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Everything posted by Bobthegimp

  1. Sorry, you're correct. I responded to the lady and not to Mr. Tate, whom this thread is about. I went to India 20 years ago (big mistake) and dual pricing was advertised in print media: one price for Indians and one for foreigners + NRIs (non resident Indians). It shocked me because the Indian immigrants in Canada whinged non stop about racism and inequality, yet came from a culture that perpetuates it.
  2. Will you guys be smoking shake? Will there be shake to smoke? Back into the closet you go. I don't care what people smoke, snort, drink or inject. The thing that puzzles me is cigarette smoking, which is ubiquitous with the farangs over here, and they're none too considerate about it. No doper ever sat down beside me in a restaurant and lit up.
  3. Over two thousand years ago Jesus said the same thing about prayer, just in a less crass manner.
  4. Did you see the video? The foreign woman was trying to beat down the local by 20 cents on a 40 cent cup of tea in a remote location. This wasn't a case of a vendor at Windy Plaza asking 700 baht for a t-shirt. All the supplies have to be packed in, at high altitude. I'd have thrown rocks at the foreign woman if I was there, her behaviour was bloody disgraceful.
  5. What's with the weird man love for Chomsky? Maybe you could visit and give the geezer a bath and a shave. I'm waiting for him to throw off his mortal coil so I can celebrate the death of Kissenger at the same time.
  6. Yes, unless that income is protected by a tax agreement, which is why I referred to Canada's favourable tax rates for Canadian dividends and capital gains being treated like a windfall for the Thai government. My income is straightforward: a pension that is taxed at source in Canada and protected by a dual taxation agreement with Thailand, so I shouldn't even be reading these threads. Things are far more complicated for entrepreneurial types (aren't they always?) who have income from sources that aren't subject to taxes abroad and are remitted to Thailand.
  7. I had to look her up. A whole lotta woman squeezed into those dresses. I've seen her before but thought she was in her early 60's (she's early 40's). The title of this thread had me thinking it was about a new go go bar or rub n tug.
  8. From what I've read of the Thai tax code, yes. A source of income could be non taxable at home but fully exposed to Thai taxation. Being Canadian, I think of our Canadian dividend and capital gains tax rules. Whilst not fully taxable in Canada, they are taxable in Thailand, minus taxes paid at home. In effect, this is the Canadian government foregoing revenue (to encourage investment ) which the Thai government will then be treating as their windfall. It's crucial to understand your country's tax treaty with Thailand to see if you can: A) restructure your income to reduce tax exposure B) bail on Thailand for a more friendly regime C) suck it up and pay the taxes to the Thai government.
  9. "Don't argue with an idiot, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience". I failed to heed the words of Mark Twain and am suffering the consequences. Som nam na.
  10. Ever had the s h it beat out of you? It's very instructive. There's probably something going on in the teacher's life that caused the violent outburst. He could be gambling, have consumer debt, be a closeted homosexual, married a frigid woman or cheating whore...the possibilities are endless. Without engaging in the usual mental masturbation that occurs in these types of threads, how many of you guys with kids would tolerate a lowly teacher beating your child?
  11. I didn't answer anything. Time to brush up on your reading comprehension.
  12. Thailand joined some sort of OECD scheme whereby the governments of God knows how many countries share tax information with each other in order to get corporations and the wealthy to "pay their fair share". Most of the little people love that kind of talk, but not this little person.
  13. The quality of such recordings is so poor that it's difficult to discern anything about the participants. Nobody is going to point a finger at an adult woman for having sex. My guess is that the women went the whole hog with the camera pointed directly at them, fully aware of what they were doing. Pull out your phone and point it at your wife the next time she's on her knees (scrubbing the floor doesn't count) and you might be pleasantly surprised at the response. The more "respectable" the woman, the dirtier she gets in front of the camera.
  14. Obviously the result of a Cheech n Chong smoke in at a parliamentary bud lounge. Envision a group of bureaucrats passing a refer around when a particularly smart one says " we can issue loans....to alleviate debt!" One man's debt is another man's asset.
  15. This word keeps appearing in these new world order situations, usually demanding censorship of any view other than the party line. It looks like Thailand is marching in lockstep with the West towards communism. If it wasn't for "misinformation " we'd still be under the boot heel of the mask n needle brigade.
  16. On the solemn oath of women who willingly shagged and made porno movies with this "future husband"? I'd want to hear the other side of the story. Some guys live their whole lives and never learn a thing about women.
  17. Company pension and CPP are work related pensions, so covered by the agreement. I'm not sure about OAS, but even if it is taxable here in Thailand, the taxes wouldn't amount to much after applying the Thai personal exemptions. A back of the napkin calculation comes to about 3900 baht per year if you get the full OAS, but it might be exempt. I'm in my mid 50's so I haven't bothered reading up on OAS.
  18. Here's a relevant section for Canadian pensioners from our country's dual taxation agreement with Thailand. I urge people from other countries to check their agreements before caving in to despair.
  19. The best place in town has an Israeli flag discretely included on their sign. I figured all the customers were Arabs (I can't tell an Arab from a Jew) only to recently take note of their sign. Mostly Middle Eastern customers, no smelly dudes in black suits and hats though, so I can be forgiven for mistaking one group for the other. They use proper seasonings, not ketchup and mayonnaise like those horrid Turkish places do.
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