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Everything posted by NextG

  1. Debit card is not ‘cash’. Cash is cash. Lazada Wallet debit card refunds are supposed to be refunded to the same debit card.
  2. Nonsense all the way through. I pay COD sometimes. I don’t have an activated Wallet and I don’t use the mobile application. I also do not accept Credits. Once you accept a Credit and subsequently use that credit for any purchase, any credits for refunds after that, cannot be withdrawn as cash unless you permanently de-activate the Wallet. I bypass that nonsense by requesting a cash refund in the first instance. No Wallet, no mobile application. That’s just for sheep who believe everything they read.
  3. What ‘process’ would that be?
  4. Nope. I paid COD and I had the choice of using the credit for purchases or withdrawing it to a bank account. I of course withdrew it to my account. I have not ever used the mobile application. In fact, I haven’t ever activated the Wallet. Strange that one who considers himself a genius, cannot navigate a l path to success here.
  5. Heading south after Tree Town? That would be heading north… I see that you’ve already made a correction. 😊
  6. This is Immigration Act Clause 12 subsection 2 – ไม่มีปัจจัยยังชีพตามสมควร = no reasonable means of sustenance.
  7. Since the T&C state that it will auto renew if the balance is sufficient, perhaps you can try that. You’ll know more in a week or so, from @bbi1
  8. Encouragingly, I found an old post for the 8Mbps Marathon SIM with regard to the automatic renewal. It also states, like the new Marathon Max; top up enough and it will auto-renew. In your case that may be 1,890 baht. Top up before the expiration date.
  9. Yes. That’s why it’s worth hanging on to the package you have now if you can.
  10. Not entirely sure as to the cost of the renewal. It could in fact be 1,890 baht, if available.
  11. Within the T&C there is also this: After the package termination period, the package will be renewed in case a specified amount based on the package is topped up in order to allow for a continued package payment debit. In case of no top-up as required, however, no package payment can be made, and the user will be charged for their actual usage based on the terms and conditions stipulated above. The user may change the package three days prior to the package termination date only. You might also ‘presume’ those conditions are the same and top up 1800 baht in anticipation. Worst case scenario, you can close the SIM if it doesn’t renew and refund what is left on the account. But there may be other options available before you get to that point. If I were you, I would seriously consider topping up that 1800 baht, simply because that package is no longer available to new customers.
  12. You can top up via your bank account. You can pay by card via their application. You can do it at any service centre.. but that doesn’t mean you’ll be offered the same package. The router interface will have an SMS section. You can check for any SMS there.
  13. Don’t waste your time going into the stores. People don’t ever listen to that advice. Call centre. As @scubascuba3 stated, they’ll either offer it or they won’t. If they don’t, call them to ask. They may be able to apply it to your account. The issue is that it’s no longer a package that is on sale to the public. The new Marathon package has a mere 50GB allowance and costs 2,200 baht. https://www.ais.th/en/consumers/package/exclusive-plan/sim-netmarathon-max
  14. Since you state you are utilising 5G with your Truemove H SIM, check which band you are using. If n28(700MHz), you might be able to make use of a MybyNT SIM. They have an Unlimited 30Mbps product, either monthly(250 baht) or as a 12 month package(1890 baht). https://www.lazada.co.th/shop/nt-official
  15. Do you need a short term solution? It appears ongoing, from what you have written here. There is no necessity for ‘knowledge of what ingredients are required for the best results’ 😊 You just made that up. 😊 I’m sure that you can buy a ready mix in your local supermarket for cakes or whatever. Dependent on your level of sophistication, you can do anything from simply grinding up your weed and throwing it in the mix to making an infusion and using that as the active ingredient. Random example: https://www.lazada.co.th/products/500-coles-chocolate-brownie-mix-flour-500g-i4871304473-s20398538980.html
  16. Just 📞 them. They can send the cash to your Thai bank account if you have one.
  17. No…. you were just nasty to all. You could have just written the power button suggestion without any of the other nonsense. But you couldn’t resist your natural instinct. Most people were suggesting repair shops, as that was for what was asked. You’ve been ‘hoisted by your own petard’. You are the very thing about which you complain. Weird.
  18. If not online, you’d need to state your location…
  19. This from the person whose post was removed due to unprovoked abuse to every other poster on a thread but himself. Time for you to obtain a mirror?
  20. Just call them via the telephone number they supply. You can receive your funds without activating Lazada Wallet.
  21. One reason to not use their wallet, is if you leave any funds in the wallet and use them to pay for goods, any refund after that becomes ineligible for a cash withdrawal. In other words, you are left with only a credit that you can spend within Lazada. So overall best to withdraw your funds in the first instance. Once you pay with the Wallet, that option disappears.
  22. You can call them to get them to initiate the refund to your account without you having a Lazada Wallet. But they’ll ask for ID.
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