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Everything posted by jaywalker2

  1. There used to be government subsidized optical shops, which is where I got my glasses about six or seven years ago. They gave an eye test and everything and the total cost for the frames and plastic lenses with UV filter was 800 baht. Ironically, this has been the best pair of glasses I have ever owned. All of the frames I bought at optical shops ended up breaking or the lenses ended up scratched. I've had no problems with this pair. They're still as good as new. I don't know if the shops still still exist. They were attached to stationary shops that provdied discount supplies for teachers. I got mine in Bangkok but I believe the government stores were nationwide. It would be worth checking out.
  2. Another election commission "probe" certain to go nowhere.
  3. Notice the government has just raised the electric rate by 14 percent. Is that considered low inflation?
  4. Has inflation remained low? Food prices have soared and the rent demanded for vacant condos seems to have exceeded precovid levels. Am I imagining all of this?
  5. Why is it that so many people who claim to be successful self-made men are so full of anger and resentment?
  6. If you get most of your news from social media, you're bound to have a distorted impression of the world and especially the U.S. These days it's mostly a way for attention seekers to draw a crowd for their antics.
  7. Just a saline or hydrogen peroxide rinse is supposed to be effective in killing any covid germs in the nasal passages. And by the way remember when they announced that Thai researchers had developed their own vacdine? Whatever happened to that?
  8. Wonderful! All dishes the orginary thai could never afford.
  9. thai-american because he's a naturalized thai. not a "real" thai (although he tries hard to act more thai than the thais)
  10. He did have the vision to see the potential of U.S, fast food when most people thought Thais would never go for it. But a lot of his success is attributable to the connections he was able to form among the elite. Remember, he jumped on the Prayut bandwagon right after the coup and his 300 baht hotel surcharge mirrors the surcharge that the government wants to impose on foreign arrivals. The fact that he, originally an American, should subscribe to such discrimination is disgraceful.
  11. More proof, if any were needed, that in Thailand (as elsewhere) brains and excessive wealth do not necessarily go together.
  12. Get a crown. It's important for keeping the bone intact, maintaining the structure of the mouth, and ensuring proper bite. You shouldn't even get your wisdom teeth taken out unless it's unavoidable. Dentists often say you don't need them but their removal causes the mouth to shrink leading to constricted airway, breathing problems, and other issues.
  13. Common among the commoners but not among the hi so. Among the lower classes just as common as premartial sex probably.
  14. At one time, the Catholics believed that you had to be buried in consecrated ground in order to rise from the dead at the last judgment. No body, no resurrection. Now, however, the Church is perfectly fine with cremation, in line with so many other changes in dogma to suit the changing times. No more fish on Fridays, divorce okay, even gay couples seem to meet the approval of the pope. i wonder what happened to all the people sent to hell before the dogma changed.
  15. It happened to me once, It was frightening. It was a SCB ATM at one of the main branches in Bangkok. After the transaction timed out, I tried another ATM at the same place and it worked fine. Sometimes I wonder if they're just trying to make you give up on using ATMS.
  16. 17 percent of all ER admissions? I don't think so. How does this guy from Songkla know? Did he go around taking a survey? It's a bunch of bull.
  17. One of the attractive features of Bangkok years ago was the way old communal neighborhoods and more modern developments coexisted side by side. This was in large part due to the fact that the older traditional neighborhoods were situated on land owned by the crown and allowed to persist by the grace of the former king. Of course developers were eager to get their hands on this land and when the king passed, the commoners were kicked out and all these new exorbinant condominiums that could only be afforded by the rich arose. Property prices in the CBD rose astonomically, fueled by investment from foreign sources, particularly China. Most of the poorer and middle class Thais have been forced to the distant suburbs. Thus we can imagine what the effect will be if the government also opens up land ownership to foreign investment.
  18. I don't disagree that the foreign land ownership laws need reform. On the other hand, completely opening the market will undoubtedly lead to the kind of stratospheric property prices that you see in the west. Rather than basing land ownership on investment amount, maybe the government should consider allowing it for farangs established in the kingdom -- with wives and children, for example.
  19. Would you mind saying what hotel?
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