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bob smith

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Everything posted by bob smith

  1. just look at that list haha. all underdeveloped, struggling economys. No wonder if nobody is ever at work!!
  2. does the government realize that there are only 365 days in a year? seems every year they keep adding more holidays for the already (in my opinion) lazy populace. how can the thai economy grow if you keep giving its workforce holidays for this and that?? just today they are talking about announcing another 2 days off in november for some meeting or summit or whatever. it's getting beyond a joke now. make them work overtime instead of handing out holidays like birthday presents, Thailand will get seriously left behind otherwiSE! Japan, Vietnam, Singapore will leave them for dust soon enough!
  3. you are even dumber for answering it! bore off with your negative tosh.
  4. even the triple XL size out here is tight as hell on me. whats the deal? where are all the clothes that actually fit us foreigners??
  5. im sure you could bar fine a girl and take her wit you? not sure how much the fine would be tho, could be quite high
  6. you can get food and shelter on a desert island. for sex i will take my so called blow up doll along. ding dong, sweet leaf
  7. what do the locals think about some random farang mooching about around there? i mean no offence sir, bu do they welcome you with open arms? or do they look at yu funny?
  8. is it that time? with the state of the world now, wars, economy, disease etc etc is it time to move to a deserted island to escape all the madness?? during my time on Koh Changy it got me seriously thinking about it. the world has truly gone mad and it seems a legitimate means of escaping he chaos. anyone else feel the same? and btw, now im using a PC to type this and not my phone. i made lots spelling mistakes before due to my fat fingers so apologies.
  9. not a blemish on either. ches xray was clear, liver function that of a 19 year old. celebrting with a joint and champagne now
  10. Who should i go see then the witch doctor? She was very thorough and reasonable price. Im good to go and tojight will be celebratig with more champagne cocktails on my 5 star balcony living my 5 star life. Sweet leaf bro, life is what you make it!
  11. thank you sheryl. I went to the doctor last night who informed me it was back strain due to rigorous exercise last few days/weeks. blood tests, ecg, blood pressure all normal,. i tell her how much I drink and she said it shouldnt be a problem, go figure lol
  12. so nice bro. enjoy your evening
  13. I love you brother Bryan, smoke a bowl dude, chill your heels and keep it real
  14. come on guys keep it all lovey dovey sweet leaf bros. no malice, smoke a chalice
  15. shes having dinner. whas yo problem shmuck> ?
  16. i say do it then. Russia & china's barks are worse than their bites. Just look at the crappy tech they both produce. russia and china waepons wouldnt stand chqnce against natos.
  17. what are you talking about?? where is your proof?
  18. i met a woman in a bar last week. we are happy happy sweet leaf now bro
  19. i thik it definitely muscle related. as i got up from the toilet just then i had a very stingin pain right accros my right chest diagphram when twisted.
  20. i feeling like my heart stop for 2 seconds. it makes me have cold sweat and feel bit sickly but them i am fine. its very strange feel
  21. accordi n to google self test ecg 99,8 percent accurates.
  22. come on now. wold i still be here typing away if I was having a heart attack? surey i would be on the ground by now? since 3am this morning
  23. waking upy this i mornig after a few days of strenous mornig exercis with sever chest pain. also had heart palipitations after coffe. i perform self ecg and everything seems normal. i also have some back pain that is radiating to diaphragmm. any ideas what this could be? i do not smoke but im heavy drinking
  24. Thai womans is the best womans. They got dat sugar cube honey sweet leaf brothers no doubt
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