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Everything posted by Joebuzzz

  1. you can get a burner phone number. has a fee but a one week trial. close after using it. no charge.
  2. A woman in England was arrested and jailed for "praying" in her mind. Yes, it's already here.
  3. Are looters bad people if they grab a can of beans on the way out?
  4. What works for me? I use a VPN server in Thailand for Bangkok Bank. They notify me via my phone that a log-on has taken place. If my VPN server in use is in the USA I can have trouble logging on. Not always, but sometimes. Ad blockers must be disabled for banking sites. I use a USA server to sign on to my USA banking, which is NFCU and Discover Card. I always use the same state location server. It is important to verify you don't have ad blockers running for the web sites because they will stop some information from transmitting, making the page not load completely, and fail. NFCU has verbally verified that using a VPN is not a problem for their customers. I found it was the ad blockers I use on Firefox that was causing issues. I ALWAYS USE A VPN, FOR EVERYTHING, EVERYWHERE. INCLUDING ON MY PHONE.
  5. Read this https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/expert-report-fuels-election-doubts-georgia-waits-update-voting-softwa-rcna89566 And this, from liberal NPR. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/election-security-experts-urge-georgia-to-swap-out-touchscreen-voting-machines And Louisiana cancels $95 million Dominion contract. https://statescoop.com/louisiana-cancels-95-million-contract-for-new-voting-machines/ ETC, ETC. Of course there was no election fraud. Do you realize if they actually admitted it now what the ramifications would be? They just want it buried.
  6. Don't watch Fox. It's got too much Tay Tay.
  7. You don't need to be a mind reader. Here's some FACTS about Biden. I didn't even make them up.
  8. And the FBI had it first. They certainly did their job acting on it. The DOJ has been investigating Hunter over 5 years for money laundering. They certainly did their jobs there too. They're all corrupt.
  9. "Gets stuff done"? Please elaborate on the outstanding things he's accomplished. I need a good laff.
  10. Not pulled, refused to allow is more like it. Canada Elections Department Announces It Refuses To Use Dominion Voting Systems November 18, 2020 at 2:44pm Canada’s elections management body announced Tuesday that it does not use Dominion Voting Systems election software, a heavily scrutinized voting software that has been the subject of many conspiracy theories surrounding the 2020 U.S. presidential election. Elections Canada wanted to assure Canadian voters that they should not have the same concerns Americans have regarding election integrity. “Elections Canada does not use Dominion Voting Systems. We use paper ballots counted by hand in front of scrutineers and have never used voting machines or electronic tabulators to count votes in our 100-year history,” Elections Canada tweeted Monday.
  11. I don't actually believe it's going to be over. Dominion machines were just kicked out of one country and others are beginning to realize how easy it is to feed them lies when they're connected to the internet. So, I don't think this issue is over. It's just that getting the evidence is almost impossible. Kinda like finding Jimmie Hoffa. Maybe he's not dead. Who really killed JFK? Jury still out on that. Was 9/11 false flag? Well, the FBI building fell down on itself without getting hit. It's a crooked world we live in. Trump kicked off Colorado ballot? He'll be back on. That's what you get with activist liberal judges and politicians. Lawyers are just liars and the best become judges.
  12. His age is not as dominant as his 50 year record of complete incompetence. His voting record literally proves he has never done anything for the American taxpayer but take their money away. Unfortunately, too many people read the main stream media liars and believe them. They only recently started showing the illegal alien invasion even though it's been on Fox, Newsmax, OANN, Brietbart, for as long as Bidens been in office. They knew about Hunters laptop before the 2021 election, but wouldn't report on it. Months later 17% of voters said had they known they WOULD NOT HAVE VOTED FOR BIDEN. If you're fed by CNN, MSNBC, ABC, WaPo, NBC, NPR, BBC, etc, you're not getting all the real news and half the time you're getting lied to. Now, Lachlan Murdock, a total liberal, has taken control of FOX, so yeah, they're headed that way too. Want to know what's up with Taylor Swift? Watch FOX.
