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Everything posted by stoner

  1. well gee golly here i thought using derogatory and homophobic terms on here was against the forum rules. silly me.
  2. you might want to brush up on your meanings. just because it's a question does not mean it cannot be homophobic. using that word already means your statement is homophobic. thanks for showing some true colors. no need to reply you have been exposed.
  3. woah.....a little homophobic and derogatory are we.
  4. ill take this bet.
  5. mine is still the same and always will be. politicians are trash. all of them. take a snap shot if you want ......but i will not change. cue predictable comments telling me what i think.
  6. Absolute BS. Border czar was a term made up by the MSM, and not disputed by the Democrats, to describe Harris' job. For 3 years it was in use, then suddenly.... not sure what affiliation all of these people in the videos have but here you go.
  7. thanks. you could of just replied with the first line though.
  8. I just completed this quiz. My Score 60/100 My Time 141 seconds  
  9. new york times web viewing is allowed in china ? ive never been so i don't know what extent the whole great fire wall reaches.
  10. journalists in iraq..... https://cpj.org/2013/03/iraq-war-and-news-media-a-look-inside-the-death-to/
  11. You did swim the fastest. That's not her fault :)
  12. Opinion pieces no factual basis or evidence backing your claim of insertion. What you don't like a taste of your own medicine ? You are by far one of the most aggressive posters on this forum.
  13. so a week before the birth is cool too ?
  14. not my fault you cannot see the difference. good luck chap.
  15. Ain't this the truth it's good for changing opinions too.
  16. i have asked and received somewhat of an answer.
  17. now that's what i call a super funny original joke. you thought of that all on your ownsome ?
  18. more so right. i'm sure way back relationships between men and women are a far cry from the civility of today.
  19. correct. this one is funny though. bye.
  20. hahahaha ouch.
  21. i recognize the importance of those 3... but i am not fond of it being used politically when it does not represent nearly the portion of abortion that it is made out to be. :) to quote the great bill clinton...abortion should be safe legal and rare.
  22. 8 billion humans on this planet. thank you for the 1 example.
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