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Everything posted by NextG

  1. Whilst you are here… could you please tell me when the war with Russia started, so I can focus on the timeframe to which you refer?
  2. Hoisted by your own petard 😌
  3. Time for you to learn to write properly. How old are you?
  4. Have you researched what Russia was doing at the same time? I bet that you haven’t 😊 Live with Uncle Joe? Seems he’s living with you… rent free, inside your head. It’s a sickness. Get rid of it and try to find normal. I don’t have a dog in the fight, so I can look at all sides impartially. You cannot. You cannot see the forest but for all the trees in the way.
  5. So no lies and ‘deceits’ from the Russian side or do you just turn a blind eye to those.? It’s ‘per se’. Get an education before you start arguing about things you obviously do not understand. It’s truly embarrassing to witness the Trump fans who can barely string a sentence together. Yet they jump on here with the suggestion that they have the real knowledge. They are little more than sheep, eating up the propaganda they are fed and then ejecting it out of their rear ends.
  6. https://asia.nikkei.com/Business/Telecommunication/Thailand-s-AIS-acquires-broadband-internet-provider-3BB
  7. I don’t smoke ☺️ How about you address the illegality assertion, rather than trying to deflect with accusations of a personal attack. Ironic, since you tried with your “smoke less” jibe. I meant what I wrote. Why are you finding it so difficult to accept that it is not currently prohibited?
  8. 3. Is an Android Box, loaded with certain applications. 4. Is free Hotspot usage.
  9. You certainly don’t know. You are just repeating the propaganda given to you. The war has been ongoing. The picture you are unwittingly attempting to communicate is of helpless people being attacked by Ukrainian’ Nazis. THAT is propaganda. The reality is that Russian special forces and private armies have been there the whole time. The propaganda is that it was just a one-sided affair. Why not actually check to see what f what I write has any basis in the truth? As opposed to convincing yourself that the propaganda that you have been fed is the full picture. It isn’t. It’s been a war. The change came because the Separatists weren’t winning, even with the help they were getting from the Kremlin. Both the White House and the Kremlin had an interest in getting their people in power there. Again, your one sided narrative confirms that you haven’t done ANY independent research.
  10. Oooo… you are so independent in your thought process 🤭 Why is it that you all trumpet out exactly the same phrases and have no depth of knowledge on any subject other than what you were told? Where is your independent research? You haven’t done any. For you, independent research is likely browsing through Rumble.
  11. A post from the mentally ill it seems. Do you imagine that it was just a few separatists holding back the Ukrainians the whole time? There are none so blind as those who would not see…
  12. Break what law?? Have you reached the limit of your ability to learn? In Thailand, it is not illegal to smoke and/or ingest it. Got that now? It’s already been that way for more than eighteen months and you’ve been told time and time again. Obviously too much for you to process.
  13. Promo has been running for a while now: https://m.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=745318537623879&set=a.642385401250527&type=3
  14. Did you click through the link?
  15. Did you pre-book the service? Does ‘informed them’ mean that you formally pre-booked the service? https://support.airasia.com/s/article/Prebook-special-needs-assistance-en?language=en_GB
  16. 79 baht. https://www.kfc.co.th/menu/a-la-carte/burger/burger-zinger-burger
  17. The other option is to take the SIM out of the router and to note the numbers written on it and then call AIS on 1175. Tell them you want to know your phone number. Just recite the numbers written on the SIM and they’ll be able to tell you the phone number.
  18. What’s the model number of the router? There may be a specific USSD section. You use that, rather than SMS. Log in to the router, click on Advanced and then Network. Scroll down to USSD. Click on that and then enter the USSD code.
  19. Burapha bike festival and Chinese New Year on the same weekend.
  20. I know what the source is, since I posted it 🤦🏻‍♂️ I could have used the Blick report from which it quotes. But then you could complain about the Swiss report…
  21. A bit of a silly comment with regard to U.K. news reporting. It’s obviously just put together from other news reports.
  22. Air passengers screamed and were left 'traumatised' yesterday when a German husband started coughing up blood in front of his wife before collapsing and dying. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13065869/man-dies-lufthansa-flight-a380-bangkok-munich.html
  23. You drank the Kool-Aid didn’t you? 🤦🏻‍♂️ I can tell by your TRUMPeting of certain words and phrases. Word for word utilised parrot fashion. No original thought at all.
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