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Everything posted by Bobthegimp

  1. Duplicate post.
  2. What you're proposing is highly commendable, but too close to whistling past the graveyard for me. Has nobody on this board ever stepped across "the line"? Ever bash someone's face one too many times and have him go limp on you? Or go 200km/hr on a motorbike? Run with scissors or a popsicle stick in your mouth, or scissors AND a popsicle stick in your mouth? Clutch the pearls too hard and need physio for carpal tunnel syndrome? Nothing?
  3. That was very well said. Thanks for giving a realistic perspective.
  4. Why the change from "German" to "Western" in the headline? There are many types of engineers, including marine engineers who are really mechanics that fix just about everything on their ship. The foreigner's math might have been off or perhaps they did try to pad the bill. The women in the photo look like 60-80 baht beer bar women, not the 150 baht variety. Perhaps a few pairs of Irish sunglasses will serve as a reminder the next time they're putting bills into the bins.
  5. Poor dopers. They should just be left alone.
  6. I can't figure out if you're a pedant or an imbecile. Perhaps a man can be both.
  7. You've described me! I only know what my British friends tell me. The sole scouser I know lives in Vancouver and is.....on benefits! My friends described the mindset so well that it seemed like they knew him for decades.
  8. Songkran is coming. The time doesn't surprise me at all.
  9. Where else can a (presumably) white man get away with this kind of behaviour? Wife and child beating is a cultural norm for many new arrivals in Western countries and nothing is done about it. Men wipe out their entire families over a loss of face or murder their daughters in "honour" killings. Plenty of women who date outside their culture can be seen sporting a pair of Irish sunglasses, no doubt believing that they did something to deserve it. Maybe they did. Maybe they got sick of being married to an accountant and prefer broken, unpredictable men with a quick temper and heavy hands.
  10. It's all fun and games until someone loses an arm.
  11. My friend from Yorkshire says that means he will see himself as the victim and is probably on benefits. They've gone native.
  12. She's welcome to share this shepherd's cot any time she pleases. I'd be happy to ease away her stress. She's got a thing for Obamy, but he likes them big and well endowed, so she won't get far with him.
  13. Make the filthy retirees pay for it with a new income tax policy.
  14. Sorry, it's article 18 from my country's (Canada) DTA with Thailand. I looked it up when all of this nonsense started because much of what I read on these threads was pure conjecture. Many retirees here could save themselves a lot of misery by doing the same. People with more complex sources of income will need professional advice.
  15. My God man! Get your geriatric a ss down there and rectify the situation. Those things dangling around your knees are called balls. Maybe you can salvage some of your dignity before throwing off this mortal coil.
  16. Most people prefer taking drugs to living a clean life, which is why pharmaceutical stocks are a good bet. How do you solve your stomach problems? Straighten up and fly right, pilgrim. I've got a friend who's a boozer and his guts are shot. He drops his foul gas and it makes people leave the room. Like exhuming a corpse. One time he passed a horrendous amount of gas into a pillow, then held it over his girlfriend's face and started rambling on about "this is how it was in the camps". She was Thai and the allusion escaped her. He eventually impregnated her mother and that was the end of that. God only knows how many little bastards he has scattered all over this country.
  17. Retirement extension is available from the age of 50. I can't see a single advantage of using tourist visas instead of a retirement extension. Who wants to be that grifter at the airport bickering over his "right" to enter on his umpteenth tourist visa when he clearly isn't a tourist? You'll see. There's no going back once you've experienced the hassle free entry of a retirement extension.
  18. Boycott? It will be my office if I can find the name of it. Have you ever owned or run a business? It doesn't function when employees just drift in whenever they feel like it.
  19. One advantage presented itself to me yesterday. I rented a room near Jomtien Beach for this month. A lady from the desk who spoke little English had taken a picture of my passport and extension stamp when I checked in. Yesterday, a lady who spoke English knocked on my door and asked to see my stamp. I showed her my passport and was offered a deep discount if I agreed to stay for 3 or more months. She said that they mostly get tourists here and would like to have longer stay guests during the low season, which makes perfect sense. Another advantage is being able to make arrangements with waitresses and other Thai women who have seasonal boyfriends who visit only for brief vacations. The boyfriends usually send money or take them on lavish vacations when in town, but women get lonely and don't do well alone. I've been approached by 3 such ladies after knowing them for a while. This only works if you're discrete and aren't jealous about slipping out of her life when the bf is in town.
  20. She was packing a knife and stabbed the dude. This is a weird story. This made me smile because yesterday morning a Thai lady (around 60 years old) on Jomtien Beach Road flagged me down and complained about the lack of Songtaews. I got her to jump on the back of my bike and took her up to 2nd Road where she could catch a ride. I'd have taken her to Pattaya but the old girl started getting frisky and I didn't fancy what was on offer.
  21. Many celebrate with copious amounts of whiskey and a set of car or motorbike keys, resulting in the carnage seen every year at that time.
  22. Nay my brother. The village loan shark might deal with you but you mightn't like the repayment terms.
  23. I ran into a pack of drunken Thai men on my ride to Hua Hin Songkran last year. The groups of women I'd encountered were very nice and gentle. These guys were as sholes. One of them ground that paste right into both of my eyes. I had to get off the scooter and give my eyes a thorough rinse with a bottle of water I had with me or I wouldn't have been able to proceed. There were 7 or 8 of them or I'd have beaten that little 140 lb runt into a bloody pulp. Songkran in Hua Hin itself was great. No roving packs of bell ringing lager louts or buckets of filthy swamp water thrown into my face. In other words, the opposite of Pattaya. I loved Songkran in Pattaya until 2011 when I was staying at Royal Thai Residence (Theprasit Soi 7) and saw the water refill trucks sucking water out of the fetid swamp near the building. Some sights can't be unseen.
  24. You're right about the pain. My 2023 Click just turned over 15k on the odometer. I've ridden to Hua Hin a few times and just got back from a tour of Issan and the Mae Hong Son Loop. A big bike would be more comfortable but they're not much good in town.
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