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Posts posted by David006

  1. I knew a Brit guy some years back who was apparently here traveling under a false or different passport for similar reasons as OP.

    One day he had disappeared ..... inquired after him ...."oh him ....he was arrested and deported yesterday"

    amazing piety on here by some hugh!

    Used to travel with an American engineer ....he would he would walk through customs with spiffs in his shirt pocket...always stayed a few metres behind him...lol

  2. OP your priority is your son, get home & be the best Dad you can. You don't want to hear it but you really are a lucky guy, I respect you taking on being a single parent.

    Brain dump everything else and don't let the crap get you down.

    +1 Think someplace like Melbourne ( beat out Vancouver as worlds most livable city?) would be good..raised our twins there from 11+ to Uni.....sure there are problems but seems a better option for you...good luck mate.

  3. We have three oscillating type ceiling fans supported by metal straps resting on suspended steel gyproc ceiling....very noisy due to the drum effect and a bitch to keep clean..... have one that crapped out...will seal hole in ceiling and stay with floor or maybe wall models as the others inevitably will go tits up....live and learn..smile.png

  4. Even the best of mechanical watches still won't beat a cheap quartz watch for accuracy.

    Yes, and a 305-hp, 3.7-liter, $22,000 US V-6 Ford Mustang has a 0-60-mph time of 5.1 seconds while a flagship Rolls Royce Phantom is MUCH slower at 5.7 seconds! Somewhere, somehow, there is a difference in quality though. It's a matter of appreciating those things.

    remove the Rolls regulator and void the warranty...lol

    • Like 1
  5. So what are you saying here?

    The inference seems to be that every conductive household item should be bonded ..sound idea perhaps but a bit impractical tying together stainless steel sinks , pipes,taps, hobs, etc.?

    With the price of electronics so low one wonders why all appliances do not have mandatory inbuilt LCBs like shower heaters....guess it will come.

    Often thought there should be a market for a piggy back LCB plug adapter .maybe they are out there already someplace?

    Never seen the replacement outlet versions here...would be a start?

    All PE conductors to the earth bar, earth socket outlets 3 pin, HWS, Airconditioners, Hot plate units etc. Light fittings as required.

    Bond the metallic water pipe if installed to the main earth bar ( only at one point, the pipe should enter the ground). Install a main earth and electrode or equivalent.

    Install RCDs /RCBOs on all final subcircuits at the switchboard.

    Isolated items of metal work are not required to be bonded. eg metallic taps, sinks, containers etc.

    Ref. AS3000.

    Not challenging anybody ( .....brought this issue up last year sometime if ya care to search?)...anyways as you mentioned all grounded items would be at the leakage potential.......be they taps or pipes.......your words not mine....yes?

    Sorry DID mean RCD for our pedantic friends......let's not get into a pissing contest here!!.....I call 'em. GFIs....smile.png

  6. So what are you saying here?

    The inference seems to be that every conductive household item should be bonded ..sound idea perhaps but a bit impractical tying together stainless steel sinks , pipes,taps, hobs, etc.?

    With the price of electronics so low one wonders why all appliances do not have mandatory inbuilt LCBs like shower heaters....guess it will come.

    Often thought there should be a market for a piggy back LCB plug adapter .maybe they are out there already someplace?

    Never seen the replacement outlet versions here...would be a start?

  7. We are having a lot of these threads lately. It can be quite intimidating in some of these Asian to see the wealth. Perhaps get out into the countryside and make you feel better?

    555 rather ironical that are lots of "Thai face " posts by farangs who then proceed to show off ( farang face?) I own , I do, I know, I am, I earn......."he who dies with the most toys wins".clap2.gif

    Everybody everyplace likes to be perceived as having arrived and is successful, good looking, superior etc.....it is even in nature ..witness the peacock etc.

    Unless you are in the work force or in a city "time" is of little relevance in Thailand....gave away all but one of my rat race accumulated watches to rellies..made 'em happy I guess.

    Most of the time I never know what day it is.........if I do need to know the time ( has the fish arrived in market yet?)..surrounded by it... on phones , in the truck, on my screen.....

    Whatever floats ya boat.....thumbsup.gif

  8. No smell of ozone??.......whats it smell like?....how often have you smelt ozone?

    Ive smelt scotch time though....mmmm. Scotch time smells nice!

    enjoy the scotch...lol

    Sometimes you think you can smell lightning. Actually, what you smell is the ozone produced by lightning. (Ozone is three oxygen molecules - O3 - bound together. It breaks down into a molecule - O2 - plus an atom of free oxygen - O - that reacts with anything handy (including nerve endings in your nose.)

    The electrical current and intense temperatures produced by a lightning stroke create a mini-chemical factory where ordinary oxygen (O2) and nitrogen (N2) molecules are chopped into atoms and then into ions.

    Most of these atoms reform as ordinary oxygen and nitrogen, but a significant number form nitrous oxide compounds (NO, NO2, and NOx). In the 1983 Global Troposphere Experiment, aircraft sampled the air inside two cumulonimbus clouds and found that the levels of NO had risen 50-fold, from 20 to 1000 parts per trillion.

