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Everything posted by NextG

  1. So you’d recommend that giddyup chooses another model?
  2. https://tvboxstop.com/latest-android-tv-boxes/super-fast-hk1-rbox-x4s-amlogic-s905x4-android-11-tv-box/ Mentions overheating whilst playing 3D games though not otherwise. This is the X4S version.
  3. I mean Android proper as opposed to Android TV. I am keeping the user in mind. He wants something that just works. Buy it, plug and play. So information that a box may overheat is useful, the rest, not so much.
  4. Which model exactly?
  5. Android TV? You can choose a box that runs pure Android, like mine. To be honest, I didn’t notice that they were running Android TV. Mine runs pure Android. Whilst I am sure that you are trying to be helpful, both you, I and giddyup know that he won’t be ‘hacking’ anything. It’s really a nonsensical suggestion, especially as it will make absolutely no difference to the utility for him. It’s just indicative of the ‘esoteric’ advice that is being meted out here. What surprised me, is that with all of your tinkering, you are still downloading media to put on a stick to plug into the box ???? But you did raise a useful point. Perhaps it’s better to buy a box with pure Android if you don’t want to side load applications. Either way, for his needs, he is already on the right track.
  6. Don’t go cheap and have to buy twice, unless you are on a tight budget. Some really interesting advice being given here ????
  7. Perhaps you can explain why he would need to hack it to run KODI via libreelec? I don’t understand why people are coming up with ridiculously complicated ‘solutions’. Perhaps it’s better to not buy an outdated box in the first place.
  8. It’s not the same model. Different specs. Don’t do the false economy thing, as illustrated by another contributor here.
  9. Maybe you are annoying yourself. Is there anything in the post you quoted that indicates that I am annoyed with you? Calm down, have a cup of tea and then read again. The post was addressed to some of the other people giving you ‘advice’. They are just roiling your brains. I am keeping it as simple as I can for you. No complicated solutions and interminable purchasing. Just one item and that’s it. The difference between the three links are the remote controls. You can research which you prefer ???? or buy the same model, but with the ‘standard’/non air mouse remote. Then you can buy exactly the remote that you like separately. But that would be another complication. So I’ve kept it simple for you. If you like that model, then choose from those three. It’s not that you cannot install the software you like on the others, but if having it preinstalled gives you comfort, there’s nothing wrong with that.
  10. The man needs a media player for his TVs…. this is getting ridiculous. Powered hubs, Mini PCs… An Android box will be more than adequate to the task. You can even buy one with a slot for a 2.5” SSD: https://www.lazada.co.th/products/8k-2022-android-tv-box-n5-plus-4gb64gb-amlogic-s905x3-hdd-25-i334994514-s649522799.html Though an older model running Android 9. A Mini PC has the ‘advantage’ of running Windows, for those who are familiar with it. It’s not as if Android is particularly complicated. Especially when just plugging in a drive with existing media. For Torrents, there are Android applications for that. It’s not rocket science.
  11. Sorry but that is just your experience in buying unsuitable boxes in the first place. I am still using a box running Android 9 two years later. Paid less than 1000 baht for it, though of good quality and bought at a discount. I can still install and run the latest software, so what is the problem? There isn’t one. The only problem is that you bought five devices instead of one. False economy. I’ve spent 1000 baht over two years. You spent how much? I guess closer to 15,000 baht. Which Mini PC would you recommend and at what cost? Bearing in mind that the cheapest will struggle with 4K. What is it that you can do that I cannot via my Android box? Bear in mind that I have a PC anyway.
  12. You seem to be really agonising over this???? If you like that model, then max out the specs: https://www.lazada.co.th/products/8k-2022-android-tv-box-hk1-rbox-x4-4gb64gb-amlogic-s905x4-android-11-1000-m-g30s-i3381524229-s12502760792.html https://www.lazada.co.th/products/8k-2022-android-tv-box-hk1-rbox-x4-4gb64gb-amlogic-s905x4-android-11-1000-m-g20s-i3381379953-s12502698907.html https://www.lazada.co.th/products/8k-2022-android-tv-box-hk1-rbox-x4-4gb64gb-amlogic-s905x4-android-11-1000-m-g10s-i3380316378-s12498722369.html X4 not the X4S https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pez_dSpoG5s
  13. Make sure that you are plugging the drive into the USB 3.0 port. The other is USB 2.0(less power). Have you purchased a box yet?????
