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Everything posted by jaywalker2

  1. They've cracked down and you can no longer sign up from overseas. Believe, I've tried.
  2. Good taste? He just buys all the top luxury brands. It's not like he's discriminating.
  3. They didn't find anything wrong with Prayut's inflated land sales, which occurred right after he threw the coup.
  4. Much harder than a retirement extension and it eliminates the option in the future of using an agent. Thai Visa will do the extension via EMS and you can use any bank.
  5. He's had plastic surgery and two heart surgeries, I believe
  6. Biolabs doesn't necessarily mean bioweapons labs. The Wuhan research laboratory was a biolab, researching cornavirus pathogens. Was it being used by the Chinese military? I don't know but there have been reports to that effect. Of course, all those official bodies initially denied that this research was taking place as well despite all the evidence to the contrary. The point is that the U.S. has been funding things like gain of function research in foreign facilities that it would be illegal to pursue in the United States. Are they also conducting bioweapon research? I don't know but it wouldn't surprise me. I wouldn't expect anyone to admit it though. Would you? Having said all that, RFK Jr. does have a lot of nutty ideas.
  7. That's actually true -- or rather it's been reported as true (who know what's true anymore). https://www.peoplesworld.org/article/after-months-of-denial-u-s-admits-to-running-ukraine-biolabs/
  8. The vast majority of Kindle books (almost 70 percent as I recall) are written by women. However, niche porn markets are supposedly a way to make money -- Bigfoot porn, Alien porn, Gangbang porn, and most of it is written by women.
  9. I published a book of fiction a couple of years ago. I didn't promote it in any way, so I was surprised when a little money dribbled into my bank account. If you want sales though, you need to market it -- blogs, youtube videos, Instagram, and learn how to game the google search results. Otherwise nobody will ever hear of it. There are over a million and a half self-published ebooks released on Amazon every year.
  10. According to the New York Times, the Super Cheeseburger has already been dropped. Customers hated it. Oftentimes, all of the cheese wasn't even melted.
  11. The US Embassy is right. The passport application website refers to applications in the U.S. The process for applications from Thailand is expedited. When I applied for a new passport, the website said 10-13 weeks. I received mine in 5. Still, remember you won't have a passport for those 5 weeks.
  12. Cashless society and harvesting and selling customer data. Phones are a wealth of consumer information, especially if you don't read the terms of agreement and allow them access to all your information. They can then sell (what they call "share") that data to 3rd parties providing a constant stream of revenue.
  13. Well, the lactose intolerance of Asians is well documented. Of course, many can consume it in small quantities without issue, a tablespoon or two in a cup of coffee for instance. When I used to make dishes heavy in white sauces, cheese products, or butter for instance, my girlfriend always had digestion issues, which, however, she didn't associate with the dairy products because she didn't know she was lactose intolerant. The problem was solved by switching to coconut milk and cheeses low in lactose. You notice there's more awareness of the problem these days and some stores are selling lactose free milk. But the importation of a Western diet has caused Thais all kinds of problems. Unfortunately, processed American cheese tends to have one of the highest lactose levels. I doubt that many Thais will be buying the all cheese burger anyway.
  14. Just perfect for a country where 90 percent of the citizens are lactose intolerant
  15. Us Use Microsoft Defender. It's just as good as the commercial ones and causes less problems.
  16. When someone is choking on food The American Red Cross recommends the following steps: Give five back blows. Stand to the side and just behind a choking adult. For a child, kneel down behind. Place your arm across the person's chest to support the person's body. Bend the person over at the waist to face the ground. Strike five separate times between the person's shoulder blades with the heel of your hand. Give five abdominal thrusts. If back blows don't remove the stuck object, give five abdominal thrusts, also known as the Heimlich maneuver. Alternate between five blows and five thrusts until the blockage is dislodged.
  17. If they start arresting people for pirating, we're all in trouble!
  18. If they simply retained internet banking there wouldn't be a problem would there
  19. I changed my passport at the same time
  20. I went to the branch and had them install it.
  21. She's addicted and needs profesional help. You can't stop this on your own. There are gambling rehab clinics in Thailand. And there used to be a branch of Gambler's Anonymous although I don't know if it's still operating. You might try contacting the Stop Gambling Foundation to see what resources are available. But you can't do anything unl3ww she's willing to cooperate. For that, you would probably need an intervention involving her family. If they won't cooperate and she won't cooperate, you might need to consider a separation until she's willing to get help.
  22. I have 2000 W induction cooker. It goes up to 240 degrees in stir fry mode but that temperature quickly corrodes the teflon coating. Even if I keep the temperatures fairly low (no more than 200) the teflon coating erodes fairly quickly (generally within a year). So, as the other poster said, get a cast iron fying pan or wok and season it properly before using it.
  23. You notice when you registered for the mobile app they requested access to all your data and permission to share it with 3rd parties. You can refuse but that data nevertheless remains available to them.
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