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Everything posted by stoner

  1. it was your low brow inflammatory insult actually. typical though.
  2. once ? you have a different recollection of history it seems. that's ok its normal. i make anti democratic posts because of the attitude they have. the deception they tried to pull. with trump its all out in the open. we know everything about him and the nonsense involved. example - i find it very strange that kamala is hiding so much during this time. another example i would use is ben stiller......this is the typical leftist that makes me comment as i do. its time for change eh ? ummmm
  3. lets dumb it down for you ok. the dancing orange monkey will not go to jail.
  4. i have no idea what you just said here....i don't think you do either.
  5. ya and biden said he would be at the 2nd debate too. you really believe a father will leave his son to rot in jail ? maybe you should have my screen name. mandatory minimum applies after the entire process has been completed. is that the case here ?
  6. sorry i can't dumb it down for you anymore.
  7. like how all of a sudden everyone started parroting the w word...and at the same time wagging a finger calling those who disagree cult members. oh god now i will get an earful telling me that my boner for the don is huge.
  8. cute... you believe trump will go to jail. i believe hunter will never be pardoned.
  9. i would say the same but the 10's of thousands of people in jail for rape murder and human trafficking might disagree with you.
  10. apple and microsoft are worth almost 6 trillion dollars.....
  11. i use it for ptsd. i also use it because of a few silly reasons as well. i can smoke a pound of weed and it contains 0 calories. i don't wake up hung over with my mouth smelling like ass either. i don't get a big fat gut because of it. i prefer the relaxed part of the buzz over the initial high. i like how it slows me down.
  12. someone will be along shortly to remind you how much you love trump because of your comment.
  13. to whoever gave the confused emoji. link is a small crypto coin worth looking at. not sure why that is so confusing but hey.
  14. ummmmmmm you know they are one in the same right. passengers vs cargo. still the same authority.
  15. who am i to judge ? a free living human that's who. life is full of moments where we judge each other. who are you to stand on a pedestal ? no i don't occupy a comparable demographic. we are talking about poor very low educated people here. please in your next comment go on and make low brow digs about me. i know personally i have never joined a mob and killed someone.
  16. pretty sure it's illegal to kill in thailand too. you should try my products. much better buzz.
  17. what's this from ?
  18. the view fawned over him back in the day. even gave him hugs i think.
  19. shut up and go buy something. you're not supposed to think.
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