  13. “Under no circumstances, you are promising America tonight, you would never abuse power as retribution against anybody?” Hannity asked Trump in the interview taped in Davenport, Iowa on Tuesday. “Except for day one,” Trump responded. Trump said on the “day one” he referred to, he would use his presidential powers to close the southern border with Mexico and expand oil drilling. That's it. The entire conversation. I agree 100%. Close the damn border. Finish the wall. Deport everyone that is ILLEGAL. Americas taxpayers can't afford to support the whole damn world.
  14. Typical liberal mouth diarrhea. So, under Trump about 700,000 weren't deported but under Biden 2.5 MILLION weren't deported and now live on welfare. Not to mention the other estimated 3 to 5 MILLION got-away's. Presently it's estimated that almost 8 MILLION have crossed brainless Bidens open borders. Prior to that estimates of illegal aliens was 15 to 25 million. Presently, close to TEN PERCENT OF AMERICA IS ILLEGAL ALIENS. YES, IT'S TIME TO CLOSE THE BORDER AND BEGIN MASS DEPORTATIONS. 2022 estimate of illegal aliens cost is at $128 BILLION DOLLARS. Also note that your article say's "in it's first 26.3 months". Well, I guess its short almost 10 months. Last month was almost 200,000. copied from the article YOU cited: During the Trump administration, DHS made 1.4 million arrests—what it calls “encounters”—in fiscal years 2019 and 2020 (24 months). Of those people arrested, only 47 percent were removed as of December 31, 2021, which includes people arrested by Trump and removed by Biden, and 52 percent were released into the United States. Under Biden, DHS made over 5 million arrests in its first 26.3 months, and it removed nearly 2.6 million—51 percent—while releasing only 49 percent. In other words, the Trump DHS removed a minority of those arrested while the Biden DHS removed a majority. Biden managed to increase the removal share while also increasing the total removals by a factor of 3.5. I think 700,000 is less than 2,400,000, unless you're a liberal.
  15. Just a comment regarding online 90 day reporting. I did my FIRST online report at about 11:45 am yesterday, Sunday. I had an an approval email at 11:00 pm. last night. So, less than 12 hours on a Sunday. I'm thoroughly impressed. Wish I hadn't waited to try it.
  16. I did this research a year or so back before I left the USA. This may have changed since. BKB in New York will only allow you to use them as a transfer agent. They will set up auto transfers ONLY if you designate Social Security to pay your monthly benefit to that account. They recieve it, send it. That's as deep as it goes. If I recall, you cannot split your SS Benefits between banks. So your entire monthly benefit will transfer here automatically.
  17. Yep, you belong in California. The land of liberal, self important morons.
  18. That's why I always bring a Durian as a gift for the agent.
  19. Go on vacation somewhere and get a vasectomy. Come back and say "Okay Honey, let's make a baby". Then try over and over and over and over. I got one at 39. Some girlfriend took me all the way to court when I was 42, almost 30 years ago. It didn't turn out well for her.
  20. If they all moved to California, they'd fit right in.
  21. Import 800,000 baht, transfer 65,000 per month after that for one year. You verify your income by sending it here. Or, you pay an agent $700 a year to lie for you. After one year of bank verified transfers, you can drop to 400,000K in your bank account and continue 65K a month. The US Embassy won't verify squat. Their only good for reporting your death. They want to make sure your Social Security stops.
  22. Basically, the entire United States Government has become useless to the average citizen. Nothing but a bunch of taxpayer paid office slugs.
  23. Last I heard was that if you did all by the book, after year one of 800K in the bank and 65K per month for one year, you could drop your deposit to 400K on approval. True that UK, Australia, Oz, and USA embassies won't help with the income verification, even if it's government pension/social security. As for the USA, it's because they're lazy government employees that wouldn't have jobs if the government didn't give them one.
  24. Nope. But they do enjoy mass murder in the USA, mostly because they're "misunderstood".
  25. Now my hearing aid is dying. One is dead. Seems like very little choices here. Or hear. Not to bash, but I received new, top of the line (lol) Phonak hearing aids from the Veterans Administration in the USA in August 2022. They didn't make it through the 45 day trial period. Contacted the VA from Thailand. To bad. Contacted Phonak, they didn't even respond. They went in the trash. The one that still works is a different manufacturer, also provided by the VA, but 5 or 6 years old. I plan to use ear phones with my phone when necessary unless someone can point me to a decent hearing aid location in Pattaya. No plans to go back to the US.A
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