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Everything posted by NextG

  1. Reminds me of a promo that HomePro had, wherein if you spent over a certain amount, you got a free 1 baht gold chain…. https://en.ryt9.com/s/prg/1634432 Friend did so; received the chain and put it away, not wanting to wear it around. A few years on, they mention it in passing and I ask to look at it. Obviously fake. Seems a staff member did a swap. Too late to do anything about it.
  2. Who decided that? That’s the sort of thing an older woman would say. Guess why? They like to define what men should be. I just laugh in their faces and tell them what I think a real woman should be. Men on the other hand are less ‘emotional’ and more pragmatic. They would likely prefer a stable 35 year old for their daughters, who they trusted to take over the reins, than an eighteen year old with only sex on the mind, no money, no accommodation…
  3. I don’t believe that you “asked a policeman involved in the case”. Are you suggesting that the graphic board that the RTP produced at the time with location, names and ages was a fabrication? It was clearly printed on that board that there were many underage girls available and that the German and American were caught with girls 14 & 15 years old respectively. Nice try, but a load of bull…
  4. I was a teenager and a large group of men were chasing me. I didn’t stop to find out why and took a route that I knew that would/could not follow. Turned out they were policemen and a case of mistaken identity… after my mum went to the police station to file a report.
  5. Do you spend every day chasing women? I already have what I need and have a LOT of leisure time. 😊
  6. Another new username? ☺️ Ended up? I live in central London 😊 How about yourself? I’ve actually spent a good amount of time in all of the places that you have mentioned. Pray tell me how I could have a better lifestyle in any of those places. Pick even a single one and run with it. I await an intelligent response with baited breath…
  7. Saw a drunken ‘local’ fall out of a third floor window on to an adjacent property. I thought it was all over for him. But after a while he started moving. Security guards took that as a cue to march him off the premises tout de suite. I’ve jumped down relatively easily from ten metres, as a teenager.
  8. Yes. It’s normal. @Banana7 has it covered. I need add nothing more.
  9. Maybe yours. For me, it’s my normal life. Truth is stranger than fiction.
  10. My eighteen year old wasn’t childish. Certainly no more than I was. I’ve met much older women who are far more childish… and unpleasant with it. If you can connect with and have a meaningful relationship with an eighteen year old, then why not? Up to her and up to you. The other day I was talking to a Russian girl though felt quite uncomfortable until she reassured me that she was twenty years old. We had in depth conversations, interspersed with funny reminders of being with a young person. Whilst I wasn’t interested in taking it further, I can absolutely understand how such a relationship could develop. Quite often younger women are attracted to men older than themselves. It’s up to the men to conduct themselves in a proper way.
  11. Many people have asked me to write a book. Not my style. I prefer to live it, rather than to write about it. It’s all quite true. Believe it or not. Ask me about it in ten years time and you’ll see the same thing, word for word. Truth doesn’t change.
  12. At 31, I had an 18 year old girlfriend. Completely normal. Learned a few things from her.
  13. So? I’m not concerned as to whether you believe me or not. You prefer your own comfort zone of ‘mock disgust’. Reality can be somewhat different from your imagination. I decided to move into my own apartment with my nineteen year old girlfriend at seventeen. The twenty six year old from Mayfair furnished the apartment for me. Asked if she could visit. I said no.
  14. She gave up her ‘bad’ work and took a job as a waitress in order to have a chance with me. No financial transactions took place, ever.
  15. What if the seventeen year old is chasing the 35 year old? It’s not always the older person chasing the younger person. When I was a teenager(14+), ALL of my girlfriends were older than me. I was meeting women up to 28 years old in nightclubs. I was living with a woman ten years older than myself when I was 15. When I was 16, I moved in with another woman ten years older than myself. I lived in a luxury apartment in Mayfair with all my food ordered in for me and delivered via black taxicab. I certainly do not feel harmed by my experience.
  16. A seventeen year old girl took a liking to me. Saw me on a Songtaew and followed me. Told me she was twenty five and had a ID card to prove it. Card was modified. You could only tell under magnification. It happens. Not an issue for me, since I had a girlfriend at the time, so kept the girl at arm’s length.
  17. They DO have that option. Bank payments can be withdrawn back to the original bank account. First it goes to your Wallet(activated or not) and from there you can withdraw to your bank account. I’ve done it many times. So why not you?
  18. They DO refund it that way. Why don’t you explain your exact circumstances and I’ll tell you what you have done wrong and how to get your money. Why is it that I have received refunds and furthermore, compensation paid for inconvenience? How come my experience is so completely different from yours?
  19. It isn’t true. I have gotten full refunds from Lazada weeks past the normal refund date, once I showed them the vendor was playing ‘silly buggers’. Have received full refunds without fail on every single item. All this without a Wallet nor using the mobile application. The issue is more likely to do with the user failing to understand quite how it all works. No shame in that. We all have different skill sets.
  20. Still would expect it to last more than a couple of months.
  21. Seriously, make your own. It’s ridiculously easy and once you’ve made a batch, you’ll know how potent they are. Then you can more easily regulate your dosage. Not only that, but you can make them to your taste. I prefer raw brown sugar or honey to refined white sugar. I used Belgian chocolate instead of brown stuff of unknown origin that had not ever met a cocoa bean. I wouldn’t expect the shops to use the highest quality of ingredient. But saying that, I have to state that I was surprised to see a girl from a weed shop possibly opposite Friendship Supermarket with a couple of rolls of President Butter in hand, heading back to her shop. A good sign. I made some whilst in Amsterdam many moons ago. Ate one with ice cream. It was so tasty together with the ice cream that I forgot that it wasn’t a normal cake. I nearly ate it all before I remembered. That was an interesting evening.
  22. Rubbish. You clearly haven’t actually ever called them via their Hotline and spoken to anyone.
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