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Everything posted by Joebuzzz

  1. You realize that virtually all the street trash, including cigarette butts, wash into the sea during rain storms? I'll agree that farangs drop cigarette butts in the streets, but I've never seen one openly throwing trash, but I've seen locals leaving their picnic trash everywhere.
  2. Well, yeah, it was my daughter in law. Moron. Damn liberal crybaby.
  3. It's not even a real vaccine.
  4. ROTFLMFAO. Il bet you're to lazy to actually visit their website that still states it's not CDC OR FDA approved. Crybaby.
  5. It was my daughter in law, moron.
  6. Yep. I know one that's now up to a 440 volt, multi-prong, with towel dispenser.
  7. Same as in the USA. They just rob the taxpayers.
  8. Conspiracy? My daughter in law was required to get jabbed by the US GOVERNMENT, or lose her job at the TSA. Two days later she couldn't stay at work. Messed her up for over 2 months. Read Pfizer web site. Note that to this day their vaccine "IS NOT APPROVED FOR GENERAL USE" by the FDA OR CDC but it's for "EMERGENCY USE ONLY". They've made over $100 BILLION.
  9. I'll spend 12 months a year elsewhere. It's already too much BS to live here.
  10. Seems people have no comprehension of the end goal here. So il tell you. The WEF is pushing this everywhere. An article from about a year ago made the point that once the public gets to about 65% of doing non-cash transactions, it will be time to stop cash purchases. Once that is done, the governments, all of them, will now be able to track AND TAX every purchase. They'll know what you buy, where you bought it, etc. This is not good. In America they presently believe you should pay tax on items you sell at a garage sale. They track deposits, transactions, over $600. So, that tv you bought last year that won't fit in you new home, an 85' Winnebago, if you sell it and don't have the receipt to show you took a loss, you owe taxes on that $600. DO NOT USE ELECTRONIC PAYMENT QR CODES. You'll regret it.
  11. Maybe YOU should learn how it works. Here's a link to help educate you. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-66472537 It's even from a left leaning liberal network. Still waiting on your education.
  12. In 2016 I was walking along Jomtien on the sea side of the street, just south of the night market where there was a long wall at some empty land. It was around noon. Tourists with kids were walking on the sidewalk heading north. Baht bus pulls over and the driver step out and takes a whiz on the wall/sidewalk knowing this family is walking towards him from about 30 yards. Hops back in his bus and drives off. Honestly, I was kinda shocked that someone would do that.
  13. Maybe YOU should learn how it works. Here's a link to help educate you. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-66472537 It's even from a left leaning liberal network.
  14. ROTFLMFAO. Yes. RNC voted. Primaries eliminated Haley, DeSantis, etc. DNC refused to let RFK JR. run. Communists are always "picked" by their predecessor. YAY! Comrade Kamala got INSTALLED. It was a literal coup for the deep state thieves. But hey, you're to dense to figure that out.
  15. Wow! Kinda reminds me of how Harris managed to become the Democrat nominee..... without anyone voting for her. Obamas 4th term.
  16. Actually, an oceanic research college in Florida just reported that the sea has risen about ONE FOOT in the last 100 years. They expect it to double due to the "industrial revolution". That would be two feet in 100 years. OR ....... 1/4" per year. Dang! Break out the waders.
  17. Wow! Thank you. I'm moving along now. Can ya see me moving? It kinda looks like ..... Screw it, it'll get flagged. ROTFLMFAO. You'll probably need to continue your search for someone who gives a squat about your opinions. It ain't me.
  18. I did mention that as a US citizen I'm required to transfer 65K monthly. Only because my embassy is too pathetic to provide income verification even on Social Security benefits. No, I don't spend it all every month. Sometimes I spend more, most of the time about 70%.
  19. Read this one. It's already going down, down, down. Top 10 provinces for second-hand property sales identified
  20. I was just trying to point out that, no matter what, there will be losers in the Thai business sector.
  21. 50% of expats leaving my condo building would pretty much put all the businesses downstairs out of business.
  22. In 1987 I was having troubles in my second marriage, in San Diego. The wife and I lived separately. As we were trying to work things out, she stopped by one afternoon to talk. I said " Hey, ya wanna give me a ride to Linda Vista?" She says okay. Twenty minutes later we pull into a parking lot. She reads the sign on the building and says "What are we doing at Planned Parenthood?" I said "I'm getting a vasectomy. I'll see ya in an hour". Yep, I knew that would finish the fiasco.
  23. 300,000 expats contributing the 65,000 Baht per month (amount required to transfer for a few of us) equals about $590,000,000 to the economy, monthly. 2023 GDP of Thailand was $515 BILLION. But believing that foreigners are a drop in that bucket is wrong. Thailand exports about $600 BILLION ANNUALLY. Expats use grocery stores, mechanics, contractors, pharmacies, doctors, dentists, etc, everything during low season. Too many bail and it certainly won't affect exports. And when tourists show up for high season, they'll find a lot of emptiness.
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