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Everything posted by jaywalker2

  1. that's more a budget hotel than 4 or 5 stars
  2. If it's real, it is amazing. The guy's in his 50's. Give credit where credit is due.
  3. Immigration was so worried about the farangs in thailand that it seems they somehow overlooked an invasion by the Chinese mafia.
  4. In the park, I mainly see pigeons, crows, sparrows and myrnah birds and what I guess might be an occasional Asian bluebird. Except for the bluebird, these birds are so aggressive and prolific they don't leve much room for anyting else.
  5. Now this is the funniest thing you've said so far.
  6. Here's a NY Times link: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/03/23/health/covid-africa-deaths.html What's amazing to me is that the experts on the ground studying this phenomenon can't agree on the causes. But the geniuses on this forum with no expertise at all somehow have all the answers and are completely certain that they are right. It's laughable.
  7. No, my point was that African countries have low vaccination rates and low covid mortality rates. That's all. And it's untrue that African countries have non-existent healthcare systems. It's just that healthcare is provided at by local grassroots providers rather than by big corporations.
  8. https://news.yahoo.com/fauci-couldn-t-recall-critical-204543315.html I can't believe you people are making assertions when you clearly know nothing about what is going on.
  9. And you think, then, that Youtube, Twitter, and Facebook suspended accounts that made any positive mention of Ivermectin based solely on their own judgment? Oh, by the way, the NAID (headed by Fauchi) is currently being sued in the U.S. for colluding with social media platforms to suppress information information about Covid 19 that contradicted the government narrative.
  10. Or maybe because pressure has been put on them not to?
  11. How many links will satisfy you? https://www.firstpost.com/world/why-africa-which-has-less-than-6-of-people-vaccinated-is-least-affected-by-covid-19-10149471.html
  12. That's anecdotal and evidence of nothing.
  13. Well, you would have to believe that hundreds of thousands or millions died in other countries and nobody noticed.
  14. By the way, I have no faith in the Lancet anymore. They published a transparently fraudlent study about hydroxycholoroquine (which was quickly retracted) and have refused to publish any positive studies about Ivermectine.
  15. https://apnews.com/article/coronavirus-pandemic-science-health-pandemics-united-nations-fcf28a83c9352a67e50aa2172eb01a2f The "underestimated deaths" are based on modeling. But there are no verified statistics that confirm large numbers of excess deaths. The situation is Haiti is the same. Hardly any vaccinations, few deaths.
  16. That's only true in developed countries though. In Africa, for example, only around 6 percent of the population is vaccinated but the number of deaths for the entire continent was only about 1/4 that of the U.S. alone -- and 40 percent of those were in South Africa. The rest of the continent was largely unaffected, despite the fact that an estimated 70 percent contracted Covid. So hardly anybody was vaccinated and yet hardly anyone died.
  17. What I meant was I don't think they need to see a copy of your extension of stay. I wasn't asked for one. After they pull up your passport, the computer provides that information.
  18. I don't think the banks have to check for an extension of stay. They were able to check my passport on their computer, so all the information should have been there. I don't know if they can do that at Western Union.
  19. That true. Then you would favor the Palang Pracharat as they've driven the price of yaba down to 20 baht a hit
  20. i had the same thing when I went to make a deposit at my bank (which I've been using for 15 years). They told me it was due to new money laundering rules
  21. This has nothing to do with current visa criteria. It was all about corruption in the upper ranks of immigration officers. Tightening criteria isn't going to do anything about that.
  22. You didn't inspect the apartment first?
  23. He was probably earned it working Korea. Maybe he didn't have a bank account here to transfer it to.
  24. You need a big apartment -- 80 or 90 square meters and preferably on a high floor.
  25. Look at the statistics. Alcohol consumption jumped from 6.5 liters per capita when the law was introduced to 8.4 in 2018 (precovid, of course it went up during the lockdowns). The percentage of the population that regularly consumes alcohol has remained steady at between 30-33 percent. Recreational drinking is more popular than it has ever been, especially among teenagers. Road fatalities have more than doubled with drinking the leading cause. This despite the global trend of reduced alcohol consumption and the Thai government's anti-alcohol campaigns. Anyway, why would anybody think that not letting people buy alcohol until 11 in the morning and between 2-5 in the afternoon would have any appreciable effect on alcohol consumption. Only alcoholics drink during those hours.
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