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Everything posted by stoner

  1. Sounds like a 12 year old demands. Sad.
  2. Album sales silly. Celine doin. Alanis Morissette. Shania twain. Avril lavigne. Go check the numbers you'll see.
  3. It was Democrats who started the mic mute.
  4. Those terps would end up sticking to the top of the mason jar. Ewww.
  5. Most terps if not all burn off in decarb. @SamuiGrower will know for sure. Different formulas can be made to taste better if your friend needs it.
  6. What ? The list is pretty impressive you're wrong. Especially females. Best in the world and the numbers back it up.
  7. Oh you kidder you.
  8. you're really not as witty as you think you are. best to stop now before it becomes silly. now im off to get a scoop of focus lcd cream.
  9. zzzzzzzzzz ......did you just regurgitate some vomit.
  10. Ummm....she's new to being the presidential candidate and taking her time to get prepared. Only dodgy right wing media outlets are bashing her about it. Oh, and maga cult members. what a weak excuse.
  11. In canada now each individual cigarette has a warning on it.Not only the package. Who can afford to smoke though. A pack of premium smokes is now 650b.
  12. i love the smell of a coup in the morning.
  13. how do you expect people to take you seriously with a comment like that ? the guy was polling at about 5 percent. which last time i checked was a lot of votes. potentially swinging an election result that is tight. keep up with the dumb trolling memes that shouldn't be allowed according to forum rules.
  14. its truth. you just can't accept or are unwilling to face that you were lied to. not my problem.
  15. they sure do. those were also the same people who told you biden was aces before the debate.
  16. tell that to your peeps...
  17. of course you think it is.
  18. ok then. funny how she did a number of controlled events before she was officially the candidate. strange how that works.
  19. sure is and this is showing a huge weakness. only on my terms sounds like a 5 year old. also changing what the democrats pushed for in the original debate is telling. they pushed for that change because they thought it would be an advantage for them. it backfired and now they are backtracking. that is some yummy weak sauce they handing out.
  20. sounds like monopoly. do not talk to the press. do not collect 200 while passing go.
  21. still weak looking.
  22. super weak.
  23. very weak.
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