this whole story is BS.
approx 150k thai are in SK illegally. this is why you are being treated in such a manner. customs are more than right to rigorously question these women. i am willing to bet they are ordered to scrutinize single thai women even more. they have every right to. don't like it. then don't come.
i don't believe for 1 minute that she is telling the whole story. customs asking those kinds of questions is illogical and irrelevant to the situation. i don't believe those were the questions asked of her either. a certain line of questioning may of led to similar questions like she is saying but i call BS. more than likely she was denied for a number of red flags. without all the information its all speculation on my behalf. but as a trained customs and immigration officer myself.... it doesn't add up.
a video would be great of these situations. the frustrations are coming from those who want to skirt the system.