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Everything posted by Gknrd

  1. Same hog wash as every year, as the old and young choke to death in the LOS's
  2. I come back all the time. Never been to Canada. Doesn't change anything. Definitely would never live there again. Like the perks, but never bought into the LOS's nirvana. And have a very nice home in my country I have kept all these years. I live in a very rich and nice suburb by the way. You want to support Thailand? Best of luck to ya. Not me. I don't let feelings come into my financial decisions. Looking at Thailand as a retirement destination is laughable. Really I guess it is a question of where you are from. I mean allot of countries make Thailand look like paradise I guess. If from one of those countries a sewer would seem like paradise.
  3. Ever changing retirement rules of Thailand, definitely where I want to spend my last days... Sitting on forums trying to figure out what is going on and the daily changes...
  4. Hard to believe the Chinese will pay those prices. Must be a lot of rich Chinese heading south.
  5. Doesn't take long after the banks fleece ya for the 800K, the 90 day reports, government taxing you retirement income, yearly renewals, to make the LOS's quite bit less attractive for your retirement home. I bet the number of guys that actually end up staying is getting pretty slim.
  6. Give ma all ya money or get out of Thailand... They have been chipping away at this for years.
  7. Goes both ways, they want the money and we want to live here. Really I don't see a problem. The Thai's have a whole culture dedicated to foreigners. Kind of f stupid topic IMO.
  8. And the undercover officer that investigated this is in a nursing home. He looks to be at least 90 years old. Although his resume says 35. When asked he said he never worked so hard in all his life. Oddly, with a satisfied and content look on his face. Stating he would gladly do it again to help Thailand.
  9. Personally with a son of that age I would think education would be priority #1. Then the couple could move after that. I am not sure but I would imagine the educational system is better in Oz.
  10. I always get a chuckle out of these Tourism adds. I get them pushed to me daily. I am going tit's up in the US, selling everything and moving to the LOS's... Hahahahaha. Sucker born every day, and the internet drivel from Thailand is pushing hard.
  11. I'm a tea totter, not even a beer. But, if folks want to drink, and want variety then I think it is their decision. I know in the US there are all kind of small brewerers that make beer, and allot of beer enthusiasts love these places. Same with wine here.
  12. Yes I know of that case. And another in NY I think. But, the US is huge compared to Thailand and I have read two such cases in the last couple of weeks.
  13. Yes, best to play by the rules when you get old, and need more income and support. No need to play Russian roulette with your pension if from the UK, or other countries that do this. I am an expat nomad kinda of. I spend 6 months a year minimum out. Personally all of these countries like Thailand start to get on my nerves after a few months. Great at first and I love to explore, but then after the new wears off it is not all that. And, I am ready to go home for some peace and quiet. My country does not cut my pension if living abroad, but I would never in a million years call Thailand a retirement heaven. I learned a long time ago to play by the rules.
  14. That is been going on for ever, why retire there if you loose? Best to make it seem like you live in the UK I would think. Surely there are ways around it.
  15. Not sure owning a condo in Thailand is where I would want to spend my last years. But, to each his own.
  16. And I smell a scam in there somewhere. Is this the big one? When it is to good to be true it is called a scam.
  17. Why do I only hear of this in Thailand? This is strange. So you can go to Thailand, get a dog and train it to kill. Then have it attack someone you don't like. It kills them, and all that happens is you are sorry and cannot handle the dog. Wow.
  18. I heard the 480K was just the beginning. They have found another 300 baht for other various crimes.
  19. Agree with all the others. Fox in the hen house. Question is what is the next scam. And how many billions of dollars it will cost Thailand to top off the Taksin coffer.
  20. Haha, one for you one for me.. Just waiting for the for the next scheme to hatch and the suitcases filled with cash heading off " Leaving on a jet plane, don't know when I will be back again".
  21. KK, bus station #3. What a joke.
  22. No, I wrote it to show how smart the Thai's are. And how most smart westerners have left if possible. Or really just laugh, when they see all the rules and nonsense of living there.
  23. Most expats saw Thailand's retirement dream fading years ago and have left already. These are just last minute efforts to get rid of the rest of the Western expats. Nothing new. Just fleecing the remainder of the hanger oner's. You want our unbreathable air, poluted beaches, and city's. Pay the entrance fee , then as soon as you discover paradise is a scam it is to late.. LOL. They have your money and are laughing all the way to the bank. problem is the western men to be scammed is endless. Even with all the book from years ago to the endless internet folks warning against falling for the scams it seems to be on deaf ears.
  24. The PM's new and updated policy and the 10 steps. 1. One for you One for me. 2. One for you Two for me. 3. One for you Three for me. 4 One for you Four for me. 5. One for you Five for me. 6. One for you Six for me. 7. One for you Seven for me. 8. One for you Eight for me. 9. One for you Nine for me. 10. One for you Ten for me. And a one way ticket to Hong Kong.
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