  14. Example here: https://www.lazada.co.th/products/8k-2023-android-tv-box-n5-max-x4-4gb64gb-amlogicx4-android-11-1000-m-g20s-pro-i3326432086-s12337729900.html Comes with an Air mouse/remote control with numerical keys. Instead of having to choose left or right, up or down, the air remote has a gyroscope within, you can just move it in the air. The cursor will follow your movement to a certain extent. In practice, it is closer to using a keyboard and mouse than a normal TV remote control. Some air remotes come replete with a qwerty keyboard. I have no idea if the quality of this particular item, I post it just as an example: https://www.lazada.co.th/products/air-mouse-keyboard-24g-ir-mx3-air-mouse-keyboard-24g-ir-android-tv-box-i3109283333-s12121150347.html Dependent on the TV, they can be used for TVs too
  15. Android boxes, at least the ones to which I linked in his other thread, have SD Card slots that can likely be used to expand internal storage. Perhaps test with a 64 GB card to begin. Of course he could buy a box with 64GB ROM and plug in a 64GB SD Card. This of course mainly to keep things neat and tidy. External removable storage can be used as and when needed; whereas the SD Card can stay in the slot permanently to keep the increased internal storage size.
  16. The likely reason for that is power. TV not supplying enough power to the drive. I am guessing that it’s a 2.5” drive. The solution is to obtain a cable with 2 USB-A connections on one end. Plug both into the TV and then likely the drive will be recognised and you will use that as a reason to put off obtaining the Android box ???? https://shopee.co.th/USB-3.0-Y-Cable-Micro-for-Samsung-M3-WD-Elements-Toshiba-HDTB310EK3AA-External-Hard-Drive-int-i.32478429.3126027283
  17. Start off simple. Just using the box the way you have been using the TV; with your media on an external drive. Later you can ask questions with regard to more advanced methods. But in the meanwhile get the box so that you can play most things on either of your televisions via a external drive.
  18. Forget about the TV, it is too limited. Once you have the box, the limitation will be you. There will be possibilities to play movies that are stored in your PC via the network or by plugging the drive directly into the box. You could also subscribe to a service that saves you downloading anything at all. They download it for you and you simply click to play on any device that you have. Even on your phone on a bus journey. The way you are doing it now is very inefficient. Plus your TV is underspecced; low on RAM etc
  19. What does the Panasonic have to do with anything? You aren’t downloading the movies via the Panasonic. You are downloading them via your PC and then plugging the drive into the Android box. You are totally overthinking everything. Just cool it ???? and buy the Android box.
  20. What is the difference between downloading all your movies to an external drive on your current PC and buying a new PC and downloading them to it’s internal drive?
  21. Manufacturer of what? I don’t think so ????
  22. Sorry, but I don’t understand your post at all. You want to focus on the question and not what computer you use, but then you discuss what computer you use anyway. Then you describe the who would be suited to which kind of computer… but I fail to see the difference between your description of a Mini PC and an AIO. “someone who doesn't want a large conventional PC but still have performance and takes up less space”. “doesn't take up alot of space, there's no bulk PC box” So neither takes up a lot of space and neither has a bulky box. You can buy a Mini PC with exactly the same spec as yours if you wish, so performance doesn’t need to come in to it. It’s the versatility. You could add an NVMe drive in less than a minute yourself. You could get a far superior monitor or a cheap and nasty one. With an AIO, you cannot do anything easily. You want to upgrade the RAM? Off to the computer shop. Upgrade storage? Off to the computer shop. AIO is for aesthetics.
  23. Interestingly, this LINE shop has now gone offline. Perhaps there is some truth to ‘official’ rivals knobbling them….
  24. How does being portable make it better? ☺️ If he wanted portable, he would have purchased a laptop in the first place. There is obviously a reason why he bought an AIO. Thinking along those lines a Mini PC should be considered in place of an AIO, as it has all the advantages of an AIO but none of the disadvantages. If his needs change in the future and he feels that a laptop fits, then a laptop he will buy. For now, the initial problem has a solution. We are only discussing possibilities if he decides that the device is no longer adequate to his needs. The eMMC storage has performance not far off a standard HDD. It’s usable, but that’s all. 720p media is as far as it while stretch. Since it only has a 768p screen it’s not an issue. An upgrade should add functionality. In this case, a higher resolution monitor will allow more things on a single screen. Two usable windows side by side for instance A better CPU for multitasking. But these are things to be considered going forward. Unless he buys a second hand laptop, a laptop and monitor is a more expensive proposition. Best value together with user friendliness and smallest footprint is a Mini PC with monitor.
  25. I would not recommend either. If you take the example of a Mini PC, it is easily serviceable by someone with limited experience. He could fit an SSD for expansion by himself; some have a dedicated slot for that purpose. With an AIO, you have to take the thing apart. Similarly with modern laptops that aren’t specifically designed for business users. For the simplest of upgrades, say to add more RAM, that’s a trip to a technician.
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