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Everything posted by NextG

  1. DTAC also uses Band 40, leased from TOT/NT Wireless. Similarly, Truemove H leased from CAT(now of course also NT). You’ll find out if they run their networks differently from the lessee.
  2. I am guessing that you are running the Home version and not Pro. If Pro, use Group Policy to block Driver updates. If Home, use the Registry. But the easier way should be to roll back the Driver and then to discover and Hide the update. https://www.tenforums.com/tutorials/8280-hide-show-windows-updates-windows-10-a.html If 11; https://pureinfotech.com/show-hide-updates-windows-11/
  3. Have you tried rolling back the Driver via the Device Manager when it happens or is the only way, you have found, to reinstall the original Driver?
  4. My by NT are on Bands 1 & 3. You can pick up a Cat.6 portable router that covers those bands for around 1300 baht currently. Though perhaps your needs go beyond a simple portable router.
  5. Your final choice is My by NT(formerly My by CAT): https://www.mybynt.com/th/PrePay.php?package=217_เน็ตสุดคุ้ม-เล่นได้ไม่อั้น-4G 679 baht for 62 days of 8Mbps is the current promo on that page. But don’t bother choosing from there. Go to their Facebook page. There you can find unlimited 15Mbps for 359 baht including calls, 319 for 12Mbps, 239 for 10Mbps.. They also have a product similar to AIS Marathon but for 1490 baht; 100GB @ 15Mbps etc Another promo if you don’t need high speed is 100 baht per month for with unlimited 2 Mbps or 30GB of 4Mbps. They’ll either be like Truemove H or they won’t. I guess you’ll find out and let us know here ????????
  6. Have you tried NT Wireless? They use Band 40 https://wcsoss.totwbs.com/promotion https://shopee.co.th/nt.official_shop
  7. Why don’t you communicate the ways in which you tried to disable Driver updates? That way we can eliminate the things that you have already attempted.
  8. There is also the Bell Travel Service which was pointed out to you earlier. They pick you up from your accommodation.
  9. https://wcsoss.totwbs.com/promotion https://shopee.co.th/-เน็ตไม่อั้น-3-เดือน-NT-wireless-net-Thunder-399-i.235326805.5378961093
  10. You appear somewhat obsessive in your continual mentions of ‘WW3’. Who exactly would be involved in this world war that you envisage? I ask you as you are literally the only person who brings it up over and over again. So let’s hear your theory…
  11. Think based on what? Was there something negative in his video blog?
  12. https://shopee.co.th/30Mbps-ซิมดีแทค-เน็ต30Mbpsไม่อั้นไม่ลดสปีด-เพียงเติมเดือนเข้าเดือนละ235บาท-แล้วกดสมัคร(Dtac)-i.14083140.4322803950 https://shopee.co.th/AIS-เน็ต-15Mbps-200บาท-ไม่อั้น-ไม่ลดสปีด-ใช้ได้ไม่จำกัด*-โทรฟรีทุกเครือข่ายไม่บวกเพิ่ม-i.14083140.10921563329 https://shopee.co.th/(เล่นฟรีเดือนแรก)-ซิมเทพ-AIS-เล่นเน็ตไม่อั้น-ไม่ลดสปีด-ความเร็ว-15Mbps-โทรฟรีทุกเครือข่าย-24ชม.-(ใช้ฟรี-AIS-Super-wifi)-i.11575485.11667996224 https://shopee.co.th/ซิมเทพทรู-เน็ตไม่อั้น-30Mbps-เล่นเน็ตได้ไม่อั้นไม่ลดสปีด-SHOCK-PRICEเพียง-300-บาท-ต่ออายุอัตโนมัติ-6-เดือน-i.14083140.11878038939
  13. Truemove H and DTAC have mobile Internet packages that supply up to 30 Mbps via SIM card, as do NT Wireless. Cost with DTAC or Truemove H is 235 baht per month. Cost with NT Wireless is 399 baht for the three month duration. Of course you will have to actually test the speeds available at your condo to know which will work best. Probably using your mobile phone and a base 50 baht SIM from each network. Whichever gives you the best speed and performance is the one to which you subscribe. A portable Cat. 6 modem that works with SIM will set you back around 1000 baht, if you don’t want to ruin your mobile phone battery using it as a Hotspot to supply Internet to your other devices.
  14. AIS facilitate sending packages to “a friend”: https://m.ais.co.th/package-ontop/?appName=worker&lang=en
  15. Aircard software receives SMS, so that’s hardly an issue. Some also allow you to apply USSD codes.
  16. https://www.matichon.co.th/local/crime/news_3757709 https://thainewsroom.com/2023/01/05/prayuts-nephew-traced-to-providing-500-tour-buses-to-grey-businessman-chuwit/
  17. If they had wanted it printed here, they would have done so in the first place. Don’t be lazy, find it for yourself. You have enough clues.
  18. The translated news item here has deliberately left out some information from original report in the Matichon. Interesting because the info redacted is highlighted in the original report.
  19. It’s nice you got her a new phone anyway. They won’t be thinking about OS and security updates. They’ll be happy enough to have a clear screen. You might have some luck with calling DTAC to obtain an unlimited data at 4Mbps pack for 150 baht per month. Since they offer that to new numbers, it will be worth it to them to agree to that rather than to lose you to a rival. Then she can stream music whilst she works ????
  20. Why did you need to take them with you?? ☺️ vinny41 kindly posted you a link to the A04 for 3,999, replete with a free case and glass film. https://www.samsung.com/th/smartphones/galaxy-a/galaxy-a04-deep-green-32gb-sm-a045fzgdthl/buy/
  21. That doesn’t fit any of the suggested criteria. Released August 2021 with Android 11. So doesn’t follow vinny41’s guidelines. Relatively low quality camera and lens. As someone wrote before, pictures are forever. https://gsmarena.com/samsung_galaxy_a03s-reviews-10937.php There will be the last OS update(to Android 13) this month. vinny41 suggested the A04 because it was released just a few months ago and I suggested just getting the ‘best bang for your buck’. I would have gone for the phone with the better specification. In fact vinny41 and I recommended the same phone; Redmi Note 10s and the Poco M5s are the same phone, but the Poco was released with Android 12 just a few months ago, so the better choice. https://m.gsmarena.com/poco_m5s-review-2478.php A much nicer phone than the entry level Samsung in my opinion. https://m.gsmarena.com/compare.php3?idPhone1=11832&idPhone2=10937
  22. Couldn’t edit earlier post, so added it here. AFAIK it’s just for today, but who knows?
  23. In case anyone is interested, the Lampang farm has a one day sale of small buds for 9 baht per gram. Their Grade A Squirrel Tail, KD HY, Green Crack, BaOx and AC/DC. Send them a LINE message with your order. Free delivery with an order for 300 baht and over. COD available.
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