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Everything posted by NextG

  1. Which Korean brands would you recommend?
  2. No, it wouldn’t. I was lucky to get one for around 4 to 5000 baht. Maybe others would pay up to 3x that. Either way, the answer should be no unless she has achieved something spectacular or you are very wealthy.
  3. You can buy a Cat.6 router for as little as 1000 baht. The caveat is that it has a limited CA ability. Likely between 1,3 & 8. No CA on Band 40.
  4. No, it say the police found them in his bedroom.
  5. There is at least one bike place at the entrance, if you are arriving from Soi CC. 50 baht for three hours. You cannot miss it.
  6. Nonsense. You get the MC/VISA rate unless otherwise specified.
  7. No it doesn’t. Are you just coming here to argue, as you seem to do in every thread you occupy?
  8. No. The only caveat is the MasterCard exchange rate, which is perhaps up to 0.5% off the midmarket rate, but it’s the same rate you get when you use the card for purchases etc. Any extra charges come from the individual’s bank. For those that don’t charge anything, you get the full MasterCard or VISA exchange rate.
  9. All Android boxes are supplied with a remote control…cheap and expensive.
  10. Have you used it with an Android box?
  11. Ridiculously expensive. What are you thinking? ???? That’s costlier than the box in question.
  12. Not really. Since he mentioned Beelink, he was possibly referring to a Mini PC(even though they make Android boxes, they are similarly priced to their Mini PC) He was likely just thinking a remote control would be the way to use a Mini PC effectively with a TV. There are products that can be used with both; https://shopee.co.th/product/282765508/6986410501 Personally, I think he should either go with the suggestion made earlier by another poster, of a TOX3 box; https://trustonx.com/product/player-tox3-4gb-ram-ddr3-32gb-nand-amlogic-s905x4-media-player/ if he really wants to explore the possibilities.
  13. I guess if someone is waiting to purchase a SIM, how it is purchased and activated is more important than how it performs in your personal location. Best to leave you to it, since you appear to be having a whale of a time on your own.
  14. After all that, you still didn’t address the question that I asked, even on your new thread. Nor did you cover how you ordered it.
  15. Try reading your own posts… You start off with 300Mbps and then switch to using ‘k’ instead of Mbps. I explained that it’s just you making a mistake with the suffix but you have chosen to argue otherwise ???? So perhaps you can explain what ‘k’ means.
  16. Proof reading? I’m not correcting anyone else’s posts. Perhaps you can learn the meaning of a phrase before using it. He has also posted 11k as a figure, but the intelligent among us understand that doesn’t fit with his original claim of 8 - 25(Mbps) at work and therefore understand that he means 17Mbps and 11Mbps respectively. Do you disagree?
  17. That is correct, as explained to you in the post above mine.
  18. For instance if you need a SIM for a fixed point at work specifically a NT Wireless Thunder package might work for you. 199 baht for one month, 599 for six months, 999 baht for 12 months. Though this is recommended only if you work on floors lower than the 6th and are in their catchment area. If you fit, they allow you to test the SIM and return it if it doesn’t meet expectations.
  19. That is AFTER he bought the package. He asked about BEFOREHAND and that is my advice. Try following the thread…
  20. The TV is limited in the kinds of media it can play via USB, hence the need for an external media player. An Android box is less expensive than a Mini PC. Now you know, you can calm down with all the questions ????
  21. It’s not a problem for me to order a SIM even if I cannot return it. Though I’m sure that it won’t be an issue to do so.
  22. I am patient. ???? It’s normal to ask questions to which you want the answers. I did not request an immediate response. But thank you replying promptly anyway.
  23. At least that information with regard to height of location will be easier to find ???? Where did you have to enter the location information? During the Shopee purchase?
  24. What about your location? Approximate will do. Together with how high the floor you are on. All relevant information.
  25. Thunder SIM is easy to buy online via Shopee from the official stockist. More difficult via NT website.
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