What are you talking about. Food in Spain is great and cheap. Tapas are usually free of charge even if you order only a cheap beer.
Most of Europe has great food. Never got food poisoning there, only in Thailand.
The problem I have with Europe is the people. Generally very close minded and unapproachable. Yep, just like some on this forum.
It's not expensive for me, maybe for you. I didn't sell my property to build a house for a bargirl. I kept my property in Toronto, so the cost of living will be low for me. And of course, my super duper wifey has her own savings.
I am trading ICP.
Like now I put a bid for 1 ICP at 481. It will show then it will disappear for a while then show again. Also the numbers and bids will change. It's like this all the time.
You guys are delusional. You are so busy licking Thai boots that you have completely lost the plot.
He is not paying double for condo because he doesn't live in chicken farm condo. Just because he took bad picture of food doesn't mean the food in Spain is bad. it is far superior than anything in Thailand and that pretty much goes for most of Europe. Everything is cheaper in Spain, most importantly the cost of healthcare. Everyone speaks English.
You guys are whinging and whining about his choice because the only thing that's more expensive in Europe are women, but even that is debatable considering how much y'all have to pay here in Thailand to maintain the "relationship".