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Everything posted by NextG

  1. You want us to imagine something that didn’t happen in order to cancel out something that did? ????
  2. Bali Hai end of Walking Street used to be a pleasure. They didn’t stop until they ruined everything.
  3. Really? Let us know why.
  4. Am I supposed to imagine such a scenario? Why would I do that? You made a statement, one would expect you had some hard facts behind it. So far, that just seems to consist of something you have read from one or two members. A drop in the ocean in comparison to the women who are there specifically to exploit the ‘tourist’. I also refuse to give money to women, unless for simple charity. So what are you saying? That you either start off with prostitution or that you can start with a normal girl but you have to give her money?
  5. Are you being serious? Perhaps you can illustrate such a scenario.
  6. “Nighttime shooting of South Korean at marijuana shop” Really? Looks like a restaurant to me.
  7. Apart from the ones that aren’t. Isn’t it 700 baht at the Hilton? Their brunch buffets starting at 650 baht.
  8. I meant that you don’t often, if at all, see men trying to make capital out of ‘domestic abuse’.
  9. So you aren’t sure either…
  10. You seem to believe that domestic abuse is only perpetrated by men. Men just don’t cry out loud.
  11. If Zelenskyy wants to meet, it is to stop China sending weapons to Russia. If China is even considering sending weapons to Russia, it cannot be seen as a peace broker. So any posts alluding to them being so are abjectly disingenuous.
  12. Childish and partisan. China is part of the conflict. Zelenskyy wants to press them on their supposed support for historical integrity, whilst having no provision for Russia withdrawing from Ukraine in their ‘peace plan’. I rarely bother to comment on these things, as it is patently clear that there are a few trolls intent on spreading misinformation and since nothing written here will change anything anyway, I have better things to do with my time. But your posts are obvious…
  13. He didn’t. It’s either thoughtless or deliberate propaganda. I don’t even think he mentioned Putin, but the leadership. “He recalled how Ukrainians “didn’t run to Russian troops with flowers” when they came across the border a year ago and instead greeted them with weapons. Russia had turned from a “neighbour and friend” into a prodigious murderer that “killed and tortured people”, and abducted children, he said. “Do you think we can sit and negotiate with them after this?” he asked. “They need to stop shelling us, destroying infrastructure, launching airstrikes, killing animals and burning forests”
  14. On the other hand, why would anyone trust China? Your cover is leaking…
  15. Is that what you think, little one?
  16. Abusers are everywhere. It’s not about just men or just Thailand. People seek to gain advantage in one way or another. By hook or by crook… Some men may use violence against duplicitous and passive aggressive behaviour as they simply do not know how else to respond. If you watch old movies, giving a woman a slap ‘to bring her to her senses’ was not uncommon. No doubt some sections of society still adhere to those principles. Man as the head of the household/captain of the ship; that sort of thing. I dare say that many who visited Thailand did so not only for the availability of short time friends, but the old fashioned gender roles. The woman took care of him and the children and he took care of everything else. If that was how they were brought up, how else would they be expected to behave? I’m not referring to violence, but gender roles. I’ve grown up seeing both sides and understanding their grievances. A problem is that certain characters will take advantage of certain situations given the chance. Some men might use violence to control women and some women might use duplicity to control men. Both abusive. Not making any particular point other than I am not so quick to judge. Personally, I stayed in abusive relationships because the abuser tried to convince me that I was the bad one. If another woman looked at me, it was somehow my fault. It might sound ridiculous to put up with that kind of thing, but you do…. in order to demonstrate commitment etc Some people just use that and give nothing of themselves. Rather they live off abusing people’s kindness. Abuse comes in many differing forms.
  17. Seriously my friend. You need to stop filling your mind with nonsense from partisan programming. You don’t appear to understand much about what is going on and your comments are seriously cringeworthy. Try to refrain from using ‘woke’ in any sentence. You don’t know the meaning and it just marks you out as a not particularly intelligent person when you do. It’s just a bit of advice. You can take it or leave it.
  18. Better you stop watching anything if you haven’t a clue.
  19. You needed to go to a better buffet too
  20. That’s your experience. Casa Pascal for one included a cooked breakfast to order, along with the ready options. Everything was fresh and refilled when noticed or on request. Not sure why it’s been discontinued.
  21. The issue will not be where to do the repair, but to find a matching zipper. Find that first.
  22. Murdered. “Killing” leaves space for it being unintentional.
  23. Why don’t you have an Oz number on International Roaming?
  24. 1k of phone credit? Are you calling them direct from your mobile phone? With a call application, the rate begins at around 0.4 baht per minute for landlines up to 1.5 baht for National numbers. That is from 2500 minutes for 1k. I doubt if they kept you on hold for forty hours ☺️
  25. Amazing…. You just made that all up in your head and present it as a fait accompli Elite Program: Holder of a foreign passport Being allowed to stay in Thailand in accordance with the immigration laws, which means the applicant has no overstay record in Thailand No age limit is required for this program apart from the Elite Ultimate Privilege (Premium Package) which requires to be at least 20 years old Not having been sentenced by a judgment to imprisonment in any country except for an offense committed to negligence Not having been adjudicated bankrupt Not having been declared as a person of unsound mind, incompetence, or quasi-incompetence
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