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Everything posted by stoner

  1. You just posted all the info to clear up your own curiosity.
  2. I'm really not allowed to do anything....other than donate all my money to it. i am on paperwork but not allowed to do any work. my wife spent 10 years with me in canada learning everything. if i am right there is part of the law that says the thc levels cannot exceed a certain percent of the product. not too difficult to sort out with some maths and standard weights.
  3. There was an edibles course my wife did online with thai government.
  4. i do a wide range of products all from start to final product. flower. oils. edibles. cream. massage oil. bath stuff for ladies. soap. this thread i can see the OP is getting a raw deal so i offered to help. those gummies are BS in my opinion. for a few reasons. not what the OP was looking for.
  5. Felt more like an inquisition more so than simple questions.
  6. It's no secret I just don't like posters like you is all.
  7. Maha craft cannabis. You happy ? Also you were talking about Google maps not a Google search.
  8. licensed yes. registered yes. paying taxes yes. ltd co registered. yes. wife handles all that. no online shop or website - yes i know this harms me. i don't really have social media. shop is in phuket town. i am more into helping people out rather than growing a big thing out of all this. not usual yes i know...... but neither am i. nor is my experience within the industry in thailand. there are a number of people on here that could vouch for my products and the help that i have offered over the years. many times at no cost. i also do a lot of wholesale to dispensaries all over thailand as well.
  9. ill hazard a guess that many people wont even know this vaccine exists never mind take it. the coming months will tell. call me out if i am wrong i will eat my words.
  10. what's next.....trudeau comes out gay.
  11. correct. @SamuiGrower has gone over this in great detail if people need to know. he doesn't have many posts so won't be hard to find. for OP. those gummies are made by people who don't know what they are doing - sorry to be so blunt. i am not the greatest ever but i do know a thing or 10. don't give up just yet on edibles. please contact me i am more than happy to help out.
  12. Nice. Finally. Now EVERYONE can shut up about this crap.
  13. woah cowboy........i meant politicians.
  14. i don't know anyone who openly mocks someone when they are trying to speak a different language. what kind of people are you hanging with....... iiii yaaa
  15. you're letting your rage get the better of you.
  16. 2 planes are going to revolutionize logistics ? ahhhh ok.
  17. this should answer all of your thoughts...
  18. are you hungry ? RIP chris. eddie please keep being the beautiful generous man you are. https://pearljam.com/vitalogy
  19. You're still supporting an old man for president? Too funny too funny....you supported an old man AS president. too funny indeed. or is that ironic. before you come back with the usual trumper bla bla bla. just because someone disagrees with you does not make them a trump fan. disclaimer. yep still not a trump fan no matter what the hateful 8 may tell you.
  20. woah. it's just a phone...... take a deep breath. who'll be my role model when my role model is gone....
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