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Everything posted by jaywalker2

  1. Why bother with fact checking when your mind is already made up https://healthfeedback.org/claimreview/cleveland-clinic-study-didnt-find-more-covid-19-vaccine-doses-causes-increased-covid-19-risk-association-alone-doesnt-imply-causation/
  2. Season 1 of Chuck is available on TGX and EZTV. This show came out in 2007 but I had never heard of it. It's a comedy about a computer nerd who inadvertantly has the complete databases of the CIA and NSA downloaded into his head. Chaos ensures. I've gotten halfway through season 1 and found it very funny,
  3. And if you were living in the U.S. where it reportedly now costs $80,000 to live a comfortable lifestyle, where rents and housing prices have skyrocketed, where people are arguing endlessly about stupid topics like what is a woman, you would be saying: Why didn't I sell everything and move to Thailand when I had the chance
  4. A complete misrepresentation. What the CDC actually said was that vaccinated people were more likely to get the new variant -- i.e. were less protected -- than the older variants. If you can't even read a new article correctly, why would you comment about a complicated subject like this?
  5. Cleary you know nothing about the subject of vaccines or the Covid mrna vaccines in particular. So why do you even post? Post a reputable study to back your 200,000 deaths figure. And how exactly did these deaths occur? Do you even have a clue?
  6. I received a notification from Google saying that the privacy controls had been updated to give users more control over their ads. What they had actually done wa change all my privacy settings to give them permission to surveil all of my activity on my phone so they could give me "personalized ads". I turned everything off but how many people are going to fail to notice?
  7. This is exactly what has happened. The corruption has come out of the closet and they're not even going to pretend to hide it anymore. It's a power play. Show the people that no matter what they do, they're not going to get change.
  8. I'm sure it will be fine. It's clear that only the finest minds in the kingdom have been appointed to this Cabinet.
  9. It's actually true that Twitter has become much worse under Musk unless, I guess, you're all for freedom of hate speech.
  10. As it stands now, this wouldn't affect retirees, who are not registered with the tax office. But it seems the powers that be are determined to screw farangs as much as possible so it's hard to feel confident.
  11. You go to the police and make a police report, then you go to the embassy and apply for a new passport. The embassy will give you a letter stating that your passport was stolen or lost. You take that to immigration with a copy of your old passport and visa (if you have it) and they will transfer the visa to the new passport
  12. People at my condo sometimes leave their phone unattended while they use the bathroom. There's CCTV so I doubt anybody would steal it.
  13. Was her name Maggie May?
  14. Ridiculous generalizations. There are plenty of foreigners here who lead normal lives. They just don't hang out at bars or make a fool of themselves in public. They jog in the park, they're married, they raise their kids, they volunteer, they write blogs, they do the kind of things people do everywhere. On the other hand, if you live in Pattaya you're probably going to see the worst aspects of humanity. It's just the nature of the place.
  15. All the policies of the new government are a continuation of the failed policies of the previous administration. Prayut's focus was on tourism. Remember how they boasted about targetting 80 million tourists a year. How did that work out? Tourism does not lead to sustainable economic development. When excessive, it only leads to boom-bust cycles and the destruction of the environment and local cultures.
  16. I use Firefox. I have tried Chrome, Edge, Brave, and Opera but I have always returned to Firefox. First, it has the best built-in privacy features and you can add additional privacy add-ons. Second, the built-in read only mode is very useful for me. You can get similar add-ons for Chromium browsers but I find they don't work as well. Third, it's customizable. You can decrease just the text size for example without affecting the other aspects of the brower. Other browsers like Edge, Chrome, and Opera mirror your system settings. So if you set the display at a resoluton of 125 percent, as I do, the toolbars and text of those browsers will increase accordingly, taking up too much screen space. I know some people complain that Firefox requires too much processing power but I think it's on par with Chrome. I have an occasional crash, usually when I'm running multiple videos at the same time but they're rare. Maybe if I had 20 or 30 tabs open at the same time, I'd experience more problems but for me that's never necessary. Seven or eight is more than enough and I have no problems with that many open tabs. I avoided the mobile version for a long time because it was big, bulky, and processor and battery intensive, but it's improved a lot since and now it's my default browser on mobile, which I can synch with my desktop version. I prefer using the browser to apps for things like YouTube, Twitter (X), and spotify because I can block the ads. Having said all that, no browser is perfect. But in principle I avoid Microsft and Google products whenever I can.
  17. Thank you for your response. What you seem to be describing is bone preservation at the point of extraction. That bone can then be strengthened through the absorbtion of the right nutrients. But when you lose a tooth and the bone holding the tooth is reabsorbed, then it becomes impossible to grow new bone to replace the bone that was lost. This was what I was told by all the dentists I visited. In other words, you can strengthen bone that has been damaged (as in a broken leg) but you can't regrow bone that has been lost. The issue is of interest to me because when I needed to replace two extracted teeth with implants, I went to several of the major clinics targetting farang. One of them told me (even before the tooth had been extracted) that a major bone graft would be needed (bovine) and that the entire process would take about eight months (just for the graft). Two other places told me that a sinus lift would be needed. Another dentist told me that he could do the procedure with no bone graft. It was very difficult to decide what to do as you can imagine. Of course the cost varied widely but more importantly was the question of which procedure would produce the best result. I'm still not sure about that point.
  18. I thought it's not possible to regrow bone and if you wait 3 months 60 percent of the original bone is gone. Hence the need for bone grafts
  19. It is odd that dental techniques remain so crude compared to other medical specialties. I wonder how much extra they'll be charging foreigners if the new system is ever put into operation.
  20. You can bet they're actively searching for a way to dissolve MFP long before the next election
  21. There's no need for a coup when what was formerly the largest opposition party has agreed to do your bidding. It's just all one big circle jerk now.
  22. You can delete the account and it won't matter but the information doesn't disappear. If you want to use a google service after that, you'll just be asked to sign in. Deleting the account is the equivalent of logging off in other words.
  23. Almost everybody can get implants but some need q bone graft. It's not uncommon for the bone to be too thin especially on top. When I had my implant, the first dentist wanted me to have a major bone graft. It would have taken 7 months and cost 50,000 a tooth. Another dentist told me I would need a sinus lift, a more minor procedure that would have cost 20,000 or so. I went to a third dentist and he said no bone graft necessary. I went with him. That was two and half years ago and it's been fine so far more or less.
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