    If this proves to be true of all thunderclouds, then lightning - especially cloud-to-cloud flashes closer to the stratosphere - could be a significant producer of chemicals that deplete the Earth's protective ozone layer.

    bet ya wish ya never asked...biggrin.png

  9. Me reading book ..wife watching TV....

    .CRAAAAAAK big FLASH sort of inside house....and ..BANG ..TV still works no smell of ozone..nadda

    Wife cuddles..etc "very scare" !!

    <deleted>....minute later......BANG Flash anudda one maybe 100 metres off in farm..still no smell of ozone no hair up zip..strange...must be all those candles she lights and food and baht she gives to the monks.

    Same thing happened when on computer alone in the house a month or so back..... ..big flash and bang behind me...checked all electrics etc...nothing..real strange.

    Checked all electrics..no GFIs kicked zip....velly strange..lol

    Scotch time...lol

  10. IA....exactly what I do with the trolley style...I also sewed in a piece of fishing net to stop stuff falling through ,I chuck in a tarp for small stuff or use buckets.

    I have seen pretty good, well constructed wheel barrows ( as good as any Bunnings unit) in our local m and p hardware and noodle shop but decided that my back is better off with the trolley ....much more flexible too.

    If ya buy one from a place that makes them I would think that you could ask 'em to weld in some L shaped tangs or somesuch to take drop in boards?

    Good idea to dissemble and grease the axles and.that adjustable support leg ...mine rusted up and took half a day and six beers to fix..keep meaning to give it a coat of rust paint too...Better to mix cement in the baby bath thing as near as poss to place of use?

  11. I think there a few stages that only apply to Thai Visa. There is the expat who never was an expat political poster. That's an odd one and exclusive to Thai Visa as far as I can tell. They only post about politics and know nothing about Thailand; never did and never will.

    Then there is the expert who never was; late night, young curmudgeon trainee, poster. They would like to come to Thailand but can't afford the air fare. They make up stories how they would feel if ever confronted by the reality of living in Thailand and post as an expert would post.

    The third fantasy poster is the chamber of commerce of USA,UK or Aussie fantasy poster who having never lived in Thailand feels it his responsibility to educate all of us who do about the advantages of the West and the disadvantages of Thailand after his brief vacation here.

    Then, not last but last in my list is the; I took a Thai lady home after visiting Thailand for a week and now know all about Thailand by osmosis, poster.

    5555 .....brilliant.!.....often think that some responses and comments are by fantasy expats or maybe schizoids?..wonder what the percentage might be......what the hell though...public forums are bound to attract all sorts..

    The OP's stages apply to most things ..new cars,houses,countries, toys, girls.....glitter goes off most things with familiarity....then it requires a little work to keep it shiny.....worth it though.

  12. Guess you might want to google digital sampling, PCM and Dolby for a good insight...

    All signals through the air are analog..it is impossible to transceive digital format signals through air or space without a carrier like a laser beam.

    Short range laser transmission of digital data signals ( 1gb ++) through free space is currently used in telecommunications but is subject to atmospheric degradation..........sort of like your tv remote.

    ...analog ( wavy line signal) are sampled/encoded (into square wave on/off signals ..all those 0s and 1s....reasonably analogous to Morse code maybe ) and then decoded.

    .all use Pulse Code Modulation ( essentially the process of assigning a value to various points on the curves of analogue signals) in various schemes including Dolby digital.

    Does it make a difference?....everyone says so but at the end of the day it is the receptors ( your eyes and ears) which must perceive the quality of the ultimate analog signal transmitted by your TV screen or speakers methinks..if your half deaf and blind like me ....then....lol

    Anyways look it up if your interested ...all clever stuffsmile.png

  13. Can't you arrange your life and your body clock so that you are able to have a crap in the comfort and convenience of your own living space?

    I have been travelling the world for more than 25 years and have never used a public toilet for a dump even once, and perhaps only a couple of times in my whole life.

    Being organised in your life takes even less effort than writing a rant on a forum!! biggrin.png

    5555 organise your bowels? sounds like yoga styled anal retention or sumfing....."even once....perhaps only a couple of times" sounds like a disorganised thought process......ya never poop on a 14hr plane ride....impressive....? Think you should get a medal or something .......maybe a silver toilet seat with Sena leaf cluster?

    Lotsa people don't like using public facilities because they are less than sanitary but when ya gotta go ya gotta go as they say.

    Short of getting a colostomy I find bicycle clips are quite effective on a bumpy bus ride after a curry and a couple of pints of Guinness...

    yeah so being able to organise yourself so that you go to it every morning when you get up, even when you don't feel the urge, is anal retentive ('regular' is the correct term.? You sound like you are really are proud of being taken short. Why all this hate? I taught myself when I got my first job, I didn't turn up for work and then disappear for 30 minutes which is how you apparently learned potty training.

    Seriously, don't be so jealous that other people can keep their bowels regular. Must be terrible spending so much time looking for a public toilet.

