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Everything posted by Bobthegimp

  1. Mr. DIY or Big C Extra would be the first places I'd look. You'll want a pure sine wave for a laptop and 500 watts should suffice.
  2. It's my glands!
  3. You must be a real teacher. Are your kids being robbed of opportunities in life due to the Thai education system? It's like overcoming a learning disorder or speech impediment. I came to Pattaya to take the waters. Maybe one day I'll find them.
  4. Or a moron's parade. The women who run in that race are clean, healthy, normal women, not prostitutes shooting tequila and taking hits off a vapourizer. I'm with you on the tattoos.
  5. I've witnessed the same thing with close friends, hence the seemingly harsh statement. This young man's death is now a "tragedy" instead of a "thank God it's finally over".
  6. Yes, he "was" all of those things and probably a lot more. Now he'll be remembered for dying like a junkie in a 700 baht flop house off of Buakhao. Let that sink in.
  7. Are these excited utterances or do the cops waterboard the living garbage out of these suspects? Maybe Thailand needs some of those "free man on the land" self educated lawyer types on YouTube.
  8. If you squint you'll see Bob in that photo, second from the end.
  9. He spared his family the misery of being manipulated and bled dry by a junkie. It's better this way than had he become a toothless layabout, begging and stealing to get his next fix. Imagine Hunter Biden, but without money for hookers and blow.
  10. What's this bed wetting thing? I don't go through people's post histories. These forums aren't as anonymous as one might think.
  11. I buy all my supplements and medical supplies from dodgy Pakis tanis.
  12. Why has the word "contact" disappeared from the English language?
  13. Or the little actor cum dictator with lifts in his shoes. Perhaps when that country reinstates elections he will go back to playing the piano with his dick. He's a pretty decent dancer though, got to give him credit for that.
  14. I did just that. Lo and behold, another Englishman popped up, incoherent and shirtless. What the hell is leeching into the groundwater of that once proud nation?
  15. I'm shocked to have been away from the forum for a few days and log in to find yet another tale of a degenerate Brit acting as he does back home. Who let him escape from Buakhao? They need electronic collars and invisible fences for the likes of him.
  16. Look up "muscle memory" and get back to us. It's much easier to get back into shape after a layoff than it is go get fit for the first time.
  17. They can also be fattened on corn and finished on grass or grain. They grow rapidly on corn but it's hard on their guts. An uncle raised cattle in an organic fashion and his beef was sold the day the calves showed up at the farm. People line up for quality beef.
  18. Great recommendations. The Chinese temple was like an oven inside in July, despite the massive floor fans all over the place. It really is a quality attraction though, and only 50 baht. I was surprised to find terra cotta warriors in there. George, you might want to check the definition of laminating. I'd go with "contemplating" . Do you ride a motorbike? It's easy to reach all of the major tourist attractions around Pattaya in a day. There's a really cool place called "Coffee War" a few minutes past Buddha Mountain that's worth a trip. The coffee was good and only 100 baht. The price of admission is any drink, so you could go for water if coffee isn't your thing. Another attraction, though an hour away, is to visit Moo Deng, the world famous baby pygmy hippopotamus, at a zoo in Si Racha.
  19. Great service and the drivers don't speak or beg for tips.
  20. The majority of Thais drive well below the speed limit and straddle both lanes, causing people who aren't timid to fight to get around them.
  21. Learn what? The guy driving the truck had just pulled a graveyard shift at the port. Have you ever worked a graveyard shift?
  22. Even 50 baht for that trip seems low. I pay over the odds for a few things because I hate the economic race to the bottom. The old taxi fares were rape, with quite a few (but not all) drivers going for the throat. Now they're all paying the price whilst large multinational corporations are making the lion's share of the profit. There's a balance somewhere in the middle where both parties can walk away feeling ok about the transaction. Last year I had a great massage woman in her late 40s who was skilled and as strong as a rice farmer (yes, she was a woman). The shop charged 200 baht per hour for Thai massage, so of course the women try to jack off the customer to make the extra money. Proper Thai massage is damned hard work, especially during high season when they're busy for 12 hours per day. I paid 500 baht per hour for an excellent massage that relieved some serious knots, and didn't have to put up with being pestered to pay for something that is taken care of by someone younger.
  23. True, but it has nothing to do with my post.
  24. British pensions are frozen in Canada, as well, and they've whinged about it for as long as I've been alive. There were protests and marches during my childhood which always ended in property damage and full paddywagons. There is a rumour that the British government is about to eliminate the freeze for BIPOC and LGBTQ+ people as freezing their pensions is clearly discriminatory.
  25. Yes, but those women were never going to be with farangs anyways. The Chinese and Koreans aren't towing around the dark skinned ladies from Issan, so nobody is losing their turn with the women.
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