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Everything posted by Celsius

  1. WWF on Netflix
  2. Well, I just called you out to check if I was on ignore.
  3. It's gonna be a zoo..... crypto zoo
  4. As I have been saying for years..... Britman is in big trouble. Eventually this government stuff catches up with you and the easiest targets are always the poors.
  5. Whatcha talkin about. A paradise for lefties and trans am
  6. She did not see a doctor and did not use anything else besides biotin. Biotin is essentially vitamin b which helps stops hair loss. At that time her loss was around 150 per day and probably more after washing. Now it is back to normal range 50 or so..... Also, my wife started losing hair when she went on a strict diet which really disturbed me. She went from 51 to 42kg in 3 months which was a crazy thing to do. Your friend should make sure she eats properly and take biotin for a few months before seeing a doctor.
  7. Trump is making some really horrible picks
  8. Maybe one of his many roles....like Johnny Sins
  9. Actually you don't own any of that as your stay in Thailand is dependent on your next visa approval.
  10. I am happy all trash goes to Phuket.
  11. An article in the Bangkok Post declares Thailand as the new hub for manufacturing, as many Chinese companies are reportedly relocating here in response to tariffs. Is this how it works? If that's the case how come BYD doesn't export from Rayong to USA and Canada? Can experts clarify?
  12. Another mentally ill teacher in murica
  13. Who would have thought that Thailand computer crime laws are tame in comparison.
  14. Russia will become stronger!!!!
  15. How much hair is she losing per day? This sounds age related and there is nothing you can do to stop this short of hair transplant. There is a topical medication for women similar to rogaine which seems to help "some" women. My wife is 44 and I forced her to take biotin every day. That seems to have stopped the loss a bit. Also she should avoid hair salons. Here in Thailand they put cheap chemicals which considerably damages the hair. Young women can recover this, but once you hit certain age, forget about it. I learned this the hard yaw when I asked wife to perm her hair and she ended up looking like Snape from Harry Potter. It literally took a year to recover from this,.
  16. You come to live in Thailand then ask this question?
  17. Thank god you are still here
  18. CNN Chris Wallace given the axe, hundreds of layoffs, CNBC ratings way down.... can't support those salaries anymore. Can it get any worse.... yes it can.... in the next 4 years.
  19. You can always bump some of their smug threads
  20. Correct. Another thread about Western mugs patting themselves on the back by being in a paid relationship. If you are paying it ain't a relationship. Also asking a Farang mug to help with medical bills while the entire Thai familly sits on the azz is a huge red flag. The money went to someone to buy a new truck.
  21. Because this is the type of women most Western guys get here. In Thailand Farang mugs don't meet the family until the girl needs to send them money. Meeting her parents will tell you right away who she is. For example, what kind of parents send their daughter to prostitute herself in Pattaya?
  22. OP mad cuz he will be getting no sex
  23. No, that is you. You are projecting.
  24. I have been to Pattaya probably 50 times because it is close to Bangkok, has good food choices and (at least in the past) good hotels are a very good value. Now I go to Sri Racha for the same as it is closer and the town is developing fast. It is not a world class resort. Does that offend you?
  25. After watching the elections, now I understand why many of you are bitter towards western women. No sex if you voted trump. Divorce if you voted Trump. Shunning your family because you voted Trump. Y'all got stuck with extreme lefties. And not only did you not learn from your mistakes, you also got stuck with extreme leftie personality type of Thai woman here in Thailand. Lazy, demining a salary for doing nothing, no money no honey and other utterly stupid things you live to put up with because you probably love being abused. Well, I am glad my Western women were never like this. Even my current wife is a god loving Chinese Christian who knows the family values, earns her own very decent living and puts out both in bed and financially and generally treats me like a God.
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