    I can't remember the last time that I was in dire need of these facilities, unless you count getting rid of Beer Chang behind a tree.


    gotta love tv. ...pseudo .interlectual discussion of sphincter control and hygiene here,tight <deleted> on farming,genitalia size and emasculation elsewhere...oh dear ...Where in Thailand can I get a life could be a topic?....cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

  14. The 'Long Game' is many things.

    When I was 18 the 'long game' was my old man advising me to join the company pension.

    When I was 30 the 'long game' was an older friend and colleague telling me to make investments at 30 so I had the choice 'to walk' in my mid fifties (not so that I would have more money at 65 than the plan my old man advised me to put in place).

    In life the long game is to tell yourself the truth today, lest the truth bite you in the ass tomorrow.

    On TVF the long game is, our posts are not deleted, they can be searched and reposted in the future.

    This is the internet, be who or what you want to be....... but whoever you choose to be you will not buck the long game.

    The only way to play the long game is upfront truth now - you cannot win lying to yourself.

    phew ..quite the philosophizer....So in short you spend your life planning for the last years . commendable no doubt but a bit boring methinks.

    Sorry but I am a bit dense re the lying to yourself bit.

    Goodonya OP ....the whole world to choose from and you pick Kamala beach Thailand.....was this an elimination process ? As one poster said ......holiday experience and residence are two very different animals.

    Could you not have got visas for somewhere like Australia.( assuming you're not Aussie)..lotsa beaches and palm trees there...better for the family also methinks.

    Anyways good luck ...don't let the kids swim during SW monsoon !!!smile.png

  15. Can't you arrange your life and your body clock so that you are able to have a crap in the comfort and convenience of your own living space?

    I have been travelling the world for more than 25 years and have never used a public toilet for a dump even once, and perhaps only a couple of times in my whole life.

    Being organised in your life takes even less effort than writing a rant on a forum!! biggrin.png

    5555 organise your bowels? sounds like yoga styled anal retention or sumfing....."even once....perhaps only a couple of times" sounds like a disorganised thought process......ya never poop on a 14hr plane ride....impressive....? Think you should get a medal or something .......maybe a silver toilet seat with Sena leaf cluster?

    Lotsa people don't like using public facilities because they are less than sanitary but when ya gotta go ya gotta go as they say.

    Short of getting a colostomy I find bicycle clips are quite effective on a bumpy bus ride after a curry and a couple of pints of Guinness...

    • Like 2
  16. PEA will NOT permit you to supply your own meter, indeed they may not even provide a 100A meter if they deem the current infrastructure cannot support it.

    Nothing to stop you using 50mm2 cable, if it won't fit in the meter terminals you can add a 25mm2 pigtail to the end (don't clip off strands to make it fit).

    For your 10kW (45A) heaters you will need 45A breakers and 10mm2 cable, the Doncaster Cable volt drop calculator calculates volt drop, it does not give the minimum cable size for your current, use the cable rating tables for that.

    Assuming you don't take 1 hour showers you could wire the heaters in 6mm2 on 40A breakers and it will be just fine. A 40A breaker will carry 45A for over an hour before the thermal trip operates, the cable will get warm but will also be just fine (doing it this way is very common in the UK and is perfectly safe and legal).

    Rating tables from Bangkok Cable are here http://www.bangkokca.../SECTIONEN.HTML

    Nothing to stop you using 50mm2 cable, if it won't fit in the meter terminals you can add a 25mm2 pigtail to the end (don't clip off strands to make it fit).

    don't understand the reasoning on this....a pigtail must be joined and thence impedance.etc....care to explain??

  17. High price of Eggs.Right up there with my concern about health insurance costs.


    geesh TV is soooo exiting these days!!!

    health insurance??? c'est quoi?

    My biggest worry is why the beer in the fridge disappears..bloody Thai ghosts methinks.

    When first domesticated in Thailand eggs was 23 bt for ten now about 35bt...7 years on ...come on guys ..beer and ciggys have gone up more!! Rice up , gas up, fish a bit.....sunshine same price, fresh air same price...lol

  18. Apologies to anyone who thought I was snipping at them ..twas not the intention...more of a tongue in cheek personal experience & point of view prompted by the Isaan farmers meeting post.

    There will always be the short arm deep pocket brigade in any situation....I guess that if someone is gracious enough to host these things, bringing sufficient ++ BYO and maybe a bunch of flowers for the lady of the house would just be common courtesy whether or not it was expected. ??

    Guess it depends what one is used to though.

    For me Isaan is a bridge too far......

  19. Since I am on roll here: the wife and I just got back from a week R&R in Phuket ..me drink and swim she drink eat eat, eat ,eat, eat and talk.talk talk talk with visiting friends from Europe...........

    So while we are away the MIL taking care of the house..my age..gets bored and cuts rubber..wife says why you do?.. I say "dugh".......get back I say pay 50% so wife gives her 60 % ..no worries..the MIL comes to me when wife busy and tries to thrust 3kbt in my hand.."don't need" I says ..for you I says...........bugger... so explain to tell her via wife don't want....she works hard ........MIL not happy...lol

    Guess I lucked out..lovely old lady same age as me LOL....

    MIL just phoned yesterday says doc says her cholesterol and blood pressure down,down..ecstatic.....happy happy...............ah !!!! life on the farm...lol

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