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Everything posted by Bobthegimp

  1. Whilst the headline is correct, it's part of a bigger story. I don't know if you commies dig deeper than Yahoo, but this was part of a 25 percent tariff threat by Trump to get the Mexicans (and Canada) to properly control the borders. Wetbacks and fentanyl were the targets. The Mexican President might have had her say, but Trump will get his way. The Mexican government will renew control of their southern border and the Biden lackey NGOs will take a break from smuggling people across America's southern border. Canada is a lost cause. Our currency dropped like a stone minutes after Trump issued the threat, and he was right to do so. Canada has been a terrible neighbour to the US since Trudy took office. The US purged its colon, next year is our turn to rid ourselves of progressive scum and try to repair the immense damage done to our society. You progressives shouldn't fret too much. Your worst bents (trannies and wokeism) will fade into the background but most of Trump's choices are swamp creatures. Your beloved Ukraine will be given away, to the chagrin of Lyndsay Graham and Blackrock. You'd better polish your Star of David and brush up on your Hebrew 555
  2. Wow, clever retort. Is that what passes for British wit these days?
  3. Do you know any Arabs? If so, ask them how Libya was under Gaddafi. An Algerian friend referred to it as a paradise. It was the envy of all of the countries in the region.
  4. Maybe the step father buggered the kid throughout his childhood or beat the boy's mother and the boy waited until he felt strong enough to address the problem. There are a dozen different scenarios that could precipitate this kind of violence.
  5. Poor kid. A lamp post snapped off at the base and fell on me on Beach Rd one evening. Thai women were screaming, even though I was the one who got hit 555
  6. They used this rule to screw that maid on Samui out of the 100 million baht her French employer left to her.
  7. What is this drivel? Stay alert? Most of the posters here reach for the bottle or vape pen on the nightstand before starting their day 555
  8. Those beautiful lips of hers must form a good seal.
  9. Waiting for her inheritance from you, of course!
  10. Ok, so you're a doper. Good luck with that.
  11. Then where do you get off using "noshow's " moniker? He must be rolling in his grave 555
  12. Kind of like that jungle hooch that's going around.
  13. That delicate Thai male ego strikes again. It seems like they've all got a hair trigger and a bubbling pool of rage just under the surface.
  14. The loins of the cop say otherwise.
  15. My friend from Manchester said that the British government is setting up an online portal in Thailand so people can rat out UK pension "cheats". There might even be financial incentives, and you don't have to be from the UK to collect them.
  16. Demon rum! Drinking the devil's urine!
  17. Clowns come in all the colours of the rainbow. Elon is the world's richest African American 555
  18. Getting caught in a series of humiliating lies, perhaps. The Thai court system must be far different than those back home.
  19. Good for the people with balloons full of substances rammed up their bung holes to be able to distribute to more locations in a day.
  20. How do you know someone is a vegan? Don't worry, they'll tell you.
  21. No mention of the humiliating withdrawal and the 85 billion (with a B) of arms left behind that disappeared into the ether. Where did those arms go? I don't blame the dotard because it's clear that he was never in charge of anything. I saw a lot of Russian sailors on Walking Street 2 mornings ago. They're kids, just like kids back home used to be when the Western populace was a more homogeneous group. They looked happy to be in an exotic locale with a few rubles in their pockets. The Russian go go women will be happy to see them.
  22. Try the Muslim quarter, Pattaya Tai and Second Road area. It won't be Halal, but it should do the job.
  23. Like one of those guys on the visa run minibuses when immigration catches up with him.
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