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Everything posted by stoner

  1. "'since" Since the liberalisation of the law. Between then and now and not before. So yes the "opperative word" as you say is since. Since the liberalisation of the law (when the law was liberalised) farmers profits have reduced or initially the small number of farmers cultivating saw good profits but as the number of cultivators rapidly increased those farmers saw their profits reduced. As I said this would be because more dope was being cultivated, more on the market, market prices dropped and profit margins were reduced. I believe I did read it properly thank you and I also know what since means If its any help a friend told me he could get a kilo brick before legal for 5k or less.
  2. 6 broken ankles and counting.
  3. try to think positive....you wont hear your wife nag anymore. in all seriousness though you really should see a doctor even if it is just for an opinion on what may be wrong. at least it can be a start.
  4. i mean what would a guy at harvard with so many years experience in this field know.
  5. yes they do. but believing one thing they say and not another is not change. its strange. akin to cherry picking data to meet ones viewpoint.
  6. were you good with the WHO and covid ? just curious.
  7. i find the opposite happens with me. when i don't smoke i have crazy vivid dreams.
  8. so many factors in mental health it's foolish to blame it ALL on cannabis.
  9. i was sleeping. now i have to go for a walk before i waste my day away getting blazed. just finished repairing my dad's garage took almost a week. a few animals used it as shelter for the winter. it was a total mess. had to replace some of the truss ends and the plywood sheeting before i put new shingles on and gutter guards. were we talking about weed..... i forgot ?
  10. in canada everyone seems to care a lot about the environment and climate change.....while all driving single in a pick up or suv. using products mostly made half way around the world. spending huge money on fancy recycling boxes and updating their profile for the latest cause.
  11. i have never said it cannot harm me. my main point that i am always going on is that it is nothing compared to what it was before. then when compared to so many other things that can kill you. it really is a nothing burger now. yes i know people are getting sick. being admitted to hospital. dying. they are also doing that from so many other things in greater numbers now. why no lockdowns or mask mandate in thailand for the ongoing and only getting worse pm2.5 issue ? a far greater threat than covid and has killed so many more than covid ever will.
  12. its all garbage that i will never be involved with for 200 alex.
  13. history won't be kind on them. i feel a little sorry... but not much.
  14. why bother ? i swear i read something this week that germany has a boat load of prostitutes already.
  15. it's been reported that 150k thai are working illegally in south korea. should give you some insight as to why they don't offer access.
  16. this will be a total nightmare for customs brokers and logistics workers on both ends. more so the european end. verifying thai paperwork as legit etc. what a farce.
  17. when you go into villa it says imported. that's why. it was cute 20 years ago when i first went to thailand. now it just looks so stupid and lame.
  18. deflection again. here is a wild idea. hospitals hire more staff and pay them better as incentive to work. please now argue that. complaining about workloads and burdens now is pathetic. especially after over 4 years of covid. those in power have all the resources necessary to make the burden much less. they don't though. they continue to make millions and billions all whilst paying staff peanuts to be on the front line. all of these issues could be easily solved.
  19. pollution kills more people every year than covid ever did. year after year after year after year after year. covid is a nothing burger now.
  20. so covid cases are overwhelming them now in 2024 ? i would argue that there are far more people in hospital for pollution related issues than covid.
  21. however you cannot say with 100 percent certainty that you have never had covid.
  22. deflection. how do you know you haven't had covid already ? or right now ? are you testing yourself every morning ? if not you have no idea and that is fact.
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