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Everything posted by stoner

  1. lame.
  2. Ok and. Relevance to your puff puff pass comments.
  3. 2 comments in a row about smoking weed. How original. Back to my bong now.
  4. I'm good. Thanks for asking. Showing compassion for once. It's a breath of fresh air from you.
  5. Yes totally agree.
  6. I have had success in Thailand with cbd and treating seizures. Not a cure all but the results are there.
  7. Unlike your personal attack which came first eh. Your initial analysis is still drivel.
  8. Oh. I see you have misconstruded what I was saying. I was talking about your bs analysis. Not the policy. You aren't the intellectual political heavyweight you think you are. These forums are garbage to begin with. You should stick to being an angry Scottish drunk. Trust me I know life sucks when you're Scottish.
  9. Your opinion noted. No matter how wrong it is. Judging by the reactions to my post....you're the odd one out here. I'll let you know when we're having a party. You can try your luck see if anyone thinks you're funny.
  10. or you should lay off the booze. what a load of drivel you just wrote.
  11. I wish you guys who don't know what you are talking about regards Thai prisons would stop the innuendo about male rape, it doesn't happen, there are too many in there happy to sell themselves. Another silly answer, there are no lights out, the lights are on 24/7. who made you the fun police ? you're the kind of guy who interrupts a stand up show.
  12. it is. they are shoving it right in your face.
  13. the part that stuck out the most for me is him talking about the private boxes housing those who they are claiming they want to clamp down on. note he does say both sides. anyone want to tell me chris is a fascist right wing bla bla bla ?
  14. Stoner you won the bet. ill get you that tenner. seems it's not going to be a live interview.
  15. yes 100's of millions in organic donations to the lowest rated VP is US history....kinds of numbers.
  16. probably one of the biggest mistakes in US political history.....and they were doing so well with the bait and switch. 10 bucks says it is pre recorded and heavily edited.
  17. I wonder how often daddy will come visit him probably every night at lights out.
  18. Easy with the video spamming. We get.it you really really like her.
  19. Yes that's what I said. SMH. You should watch the interview that thailand I just posted. I have no idea what you're talking about and I don't think you do either.
  20. As I said about changing the debate rules. This is so weak. Wow. Will she bring her mommy too like 25 percent of kids today do for a job interview. What a pathetic display.
  21. ya'll have no idea really. a drop in the ocean. strictly talking cannabis and transit between the 2 countries.
  22. incoming projectile...... DIVE DIVE DIVE.
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