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Everything posted by Bobthegimp

  1. Every junkie begs for "food" money. Bring him something to eat and see how it goes. He might eat the food or throw it in your face, but one thing he won't do is stop begging until he's got enough to buy a hit. One thing I love about being over here is the lack of junkies. Vancouver is crawling with them. In addition to the harassment issue is the property crime problem. I've had a number of cars broken into over the years, each one cost me a $300 glass deductible and each of those cars had nothing in it to steal. Never had a problem here in Thailand. Never been hassled by a Thai beggar. They're brilliant mimes though, with expressive countenances and well fed bodies.
  2. My thought exactly. Add it to the list below "hub" and "crackdown".
  3. Our countries are being run by people who would be denied parole.
  4. A very good description. I was shocked at how primitive the theater was, but that's where the savings are. Five years ago I was told that it costs over a million dollars to set up a dental practice in Vancouver. That year a dentist told me that he pays $10,000 per month for imaging software (that wasn't working properly). You'll get none of that from Dr. Warin.
  5. The two beach road ladies in my room would like to see the trees planted again. The daytime heat makes their boxes sweaty.
  6. The problem with a mask is that you've got to remove it to lick master's boots. As for meth boy, give him a fentanyl speedball and send him on the final big ride to Valhalla. Give him the oblivion he craves. Junkies just want it to be over. Dude's begging because he ran out of people to steal from. Junkies aren't human anymore and will use any kindness displayed against the compassionate person.
  7. George, you can't swing a dead cat without hitting a dentist's office (or brothel) in Pattaya. Do some legwork and find a place that meets your needs. Go to one of the many modern dental offices then swing by and try to have a look in Warin's place. It's like a Soviet era museum. Dental offices are incredibly expensive to set up and operate; this is where Warin is able to reduce overhead and save money. He has probably done more procedures than you've had hot meals and I've never heard a complaint about his work aside from the number of visits required to get it done.
  8. A man who wears capri pants is definitely under the influence of some illicit substance. At least he wasn't choking his chicken like a homeless guy I saw on Soi 10 was doing last year. 7am and he was sitting in an empty security guard's chair outside a hotel with his phone in one hand and his pud in the other.
  9. If you're on a regular length vacation you won't have time to see Warin. I went a few years ago, maybe 2019, and it was 12k for a root canal on a molar and a porcelain crown. One visit per root, with days or a week in between each visit. I got sick of that routine and stopped going. Ended up having the tooth extracted at home and will get an implant sometime this year. I've had x-rays done and there has been no migration of the surrounding teeth. Don't put up with this multiple visits crap. My dentists at home did all of the roots in one go, applied the epoxy temporary filling, then fitted the crown on the following visit.
  10. And so it’s ok to beat them up because they honked their horn? You're not in Kansas anymore, Dorothy. Foreigners best learn the lay of the land or risk being another news story. The Chinese government might intercede on the behalf of the horn honkers and some form of justice might be doled out. We will never know. One day last year I was on a songtaew on Soi Buakhao, in very heavy traffic. A Brit git on a scooter right behind us laid on his little horn; probably venting his frustration at not being able to get to the next watering hole before happy hour ended. A lady beside me asked rhetorically "why he do that? It's traffic". If he do that in the village he would be beaten, maybe killed". The Thais were probably at fault but the foreigner will always pay the price. I don't use my horn.
  11. What a crock of sh it. They did what they're paid to do - for a change. Just like the Aussie broad that shot the guy who brought a knife to a gunfight. These days women are "heros(not heroines?) for performing the most mundane tasks. One area that I will give females credit for is being able to de-escalate confrontations before they become violent. Most men still won't punch their lights out, but that segment of the population is being replaced by newcomers who believe a woman's place is barefoot and on her knees. Good luck to the ladies on that one.
  12. Those are easy to solve. Stop poking the bear, re-shore industry back to the US and keep out of other countries' disputes, and deport anyone "radical" to whence they came. If they're born in the US, ship them off to a country that better reflects the radical's religious beliefs and world view. Closing the borders and only accepting immigrants who share Western cultural values - not economic migrants- would go a long way to solving most of the cultural problems facing the West today.
  13. No need to be pedantic. Most countries outside the US have banned handgun ownership for the non-criminal class. I gave the "thanks" for the information. Now I can't get "Saturday Night Special" out of my head !
  14. This thread is still going? A couple of points : I offered the man 100 baht to buy a coffee, which he politely refused. Nowhere did I say that coffee costs 100 baht. I haven't got a clue because I no longer set foot in Starbucks. The second point is that the gentleman didn't smell of alcohol. You can smell a hung over drunk from a meter away. The guy wasn't shaky, either, just a problem with balance. As a final note, I had nothing to gain by making this up. So many fun and amazing things have happened since I posted this thread that I'd forgotten about it. Get out of your comfort zone and do new things. Have fun and don't be afraid to talk to new people. There are some friendly and interesting people in Thailand but you've got to be open to meeting them.
  15. Funny, I figured you were drunk when you blamed a teen girl for being attacked by her uncle. If not, it's definitely time to get your head examined.
  16. They're the injected, boosted, mask wearing, Ukraine loving, supporting the "latest thing" crowd, who crave being mounted and dominated by every level of government. They'll always be fine as long as someone gives positive reinforcement of their hive mind mentality. Can the rest of us be saved from them?
  17. Would a world without Israel be a more peaceful place? Perhaps we will soon find out. Everyone else seems to play together just fine, or would do if the star spangled and Union Jack puppets would leave people alone to live their own lives.
  18. Remind me about the perils of consuming large quantities of soy and spending too much time with women.
  19. She's a kid. You need your head examined. "She found her daughter hiding in the bathroom, shaking uncontrollably and crying. The suspect had attempted to force entry into the bathroom, in a state of deranged persistence before the mother intervened, pushing him away and rescuing her daughter"
  20. Why? "Guvna" Allan is a mascot of sorts and a man of diplomatic aplomb when not under the influence of cheap gin. Look at the reverence on the security guard's face. " Washin' down the Guv" is a regular occurrence, this just happened to be the first time it was caught on camera. He's normally as elusive as Bigfoot or the chupacapra. I'd happily buy him and pint (and a bog roll).
  21. Balance of probabilities. At least they're not woman beaters like the Swiss. I'd like to buy fecal man a pint. Is there any contact info?
  22. Na, he needed immodium along with some duff n treacle to bung him up. Now he needs a public relations manager to handle the interview requests and fan mail.
  23. To end up in jail one must be less intelligent than the cops who put him there, and cops aren't known for their shining intellects.
  24. He's a mentally ill, homeless drug addict. Logic probably isn't his strong suit.
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