afraid to go down there. Wasn’t that long ago when it was just a mud road.
  22. Yes, though it doesn’t cover B40, but B1, B3 & B8. 2CA on B1 & B3 or B1 & B8.
  23. Why? Does it hurt or bother you in some way?
  24. Why are you quoting me? Wrong poster methinks.
  25. Do they produce anything similar to an M15? I didn’t see anything close.
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