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Everything posted by NextG

  1. Nice try. https://www.mainepublic.org/maine/2023-02-17/portland-protesters-rally-against-its-ok-to-be-white-banner This happened on the 17th of this month and his original broadcast was on the 21st.
  2. Doth protest too much ???? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/It's_okay_to_be_white It’s not an ‘innocuous phrase’. It’s a campaign.
  3. You are saying that he “told the truth”. Do you mind sharing what he said that you contend as the truth?
  4. I didn’t know it either. I only found out as I watched an interview with the protagonist. He admitted that people would understand the question differently. Which actually makes it worse. He knew he was stirring up trouble with results from a ‘poll’ that was designed to mislead. That’s the difference. He knew and did it anyway. That is why he is being disavowed publicly. He should have known better.
  5. This topic is with concern to ‘white supremacists’ The protagonist understood that he was foolish in making it a race issue, especially as, at least now, he understands that different sections of the public would view the question differently. For example, would you view the KKK in the same way that you do now, if you were a black person living in the USA? You treat them flippantly and suggest that their uniforms are comical. You assert that you knew nothing of the phrase nor it’s origin. What are the chances of a black person in the USA being of the same mindset? Such a phrase would immediately bring a negative response from those affected. The poll added the word ‘statement’ as it is wholly relevant to the question. Some people understood exactly what it meant. I guess that is what they mean by ‘woke’. It’s troublemakers and fools who choose to deliberately distort and mock.
  6. Thank you. So it’s clear that you were posting in complete ignorance earlier. Now that you know of it’s origins, does that modify your opinion of the intention of the ‘poll’?
  7. Yes, you are. You know that it’s a phrase used by the KKK and others like them. For possibly more than twenty years. It is the basis of the ‘ok’ sign that the proud boys and others like them demonstrate. So you know that it will trigger a negative response in those who understand it. So either you don’t understand it or you are one of them yourself.
  8. Would you like me to post an update interview with Mr Adams where he admits that the question is designed to mislead and that he didn’t mean that one should stay away from black people?
  9. That was the poll. It has only two questions. I posted it earlier. They knew there will be a proportion that would have no idea of the use of the phrase by white ‘suprematists’ and would answer to the affirmative, whilst others knowing of it’s usage would simply not endorse that particular phrase. Then they deliberately used the ‘results’ as ‘proof’ that black people are racist. It’s just another dirty trick from the members of society who want to pull the wool over the eyes of others in order to gain advantage.
  10. The poll has nothing to do with that…. as you know.
  11. Nope. You are still trying to pull a fast one on our readers. You know that the question has nothing to do with people, but a specific phrase. It’s a baiting poll. You know it but you are still pretending.
  12. Are you hoping to start a conversation with me? Racism exists. I don’t encourage it. No sure why you are trying to glean my opinion. What do you want to do with it?
  13. So you deliberately made a misleading statement, knowing that they were referring to a phrase adopted by neo-Nazis, rather than actual people?
  14. You should learn to read and comprehend before posting… They are asking if you agree with the statement. That means many will perceive the question is with regard to the phrase itself. Of course many would have a problem with agreeing with a phrase adopted by neo-Nazis https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/It's_okay_to_be_white 1* Do you agree or disagree with this statement: “It’s OK to be white”.
  15. https://www.krungsri.com/en/personal/card/krungsri-boarding-card
  16. Sad that you have to resort to abuse, isn’t it? It might be ‘obvious’ to you, but remarkably you seem unable to back it up with even a single shred of evidence. There is a reason for that and that is that you know that your story has no credibility and you will open yourself up to ridicule. Whereas I have very many examples. I don’t take it personally, as I have nothing to do with such relationships. I can speak freely and without bias. Have you even one story that you would like to share to back up your assertions? Rather than transparent attempts at insults in deflection. Please an actual account of a normal girl being exploited by a tourist.
  17. You aren’t opening my eyes; I am trying to open yours. You just think you know it better. What I asked was; Give me some examples of decent women that you know, coupled with the story from the other side of the equation if you know it. If you don’t have any such examples, then it appears just an opinion that you have formed. That is not the basis of fact. ????
  18. The article concerns CBD; not “giggle smoke”.
  19. A lot of words, but without any substance. Activities, parties and sports…. Which one of those things compels the woman to look for a rich foreign husband? So you would indulge in ‘activities, parties and sports’ where the women would pour their hearts out to you, telling you about the bad men who didn’t give them money? Do I have the story correctly? You can also find ‘normal’ girls in the nightclubs, partying after work. How are they different? Give me some examples of decent women that you know, coupled with the story from the other side of the equation if you know it.
  20. Not in bars that’s for sure. Tell me, where are you when the ‘normal’ girls are pouring their hearts out to you?
  21. Sorry, but this is truly nonsense. You are falling for sob stories. My experience is even longer than yours and I have a fair bit of experience with girls as friends. I wouldn’t even consider hooking up with the kind of women to whom you refer. As a friend, I got a lot more information than a potential prospect…. They are both looking to exploit each other in one way or another. Does every relationship in your country work out?
  22. Whilst I don’t agree with almost everything you write ????, I agree with you there.
  23. The whole thing is terribly foolish. Doubly so for him commenting on such a stupid poll in the first place. It’s clearly loaded. Look at how it is written; 1* Do you agree or disagree with this statement: “It’s OK to be white.” 2* Do you agree or disagree with this statement: “Black people can be racist, too.” https://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/lifestyle/questions/january_2023/questions_okay_to_be_white_february_13_15_2023 First of all, if you have the knowledge that the statement is one utilised by ‘white supremacists’, you are hardly likely to give it your full backing. So whilst you might wholly agree that it’s OK to be whatever race you might be, you might not be too fond of white ‘supremacists’. Therefore for that reason people might object. There is no doubt that the cartoonist understood this, he even says so himself; that people will view the question in different ways. The question is why, knowing this, that he decided to create a provocation out of it.
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