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Everything posted by Bobthegimp

  1. But do they wash their chooch? Not all of them do, and many smell like a public ward at low tide.
  2. I wish somebody made that clear to the local priest when I was a kid. It was a free for all for Father Flanagan.
  3. Yes, but they're godless heathens who celebrate in their own fashion. It's hardly fitting for a Westerner to pass the occasion in such a turpid manner.
  4. Have you eaten in that place? And smoke your dope?
  5. Hardly surprising. It's as farcical as the tax law fiasco.
  6. Only the suckers back home believe the "Russia is bankrupt" tripe. Go to any establishment that serves Russians and you'll see that they pay a lot more than we do for just about everything. Enjoy the show!
  7. Holy forcible sodomy! Hope you got a reach around. The agent I used was 12.5k including the bank deposit, or 8k without. Did the shuffle on a Thursday afternoon and had my passport back the following Monday.
  8. This may well be true, but the truth in this instance is far more mundane. Lack of demand and high overhead.
  9. I read that the sale of bud is soon to be outlawed. Weed isn't my thing but I've got nothing against it and sure don't want to see it taken away from those who do enjoy it. Does it look like things will go the medical marijuana/hundreds of weed doctors/ too much to regulate - so legalize route that happened back home? If so, perhaps it will be expedited here due to the experience in Western countries. Good luck to all of you weed guys.
  10. Once again, it isn't about how much is sent annually, it's about sending 65k or more every month. Have as much money working as possible and bring over what is needed, as is needed. I don't hold anything against people who use the 800k/400k dead money method, I just don't see the benefit of it. Who knows, maybe one day hell will freeze over and the visa agents will be shut down and frog marched off to jail as is often predicted on this forum. I'll raise a glass in their memory, then join the dead money club.
  11. The post is either deliberately misleading or someone doesn't understand the rules at all. Nobody who lives here could be this obtuse. You're pretending that you can spend the 800k in your bank account when the rules about maintaining a balance are quite onerous. Sending 800k per year isn't what's stipulated in the rules, the minimum is 65k/month and that doesn't work for one's first extension. Jomtien doesn't accept income letters from embassies who still provide them, even though it's the law of the land. I have no experience with other offices. Why would one invest the money in a taxable account when tax free options are available? The Americans have the Roth IRA and Canadians have the TFSA. Other Western countries probably have similar options. My recent 1 year extension via an agent was 12,500 baht. The 26k posted in the above quote is just for the initial 3 month non o plus the 12 month retirement extention. Once again, a very misleading post. Not an outright lie, but a neophyte would easily be confused by such a misdirection. Why do people who leave 800k in a dead account post misleading information about using agents?
  12. https://www.canada.ca/en/department-finance/programs/tax-policy/tax-treaties/country/thailand-convention-1984.html Article 18 deals with pensions. I've attached a screen shot of the first section.
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  13. Do you understand the nature of the conflict or the origins of it? Read about Minsk Accords 1 and 2, then try to ascertain what the origin of this conflict was. Look up Merkel's remarks about how the Accords were negotiated in bad faith by the West to maneuver against Russia. The information is all out there for those who care enough to seek the truth. The rest, from both sides, is pure propaganda. The U.S. has been a very nasty nation, right in there with their peg boys, the British. Canada, my home country, is just as nasty but too weak to do anything more than squawk their approval at whatever the big boys tell them to.
  14. We were flirting. The other girl checking passports became enraged and must have reported her coworker. They brought the angry one down to the plane and she pointed at me and began jibbering to the army dude. I was irritated and asked if this was about flirting with a girl, and shook my head. Things could have taken a turn for the worse for me, thankfully they didn't. Never again. I'm from Vancouver, where there's a surplus of Chinese who hate white people. No need to travel to such a polluted hell hole for that kind of treatment. We disembarked onto the open tarmac and every person in front of me wretched as they exited the plane. I was bemused until it was my turn and I had the same response. The air was too foul to imagine. I pitted the poor souls who had to breathe it on a daily basis. No wonder they're ramming themselves into Canada and swarm attractions like Lake Louise.
  15. With our current government firmly in China's pocket we should be given Chinese passports. I'd rather be clubbed over the head than set foot in China again. I transited through Shanghai a few years ago and got hauled off the plane by some guy in a military uniform. My crime? Joking with the girl who checked out passports before boarding the plane. The clown held the plane for 10 minutes with me on the ramp, and never said a word. I was put back on the plane and everyone was staring at me as though I had a kilo of China White shoved up my colon.
  16. Yep, there's even a meme for that. The first picture is that of George Floyd. Perhaps there's an updated meme that depicts the Middle East. Every single issue is extremely divisive, purely by accident I'm sure.
  17. This should be pinned at the top of every covid thread so that the mask and needle brigade can be kept in check and brought back to reality. All too often they outsource any critical thinking to "fact checkers" with a political agenda. My agenda is very simple: autonomy.
  18. In Thailand a femme is called a "dee". There seems to be a phase that some young women go through where they take up with a tom for a while, then move back to men after a few months. A few years ago I saw a tom and dee in high school uniforms coming out of a short time hotel.
  19. Nirun condo?
  20. Maybe the mods can move this to the gay section.
  21. Aussie cops are licking their chops at the prospect of being able to bash maskless grannies out for a stroll in the park. The cops' families must be very proud.
  22. Is the final product superior? It appears that the plants have higher yields, but they may also be more susceptible to diseases and require greater quantities of nitrogen to maintain those yields. Fertilizer has become very expensive over the last few years, so that's also a factor.
  23. Your post reminded me of the memes going around on my side of the fence during the time. The Covidians stripped us of our most basic rights, but they gave us some great memes. Remember this one?
  24. My God, how am I still alive? A coworker of mine was a beekeeper and occasionally gave me honeycomb from one of his hives. It was delicious spread on crisp toast or eaten with a spoon. Now I find out that the bastard was trying to kill me.
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