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Everything posted by Bobthegimp

  1. Americans lose every direct conflict they enter. Best they stay home and provoke wars by proxy. Let Israel and Ukraine do the dirty work. How many countries have kicked American a ss in the last 100 years? The most recent group was a nation of goat herders.
  2. Spoken like someone with experience. Or a flaming 3rd wave feminist.
  3. Aberration, and I agree. It looks like something out of a horror movie. The poor sod crossed that line between improvisation and stupidity.
  4. This is why my bike is equipped with a catheter and a drainage tube discretely routed under the plastic to empty onto the road.
  5. Govern me harder, daddy. Force the bad people to wear masks and inject them with experimental fluids against their will. Sound crazy? It's the same mentality on display. Leave that mentality at home, the rest of us can fend for ourselves.
  6. Can you use it for your enemas?
  7. Yes, that's how I described it. Tyson looked bewildered walking to the ring and more like 68 than 58. Hopefully he will manage this pot properly so he doesn't have to sell his dignity again. Just a pathetic event. That YouTuber doesn't belong in the ring with a real boxer of any age, but money is the name of the game. One thing Tyson still did well was slipping punches, but he still got caught a few times and would have been dead if Paul hadn't pulled the punches. The women's fight was excellent. Shame about the officiating and judges though; rotten to the core.
  8. Hell of a way to find out that your buddy is a homo.
  9. They go to sodomize/be sodomized by the men dressed in women's clothing.
  10. It's a serious problem in Canada and has been going on for decades. My friend's gf was taken by Jamaicans and moved all over 2 provinces being p-imped out. We were just out of high school and the RCMP did little about it. The girl's mom tracked her down to a seedy area of Calgary, where the police rescued the girl and arrested the p-imps. Not sure what happened to the criminals, but the girl couldn't handle what was done to her and ended up taking her own life. Joe Biden's people "lost track" of 10's of thousands of unaccompanied minors since opening the Southern Border, so these problems aren't unique to developing countries.
  11. Pay them well and punish corruption ruthlessly.
  12. Time to call in the Bear:
  13. Helicopter money, aka "putting out the (inflation) fire with gasoline". People also become more reliant on the government and more inclined to go along with its dictates.
  14. Those buttery soft, yet firmly gripping hands on your hips are those of Herr Starmer. Pensioners are about to discover how well endowed and turgid the revenue service becomes at the prospect of deflowering geezers living abroad. Don't pick up the soap in the shower.
  15. You skiving, thieving bunch of retired bastards. There are migrants to feed and house in the UK, and all of you must pay your "fair share" to support the swart hordes being brought in to replace the native populace. Do you think that housing, electric, gas, water, and gift cards grow on trees? Nevermind the taxes you pay for services back home that you don't use. How much more tax can we put you down for, you racist, misogynist animals? Sorry, I've watched a little too much BBC lately and the kool-aid is taking effect.
  16. Another AN poster just making s hit up. Oil is still king. Do carry on though.
  17. I was in a Honda Big Wing shop outside of Pattaya this week and the lady included a 7k discount on the price of an ADV 350. It was a real discount, with the price coming in at 180k baht. Mityon guy quoted me 195k plus license. There might be a new bike in my parking lot tomorrow.
  18. If you break out of the Pattaya bubble there are camping areas all over the country. Remember how hot it is in March though. There was a great camping area down near Chumpon. It's a conservation area set up beside the ocean by the old king. The Thais camped there were having a great time when I rode through last year. Be sure you've got a comfortable mat underneath you or it's going to be a long night. A sheet will provide enough warmth. I've spent a lot of time in tents, much of which was in winter conditions at altitude. Never once had a good night's sleep, but sometimes a tent is the only way to achieve your goal. Have you considered popping down to New Zealand to camp? The South Island looks like a great place and you don't have to worry about bears or moose.
  19. I still wake up with a tent in my boxers, no need to pitch one anywhere else.
  20. I'd rather have a pot of boiling chip oil thrown in my face than deal with the lunacy that is NYE in Pattaya. The katoey pickpockets will be out in force, as will the Soi 6 goon squad to give the geezers their season's beatings.
  21. I hope this type of thinking moves north, where it's badly needed.
  22. There's a mentally ill Thai guy who pushes an old motorbike covered in crap around the Dongtan Beach area. The bike has a sign that says "For Sale, 1,000,000 baht". He doesn't seem to bother anyone and there's nothing on the bike that anyone would miss. He even chains the bike up so it can't be stolen.
  23. My friend and I witnessed an urchin do something similar to a German tourist on Beach Road 20 years ago. The German's ring finger was hanging by a thread of skin. One group of Thais got him onto a songtaew and took him to the hospital whilst another group surrounded the urchin to assist him in his escape.
  24. What escaped mention was the state of the garment, which was probably encrusted with chicken choker juice that required a couple of washings to remove.
  25. Not here, not in this age. The party doesn't even start until you're on the ground, when all and sundry come to take out their frustrations on your twitching corpse.
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