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Everything posted by stoner

  1. And now like children they want new rules. Didn't work first time.
  2. i don't like communists. never for the life of me understood why we even deal with china in the first place.
  3. Ok and I bet you think tik tok is a harmless video app too. Seems to be a lot of communist sympathisers in here. Yikes.
  4. What ? House lawmakers found that the equipment installed on the cranes — cellular modems that can be used for remote communication — were not documented in any contract between US ports and Chinese crane maker ZPMC.
  5. down with fascism vote kamala.
  6. i typed in 4 words to a search engine. tracking device chinese crane.
  7. "The US has already found such devices in cranes and heavy equipment they purchased through Chinese companies. " Link please. happy ? https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/07/politics/congressional-probe-communications-gear-chinese-cranes/index.html
  8. You're either with us...or you're with the trumporizors.
  9. fool me once shame on shame on you...fool me...you can't get fooled again. but in all honesty i do like george and all his sayings and antics. the movie was great. w was the best dodger of them all. the war and a shoe. he destroyed everything he touched and his policies resulted in the deaths of what approx 1 mil people. i look at george buish as the where's waldo of WMD's. now watch me hit this drive.
  10. what ? george bush smart or with any morality ? mike. mike. mike. smh.
  11. and ? oh i was drunk so its not my fault. is that what he is going for with that statement. if guilty 100 percent he has lost his human card. poof. bye bye.
  12. yes for real. premium smokes are from the big companies - players. du maurier. benson hedges. etc. then you have a lesser value brands. canadian classic for example. then you have native reserve smokes. which on their own have levels. they go from packaged cartons like the ones you buy in the store but are lesser quality all the way down to a carton of smokes in a plastic bag. yum. last i heard a pack of smokes in australia was about 40 dollars cad. i have also heard they want to implement a law to ban smoking basically. set an age limit and if you are born before that date ok you can continue smoking. but after that date and it will be considered an actual charge like assault or B& E kind of thing. maybe someone can confirm this.
  13. hi my name is thai politics. i am slightly down syndrome and i like jello.
  14. you might find better results with a cream or balm. i have been giving some to my mom for a number of years for her fingers (same issue as you) and she says it does help. i made and tested it on myself first. i have broken my ankles 6 times and had reconstructive surgery. my knees are pretty shot already and when i rub it on my knees the pain goes away quite quickly. i do apply quite a bit of it each time though. my mom found good results with 1 application of the cream then follow with another 15 minutes later. my company sells decent amounts of it. i cannot tell you that it is a fix all or that it is guaranteed to work. a few members on here have tried it with some mixed results. a few people it did not help in any way. others it helped and has changed things for the better. more than willing to help out send you some see if it works. we do also make oils. all safe process from start to finish is inhouse.
  15. And the new age law they are passing too.
  16. The women I mentioned for you to look at Did you check those numbers ?
  17. Wait what ?????? I have never nor would I. That's low brow shhhhh.
  18. Been at it a while got it thanks.
  19. Mining btc is quite lucrative when you don't pay power :)
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