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Everything posted by Celsius

  1. Wow, I was a blockfi user a few years ago. Just received the scummiest email in existence. How is this even possible? Imagine HSBC goes bust and because of ths bank of America sends you a letter they are disabling withdrawals. What a scam all around 555
  2. You lead a very sad existence. One can hope the post was sarcastic.
  3. Everyone is a trader now, but the polkadot guy said he'd hold it forever. And now he says he sold it and bought lower. You can't trust anyone here.
  4. Oh dear how many fell for this scam....black rock, Ontario pension plan....and Tony ????
  5. The problem is no one is specific about this technology. I remember Cardano was supposed to eradicate world hunger. ICP looks good on paper but its price was completely manipulated by FTX. So far the crypto has only been used to scam scam scam. This tech takes time to evolve. The tokens will become a security and once that happens a lot will disappear like you say and the valuations will come down to earth. Until that happens Bitcoins will be pumped a few more times. That will be a good time to sell imo
  6. Lol And this just in Alameda research liabilities range from 10 to 50 billion. It's obvious Blockchain attracts some of the worst scammers on the planet.
  7. Yes. Toronto entertainment zone. Where injection sites and homeless master bathing near schools. I don't bash a country I come from just stating facts. Looking to sell my property here. It has really gone downhill since covid
  8. I know you are hurting, but you didn't provide any counter argument. Btc sharply down today and going below 12k. I will buy when interest rates start slowing down and when the government gets fully involved. Btw I noticed your crypto dot com credit card is absolutely and completely useless these days. Is crypto dot com the next in line? I hope you pulled that polkadot you are staking long time ago. Otherwise good luck!
  9. Let's be honest here. If you're waiting for 5k you won't be buying at 5k. The same like some jokers here say they bought at 12 bucks and at any point in time they didn't sell. Yeah right, that's why your final retirement destination is Thailand. In any case it is becoming obvious Bitcoin price was tied to scams and ponzi. Be careful as even the FBI is coming after FTX. This casino is going to be highly regulated. It will become a lot more difficult to use Bitcoin for criminal activity hence the limited upside.
  10. I have to go with a Thai physicians on this. I'm back in Toronto and the whole city smells of <deleted> and weed. It is absolutely incredible how downhill this country has gone. I actually prefer the smell of Bangkok canals I swear to God. I'm not the one to bash my country and my passport, but it is what it is. A $hole
  11. You do realize this has absolutely nothing to do with PayPal.
  12. Even with today's pump the OP is down almost 60% .....or $80,000 poorer. That's a lot of mongering
  13. No. I never claimed that. It seems like you can't read at all. Bye
  14. I am actually wiling to bet with anyone here that Bitcoin will not reach 30k in another 5 years. FTX was a nail in the coffin. It is clear as day that Bitcoin was used to scam and leverage hence the high price. When the government gets involved with regulations it will be a lot more difficult to pump and dump. I think there is a better chance of ownining smaller cap coins with limited supply, so when things hit the fan the coins can't be printed like it was the case with Luna.
  15. Beautiful. Wholesome. No tats. America 1986?
  16. You've been here long time. You should know better.
  17. A change of circumstances in the online world means another competitor is selling the same product for cheaper.
  18. The reasons why second hand property in Thailand is a hard sell: 1. No buying incentive from government and developers. No free transfer. No free sinking fee. No free maintenance for 2 years, no land tax...etc. 2. The interest rate on second hand properties is always higher. 3. The mortgage loan can be arranged for the higher amount by developer so Thai can buy a Honda Civic. 4. After a few years the average second hand property looks like trash. Water leaks, worn out built in furniture, cracking laminate..... 5. Read the op
  19. Wow, what a scam. I had a successful amazon business for 20 years. There's no way you can transfer ownership. It's the same with Lazada. Anyway, you'd be baying the store reputation and feedback, not a product. Everyone and their dog has a shop on Lazada and shopee. What could you possibly offer me that I don't know? Why are there so many dodgy people living in Thailand? Mind boggles.
  20. Why? It's going lower.
  21. He was advising people to mortgage their house at 60k and buy Bitcoin. It's irrelevant at what price someone bought something. The bad actors are being flushed out and he will be one of them. Oopps while I was typing this Bitcoin went down another thousand bucks. That margin call will be knocking....
  22. Is anyone here watching the crypto space these days? It started with Luna, continued with Celsius, yesterday FTX went bust but was supposedly being rescued by binance (but now it looks like they don't wanna touch it) and finally a huge Solana unstaking is supposed to happen in about 12 hours. It's truly the end of days. What happened to that guy holding polkadot and crypto.com credit card. He was supposedly staking too. Also, wasn't a bunch of TEFLERS putting money into crypto with their every paycheck? No wonder Thai kids got no chance getting ahead with English ???? That clown Michael Saylor is next
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