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Everything posted by Gknrd

  1. Well with China and North Korea's help they should get there no problem.
  2. Reminds me of the guy that was water sking and went under the water. Almost drowned because he did not let go of the rope...
  3. Affluent foreigners want to be able to breath the air where they live... hahaha Thailand is a joke , and continues to push out this dribble so a few people will bite that know nothing of Thailand. Next year rinse and repeat.
  4. Hard to believe the changes. Not long ago I could go to a Thai bank and bring in thousands of dollars free, No 800K in the bank to get the yearly retirement. Got to feel for anyone that actually fell for the scams in Thailand. Government is just as bad as most gold digging women in LOS's A joke... As the guys are forced out it is going to put a real hardship on the good Thai women there. Instead of being so greedy they should of grandfathered in the old timers.
  5. I don't see how anyone can live there. Especially older retiree's.
  6. Don't worry Thailand your motherland has not forgotten you. You are squarely in their sights.
  7. I just did a week of plane travel. I must say I like it. Very fast and easy.
  8. Personally I don't believe it, if they ever pay out it would be for a low amount for the publicity only. Better odds of Taksin serving his 10 years than for these company's to pay out.
  9. This guy is going full bore. A criminal just a few months ago with 10 years in prison. Now, basically campaining. At this speed he will be undisputed ruler of the world by next Christmas.. haha
  10. When I was living there holidays in Thailand were the days I hibernated. The truck stayed parked.
  11. If you can breath the air in Japan it has Thailand beat hands down.
  12. This guy loves the attention and the lime light. Like turning a fox loose in the hen house.
  13. If I was there I would definitely be banking some Baht. Dollar is predicted to be crazy strong for the foreseeable future. Take advantage of it if you can.
  14. Dollar is strong all over the world. I am in Colombia again as of three days ago. 4380 I think was my exchange rate. Last time here it got down as low as 3800 I believe. I am loving it. If in Thailand it is time to buy and bank the Baht.
  15. I always remember a friend of mine there. He had a comb over, and very little hair. He would go to the salon every week or two to get it colored jet black.. haha. A jet black comb over. And he was in his early 80's back then.
  16. Looks like a photo advertising "jet black hair coloring" for senior citizens.
  17. Sounds like it is turning into downtown Chicago. Russian gangsters, Hells Angles. Police shake downs. 1920's US gang wars are coming next. But, after passing through there a couple of years ago. I don't which is worse. The Russian mafia or the Chinese tour groups... haha
  18. Notice how he is front and center in the photos now.
  19. Let:s see, gloom and doom vs. unbreathable air and dying years before your time. Sounds like they need to do a little research before making a big move.
  20. Ahhh, their annual out put of BS and nonsense. I imagine real 1-2 week tourists from the West would spend twice that much. But, of course western tourists with any sense bypass Thailand. Let's see them suck that out of their brothers from China. The tourists from China now are staying home or eating 7-11 noodles when they get to Thailand. China:s economy is doing so bad they are starting to promote tourism.... What a joke ...
  21. Reminds me of driving into Pattaya one day. Two police were on the side of the road so drunk it was dangerous. Waving over cars and no conversation except. 200baht... Line of cars with bills hanging out the windows ... barely stopped... hahaha. About 10 years ago now.
  22. Used to go to the parks with my Chinese friend. He could not speak a word of Thai. Where I could speak some Thai.. They looked at me and charged me the foreign rate, looked at him and charged him the Thai rate. He used to tease me all the time about it.
  23. I lived through that mess for a few years. Not worth it .
  24. I have a friend that works in the department of fraud and he said they just set up a special unit of over 100 people looking into the company's set up to buy property with a foreigner involved. Mostly going after home ownership only. They are predicting over 100 billion gain after completing the audit. Of course this is just made up by me... hahaha About like this article..
  25. I say let them go down the toilet with China. Thailand made their bed. lie in it.
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