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Everything posted by Bobthegimp

  1. Na, Thai ladies married to farangs like to step out, and bareback is always on the table with them. White women at home were no different. A man who likes to bareback can spread the spore to the marital bed pretty quickly.
  2. Bob, why did you remove the picture of the "Vlogging a Dead Horse" YouTube guy from your profile and replace it with Serpico? I enjoy your posts. They'd be better if you actually drank, but they're still entertaining enough.
  3. Women bathe in those tears. When they're behind you, they're the best ally a man could ask for; but man, when the love is gone they go scorched earth on you.
  4. Bobby, you cross dressin' now? Must be the rubbing alcohol kicking in.
  5. The firmest bitch hand in music in his day. The Godfather of Soul didn't take any guff from the ladies. I remember the story of him driving his pickup 70 mph in the wrong lane while giving his 13th wife etiquette lessons with the back of his hand.
  6. That's code for menopausal harridans where I come from. The fear is not without foundation.
  7. Can you hook into amenable tarts up there? It's kind of like a crusty old salmon swimming upstream to spawn. Plenty of spawned out Korat ladies in the bars of Pattaya, so maybe the fountain of young beauties is up at the headwaters.
  8. The beating and resulting medical bill you'd get from "cheating" a Thai man out of 5k baht would mitigate any benefit of helping a couple of tourists.
  9. Well, it was more of a fondling, really.
  10. I get as close as I can to them and release as much intestinal gas as possible (without soiling myself). There's nothing like dropping your guts beside an A list beauty and watching her wretch.
  11. John Candy signed my ex wife's tits. It eventually wore off, even without showering between Christmas and Easter. A friend of mine worked on a movie with some of the most popular actors of the time. He got me a copy of the DVD and had a few of the stars sign it. I thanked him, but hid it in his DVD collection when he went for another beer.
  12. Did you ever sneak out as a teen? My friends and I did, and we would have got a hiding if we were caught. Who knows what hours the parents have to work? Maybe there's just one parent supporting the family.
  13. Add Canada to that list. The illustrious leader campaigned on a platform of "the budget will balance itself". Surprisingly, that hasn't turned out to be the case.
  14. Neither of which will be permitted. Paying off debt is deflationary and Lao Khao brings too much joy. My guess is that it will be limited to staples and will expire after a certain date. Perhaps specific brands and only from specific stores. That's how I'd go about it if world domination was my plan. Other countries will watch this very closely so they can perfect the control mechanisms over their own populaces.
  15. What a weird post. I didn't think the weed here was that good.
  16. Are you up in the mountains? I'm still learning about the different regions of the country and how cool they get during this season.
  17. What a beautiful photo ! Soon we'll see the Thais riding around in their down jackets, a sight that always makes me smile. Such a great time of year to be here.
  18. Climate lockdowns for the peasants in 3..2..1
  19. I worked with a man from Donbas, one from Odessa, one from Belarus, and another one from Russia itself. They got along just fine and all spoke Russian to each other whenever Canadians weren't in the room. They explained, in simple terms, what was going on back in 2014 when this stuff started to kick off, and none of them were happy about it. The poor guy from Donbas was very stressed out about his mother being back there. He managed to get her to Canada. The one thing they all told me is that the situation was very complex and they couldn't explain it to me with the nuance required to properly understand the background of it. Why did they talk to me about it? Because I asked with an open mind and genuine empathy for all four of them.
  20. Excellent post. The reason it will be a "digital wallet" is so that the government can dictate what the money is spent on, where the money is spent, and whom the true beneficiaries of this largess will be. Not only will the money end up directly in the hands of the largest corporations/best friends of the government, it will also decimate the competition those corporations now face. 10k baht might not go far in Pattaya, but it buys a lot of rice and som tam fixings, which could starve non favoured businesses of income for long enough to bankrupt them. Another point is that the debt will never be repaid. It will start as MMT and carry on until the Great Reset and transition to CBDCs is completed. This new tax interpretation could be a piece of the puzzle.
  21. When the trucker protest in Ottawa was broken up it was done by mercenaries who were flown in for the task. Here the Thai rak Thai thing is real, but the locals are just vermin to the Chinese. Farangs are even less than that, Gweilo filth. There could be club weilding commies on Walking Street.
  22. It's fun to watch people react to every test balloon the Thai government sends up. Proposals don't have to make sense or be a workable solution, it just has to appear that something is being done. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MdhmuOl5FHA
  23. And of Hongcouver. They've got their agents all over Canada to strong-arm Chinese citizens.
  24. An Aussie YouTuber checked prices in cities near Pattaya and found huge price differences in the bigger and more expensive scooters. I think the difference was 20k baht on a Forsa 350. Good Vibes Pattaya is the channel. Sorry, I don't have time to find a link. Edit to add: There was no haggling. The profit is made on the financing, not the sale. I've been informed that there isn't even a commission on cash sales.
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