Why would they? Canada is in the business of importing immigrants? 500,000 are coming in the next 2 years, probably more.
I am closely following all cases as my wife applied for a Permanent Residency. You should see how fast students and Indians are getting approved. In like 3-6 months after they apply. Meanwhile we are still waiting after 2 years. Canada obviously does not need old people, which is fine. My wife does not want to move anyway anymore after watching CBC for the past year.
I am an immigrant myself and it always sickened me the attitude of certain foreigners here as is Thailand is the only country that's after the money. Canada is much, much worse when it comes to extracting your hard earned cash. But at least in the past they pretended not to be xenophobic. This new law surely proves otherwise considering that it is 99% of Canadians and not those perky foreigners who overbid on homes and are real estate crazy.