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Everything posted by NextG

  1. I’d certainly try one if in the area.
  2. No passport and no money?
  3. A bit more for you… ” Police investigated Ms. Orathai’s bank account and discovered that money had been transferred from it to Mr. Roland’s account at around 10:00 p.m. on January 8. Miss Orathai’s sister last saw her when she had less than 2,000 baht in her account. Mr. Roland told the authorities that Ms. Orathai personally transferred this amount to him using a bank app to repay a loan debt……”
  4. The Sicilians might give him a pass, as they have a different style of pizza. Similarly Neapolitans. It’s the Calabrians who might present a problem. https://www.bottegadicalabria.com/blog/calabrian-pizza-or-neapolitan-pizza-characteristics-and-differences
  5. 👀😊 Don’t they have Straw mushrooms(Hed Fang) up your way? They are the closest to the mushrooms you might eat in the U.K…. I prefer to slice and fry gently before placing on pizza. Often make a batch beforehand and store them in extra virgin olive oil. I don’t want to discuss the other ingredient 😊 In the case of the weed, I imagine an oil based extract would be more suitable. Easy for you to make at home if you were so inclined. I cannot imagine toasted weed being particularly appetising…. but a nice herby olive oil….
  6. He needed his passport…
  7. Tell us the ‘straightforward’ story.
  8. Pray tell us..
  9. You would be surprised… Seems she married her previous Swiss husband in November 2020. He died within six months at 54(cancer?) and she was already hooked up with ‘Roland’(a bikie/train driver) by October 2021…. likely some time before that. Then you might ask yourself why they post her full name, but not ‘Roland’s’ surname. A ‘nom de plume’ perhaps? All easily determined by their social media posts. https://www.victoriaadvocate.com/swiss-husband-murders-thai-wife-who-inherited-370k-usd-from-her-ex-husband/video_b31b5305-932a-51d0-8854-ef158585e931.html Video shows his initial performance and then subsequent disposal of the body… being chased by a dog along the way.
  10. You have to know which cut is best for the dish. After a bit of experimentation, the vendor knows what I want. I make Indian curries myself. This a beef and potato curry on paratha made with wholemeal flour.
  11. That sounds like someone who didn’t much like you. Some others choose their partners through actually having a good relationship. Whereas for you it appears to have been transactional from the very beginning. You started as you meant to go on. I took a different path.
  12. I made a Massaman curry with beef and freshly squeezed coconut milk from my local market; 600 grams for 125 baht and 30 baht respectively. Potatoes @ 30 baht per kg. Pack of peanuts; 5 baht. Slow cooked for five hours. Served on a bed of brown rice. The meat was tender. The curry delicious.
  13. Don’t waste your money; https://www.tops.co.th/en/kobfarkhew-flower-of-salt-500g-8850247005069
  14. You are stuck in a loop. Other people have different experiences. That seems difficult for you to grasp. String along? That’s what the ones who want your money might do. The ones that actually like you may behave differently.
  15. Why are you so disgusting? What happened to you? Do you think there is something admirable about having sex with a different woman every night? That gets boring really quickly, as you would know if you had actually done it, rather than talk/write about it. You soon find yourself just going through the motions. Empty and pointless. It’s only sex starved saddoes who spend that much time TALKING about it. For young people, the chase is often more fun. I wouldn’t go home without a new number. But in no way was I interested in having sex with each and every one of them and on most of the occasions, paying for a date wasn’t at all necessary, as I’d be invited to private parties and such or back to their homes if their parents weren’t around. So your story of 3x dates seems just a prelude to your p4p behaviour throughout your life. That’s not been my experience at all.
  16. You are making it up or were so poor at it, that none of the girls wanted to sleep with you more than once. You make yourself look desperate more than normal. 3x dates is for when you are looking for an actual girlfriend. Once she’s your girl, there is no need for a 3x rule. So, why were these girls dumping you after the first time? If it was just sex you wanted, you could have done a one night stand after the nightclub or even during. Your story sounds completely made up in order to justify your paid arrangements.
  17. Indeed. All this from the same ‘news’ outlet that ‘planted’ a story claiming that girl was actually seventeen: https://www.thaiexaminer.com/thai-news-foreigners/2023/12/11/german-faces-pattaya-sex-charge-at-home-jens-kirch/ Whilst today’s article states that the girl was fourteen. Furthermore they blame DW, when the original documentary was aired nine months before DW aired it. Even Al Jazeera showed it beforehand.
  18. Yes, that’s how it looked. But since you took it before bed, I thought you might be using it as an aid to sleep, so was surprised to see a ‘wow’ for a 10 score in that column. Clarification seemed a sensible path.
  19. KeepAwake? Does that mean that Black Lebanon and Godfather kept you awake the most? ’Higher level thinking’ made me smile 😊
  20. Another 🤡 who has no idea of the meaning of ‘woke’? It’s just ‘weak’ men whining and co-opting a term for their own pathetic purpose. Staying ‘woke’ has nothing to do with losers finding excuses for their failures.
  21. No freshly squeezed coconut milk where you live?
  22. It was another teacher who asked the children to tell what happened 🤦🏻‍♂️
  23. 1590 baht for 12 months..
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