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Everything posted by stoner

  1. how unclever of you to totally miss the point.
  2. I mean speak of the devil...the timing on this is glorious.
  3. More like bedtime blast.
  4. They all scum. Rich get richer. Our system is totally broken. They are all sell outs to special interest.
  5. so battle of the demorats and repubtards. sounds about right.
  6. thailand's gdp could be so much higher than it is now. certain things... which we all know of...shhh... are holding this place back.
  7. ps...your reply of trying to direct it back at me yet again is already noted.
  8. have you seen who we have up in canada ?
  9. ya but trump...... i remember back in the day i used to call him a turnip.
  10. he sounds a lot like doug ford. they are buddies though.
  11. the netherlands is literally holding back the ocean.
  12. Is North Korea far right now? woah woah woah mister. we here at the farm in NK categorically deny any involvement in your weak divisional society. we stand united behind our dear leader.
  13. what ? this whole thing smells like a scam to me.
  14. so can the swiss guy now go and sue the people who all defamed and slandered him online for this incident ? or possibly his wife.
  15. Canada is changing dramatically and rapidly.
  16. All you did was reinforce the point made in the OP. Way to go.
  17. I think you can send it all over to the desktop one
  18. Drove by this the other day..funny enough it was still working.
  19. cause when you have more than you think....you need more space.
  20. you know you can use those apps on a desktop right ?
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