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Everything posted by Bobthegimp

  1. Ride your motorbike. It's a nice ride on a Click. There's a neat little skiff that takes you across the Chaopraya River, then you can follow scenic routes along the coast. I'd take a bus, but never one of those minivans again. I feel like the Lindbergh baby crammed into one of those.
  2. Not to worry, he'll find some white woman walking down the street, looking at her phone and show her who's boss. It's all the rage in his homeland with those of his.....ilk.
  3. I spent Songkran in Hua Hin last year and it was very pleasant. There was one day/night of water festivities and then it was over. Mostly young Thais participated and it was far gentler than what goes on in Pattaya.
  4. Actually, I moved over here a couple of years ago. Doesn't that make me a sex "resident"? My main reason for moving over here was to escape pea brained, obedient Covidians...I mean Canadians. Sex is just an added bonus. Cheaper women? Every guy on this board gets it for free.
  5. Because it shows how gullible the sheep are? Now run along and get your booster like a good little monkey. Don't forget your mask 555
  6. He's been wearing the same paper mask since the 1st day of the covid scare. Scratches his bung hole and sac, adjusts his mask, scratches his itchy loins, adjusts the mask again. Pulls down the mask to pick his nose, puts mask back up again. Four years of that has built up a patina that would kill a superhero.
  7. If the calendar wasn't enough that should have been the second hint. Happy April 1st.
  8. Comedy gold! Thank you root admin for bringing a smile to my face on this most auspicious day.
  9. Is that your stable of ladies back home?
  10. Is that when you hit the cr ack pipe? Men don't even reach their prime until their mid 30s and some hold it until they're 50 when a slow decline begins.
  11. Bobthegimp


    I changed rooms yesterday and this is what I found in the A/C. The mold could have made me very ill. Always check and clean the screens at least once per week.
  12. Or his wallet. If you're not having fun in Pattaya just spend more money. Go forth into that herd of bored, sullen bar girls and make it rain. All of your frowns will be turned upside down. You'd be amazed at what the girls will let you do in an empty bar. Last year I was in a bar on Buakhao in the wee hours of the morning, long past the official 2am closing time. One punter was passed out on a bench 2m away from me. An enterprising girl extracted his gizzard from his shorts and woke him up. The drunkard let her finish the job, threw 200 baht at her and ran off into the night. The girl rinsed out her mouth with sangsom and was happy to have the extra money. The rest of the women shouted that he should have paid more. It was the best laugh I'd had in a while.
  13. Did you sodomize her upon arrival back at Casa Del Bob?
  14. Easy to see who took the covid shots and is fully boosted. Good on the mods for deleting the comments from the people who saw this for what it was, right away. Time to peruse the comments and block contents from idiots who bought into this.
  15. Plenty of oiled up young rent bois in that hood will be happy how to take care of all of your needs.
  16. George, Nirun, and especially Flybird are slums. Why don't you rent a room in a Thai place in Central Pattaya for 5500 to 8500 per month, plus another 2k for electricity and water instead of an overpriced condo? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jlcu5hg5lMQ
  17. Bobthegimp


    Not only did they didn't see you coming, they sent for you. Rinse your eyes a couple of times per day with saline solution and the problem will vanish.
  18. Their enlarged hearts from the other injections help in the heat.
  19. No, but they did condemn the violation of the Minsk 1 and 2 accords, and Merkel's admission that the West negotiated both in bad faith. Sorry, BBC and CNN don't mention those facts.
  20. Communist filth ran out of other people's money so he needs time to print more and manufacture consent before going ahead with this goulish plan.
  21. Check out the lady in the yellow shirt. Either it's cold or she's very happy to be there. 27 is no cause to celebrate with a band like this - it's the equivalent of menopause in the world of pop music. Another couple of years and she'll be living in an Issan village with a chain smoking, old lady beating Swiss guy or a Frenchman who runs over the neighbour's kid's bike.
  22. Perhaps they could take their dog and pony show to the Middle East and flog their wares in a less hospitable region. I'd love to see how that works out for them.
  23. My bulbs are wet at 40c, dry heat or humid. Ain't dead yet, though my taint could use a wash n swaddle.
  24. Is that part of the Roman-Grecian wrestling gig? Eyebrows (the real kind) keep sweat out of your eyes. God only knows what's going on these days.
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