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Everything posted by Bobthegimp

  1. Looks like they're all lined up for short arm inspection.
  2. Simian filth. Arrest and deport.
  3. I've seen all kinds of behaviour from the British, but this takes the cake! Is there no depth that depraved people will not plumb?
  4. He's asking legitimate questions. The Swiss guy behaved in a despicable manner and has been punished for it. His businesses don't operate themselves, they employ local people who rely on the income to support their families. It sounds like he feeds and takes care of a number of elephants, any idea how much it costs to feed an elephant? A judge has determined that the Swiss assailant should be given a lesser charge based on the evidence. There's something fishy about this doctor pushing so hard.
  5. You'd have to be there for an hour yourself to know such a thing. Perhaps the man you described was intentionally trying to inconvenience shoppers. This song comes to mind:
  6. I had a bottle of Tiger in a bar the other night that smelled like someone had stepped on a skunk. They must have aged it out in the sun since last Songkran.
  7. Maybe he was the guy in the white coat flogging lab grown "meat" out of a petri dish. The attitude is right.
  8. Plenty of hiso farangs and Thais are gripped by the sudden urge to go to the nearest food court and eat in a cafeteria. Last year I saw Bill Gates there flogging suspicious looking meat samples out of a petri dish.
  9. Slagging off Pattaya. Posts video from Bangkok.
  10. I assume there are no dumps in Australia that compare to some of the buildings here. My suspicion is that the OP would like to retire a few years early and wants to test his limits for how low he can go on expenses in order to leave work sooner. If that's the case he'll want somewhere comfortable with modern amenities and the ability to cook at least some of his meals at home.
  11. Thanks. I was a kid when that thing went down and I still associated the disease with air conditioning without allowing for modern advancements in HVAC systems.
  12. You're asking good questions, but the image means nothing, just a bunch of coloured lines on a photograph.
  13. I went there 20 years ago with my brother and his wife. She and I polished off a beer tower in a grocery store, what a laugh. After 3 days we were driven out of CM by the smoke.
  14. Someone learned a new term and promptly misused it, twice, in the same paragraph.
  15. Maybe she desired him carnally and she became enraged when rebuffed. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.
  16. You might be here already. There's a point of diminishing returns when saving money on rent. You can pay 4500 baht per month to stay in a dump, or 6k for a more modern room in a condo like Novanna Residence: https://propertyhub.in.th/en/listings/novana-residence-studio-for-rent--9894089c---3699516 It's better to rent a nicer room and stay home for a night or two per month than to stay in a dump, and yes, the places you listed are dumps. When you're retired and willing to sign a long term lease offer to pre pay for a year and ask for a discount. Some condos sit empty for months at a time and the owners are better off giving a discount than getting zero rent at all.
  17. I'm going to check this place out. It sounds like the ladies know how to have a good time. A few bottles of jungle hooch and some crazy Issan music are just what the doctor ordered.
  18. Where did they touch you? Show me on the doll.
  19. Jumped by a pack of raging sodomites.
  20. Perhaps Captain Save a Hoe can pin that medal on her donkey ear sized flaps that were deemed unsuitable for public consumption.
  21. She had a Camila sized camel toe that was deemed unsuitable for sensitive viewers. I say tart her up and imp her out. Crazy hoes make the most money.
  22. I saw 2 accidents on my way to breakfast today. A lady on Thappraya (sp?) Road was conscious and being loaded into an ambulance. The second was a young lady on 3rd Road and Lengkee. I don't think she was alive. No helmet and it looked like she was sound asleep on the pavement with a very peaceful expression on her face. Two Thai men were holding a bamboo sun shade up to shield her from the rays and a cop was just getting on his motorbike. It looked like a collision between a big bike and a scooter. At home I would have rendered assistance, but here I have no idea what the protocols are and how to instruct ABVs to assist.
  23. This afternoon I hosed down my first geezer of the season. I carry a geezer gun on my scooter and when I see a particularly dour looking gent he gets it in the loins so that it looks like he's incontinent. You've got to soak them before they leave town.
  24. They should have AQI stations in the wh ore mongering hotspots, along with Pattaya live coochie cams.
  25. The laughter was from me. I'm not sure what's more humorous, the quality of the mask or the unshaven face it supposedly seals off. You've got to be clean shaven for a mask to form a proper seal. You've also got gaps beside your schnozz, along the nasolabial folds. The cloth mask is bloody hilarious. Do some drywall sanding with that thing on and see what gets through it.
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