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Everything posted by jaywalker2

  1. She stayed with a guy who strangled 5 dogs? She's lucky he didn't kill her as well.
  2. I had it a few weeks ago as well. I was sick for five or six days but the stymptoms were mild, no fever, just sore throat and nasal congestion mainly.
  3. Do you really think that a former soapland king would be concerned about corruption? Everything he does is calculated and is meant to benefit somebody (most of all himself)
  4. The U.S. Thai Embassy site says that the passport process takes five to six weeks, which is what mine took. The waiting period for passport renewals done in the U.S. was 10 weeks for expedited service and longer for normal service when I applied. So it's faster to do it in Thailand. During the application process, you do not get to keep you old passport. You have to hand it over whether you apply by mail or in person.
  5. I applied on March 15 and received the new passport around April 20, shortly after Songkran. I applied at the embassy's consular services. They want you to do it by mail but they will accept in person applications, though it won't speed things up. It was just easier for me because I live nearby.
  6. Unfortunately, most people don't have the resources to carefully screen the doctors, particularly in an emergency situation. One goes to a large private hospital based on the assumption that one can have confidence in the quality of care. Clearly, that's not the case.
  7. I had one experience at Bankok Hospital in Bangkok -- that was enough for me. I went in with a simple bladder infection. They immediately wanted to run a battery of tests (blood, liver, kidney and dengue fever tests) and give me an ultransound and tried to pressure me into staying overnight for observation. They then ended up prescribing me the wrong medicine. I would never go back there.
  8. 183 plus 250 and Prayut could still win prime minister. The question is whether Peau Thai would join forces with them if they promised to bring Thaksin home.
  9. I think my back is hurting
  10. Yeah, and now it's the cardless withdrawals they want to charge you for in order to induce you to use your phone to pay
  11. I don't understand why financial institutions are so intent on having us use our phone for all transactions. Facial recognition for me is hit-and-miss. Half the time it tells me it doesn't recognize my face. It's the same with Google's new verification system. The main purpose it seems to me is to make sure you are always logged in to your Google account and give Google complete access to your phone. Personally, I feel much more secure using my PC, which , of course, doesn't have facial recognition capabilities. You can argue that phones are more convenient but maybe it would be better for people if spending their money wasn't quite so easy.
  12. It's clear now why Prayut continues to be optimistic about his chances in the general election -- they're going to eliminate the opposition.
  13. my blood pressure medicine cost 210 baht per box at Southwest Pharmacy. It's 158 at Siam. They also have real pharmacists on duty. The place is usually mobbed. It's mainly for medicines though. It's not an all-purpose pharmacy like Boots or Watsons.
  14. Siam Pharmacy in Ploenchit is the best I've found.
  15. And the fact you get let off in the center of the city rather than the northern bus station
  16. Yes, when the agent does a retirement extension, the price is less if customer's bank account is the same bank as the agent's. If it's any other bank, there will usually be around a 2000 baht surcharge. Most of the agents I've researched do tend have their accounts at Bangkok Bank and Kasikorn. If your account is at SCB, for instance, you'll pay more. I don't know why this is.
  17. For example, an agent I used it was 14,000 if you banked at Kasikorn, 16,000 anywhere else. Another had an account at Bangkok Bank. and again the cost was 2000 more if you wanted to use another bank.
  18. Funny, if you use an agent, no TM30 or lease required.
  19. You and I must have had different life experiences, I guess.
  20. I was joking but the scene did seem somewhat gratuitous. It's as if they felt an obligation to introduce some gay sex even though the character had been firmly heterosexual up until that point.
  21. she's non-binary. Or is it gender fluid?
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